31 Clear Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You (2025)

You finally meet your twin flame and can’t stop thinking about them.

However, you can’t stop wondering if your twin flame is also thinking about you. What are the signs your twin flame is thinking of you?

Well, signs of your twin flame thinking of you are everywhere. You just need to know where to look. Today’s article will help you identify 31 of these signs. .

Here’s what you’ll learn.

Let’s get right into it. 

Key Takeaways

  • A twin flame is part of your soul family. In fact, it is believed you share the same soul. As such, twin flame relationships are among the most special in life.
  • You’ll often feel physical clues that your twin flame is thinking of you, such as goosebumps or a gut feeling.
  • You’ll also often feel intense bursts of happiness during these moments.

Who Is A Twin Flame Connection?

Also called a mirror soul, a twin flame is a divine counterpart. They are your other half, made just for you in the spirit world.

It’s believed that your soul was split into two parts when you were created. Your twin flame got one part, and you got the other part. In short, you and your twin flame are two parts of the same whole.

As a result, you share an intense connection with your twin flame. When you meet your twin flame, it’s like coming home. You feel an instant and deep connection with this person.

But this doesn’t mean the relationship will always be easy. 

A twin flame relationship is the most challenging yet most rewarding relationship you can have. 

You will experience both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. 

This is because a twin flame relationship forces you to face your deepest fears and insecurities. It’s only through facing these fears that you can grow and become the best version of yourself.

Signs Your Twin Flame is Thinking of You

Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You

#1. You Get a Sudden Explosion of Energy in Your Heart Area

You’ve probably felt it before. 

Your heart starts beating really fast for no reason. No matter what you try to do, nothing can calm it. Deep breaths, positive affirmations, and even meditation don’t seem to work. 

This sudden explosion of energy is one of the signs your twin flame is thinking of you. 

When you’re apart from your twin flame, your energy bodies are also apart. However, you’re still connected to each other on a soul level. 

As a result, when your twin flame thinks of you, they send you a burst of energy. This energy is received by your heart chakra. 

That’s why you suddenly feel an explosion of energy in your heart area when your twin flame is thinking of you. 

#2. You See Your Twin Flame In Your Dreams

Another sign your twin flame is thinking of you is if you start seeing them in your dreams.

In most instances, they are sweet dreams that keep recurring. It’s as if your subconscious is trying to send you a message.

Sometimes, these dreams also tend to take a more erotic nature. This is because the sexual connection between you and your twin flame is very strong.

And here’s where it gets a bit weird!

Some twin flames have even reported seeing each other in their dreams before they’ve met in person.

#3. You Suddenly Get Goosebumps

Do you ever get sudden goosebumps for no apparent reason?

If so, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

These sudden goosebumps are caused by the energy sent to you by your twin flame. When they think of you, they send you a surge of energy, which may manifest as goosebumps.

Besides goosebumps, you may also experience chills, a twitch in your eye, or lightheadedness.

Signs your twin flame is thinking of you
Image by physicsgirl from Pixabay

#4. You Find Yourself Smiling For No Reason

Another sign your twin flame is thinking of you is if you find yourself smiling for no reason.

When they think of you, it brings a smile to their face. Since you share the same energy frequency as your twin flame, the positive emotions he experiences when thinking about you are also transmitted to you.

As a result, you may find yourself smiling for no reason.

#5. You Feel the Urge to Call or Text Them

When your twin flame thinks of you, you may suddenly feel the urge to call or text them.

This is because they are sending you a telepathic message, urging you to reach out to them. In most cases, this urge is so strong that you can’t resist it. You have to reach out and contact your twin flame.

And it’s not only an urge to call them. Sometimes, this urge extends to wanting to see them in person.

Related: Does Everyone Have A Twin Flame? Signs You Met Yours

#6. You Feel As If Your Twin Flame Is Next To You

When your twin flame thinks of you, it’s common to feel as if they are right next to you.

This is because their energy is sent to you when they think of you. And since you share the same energy frequency as your twin flame, it’s easy for their energy to affect you.

As a result, you may feel as if your twin flame is next to you when they are actually far away.

You may also feel like someone is touching your skin or hair or watching you. This is their energy trying to manifest itself physically.

#7. You Also Can’t Stop Thinking About Them

Have you ever thought about calling somebody, then suddenly they call you? Or have you ever had a dream about somebody, then suddenly they text you?

If so, you’ve experienced what it’s like when your thoughts are in sync with someone else’s.

And this is often the case with twin flames. When one twin flame thinks of the other, the other also starts thinking of them.

It’s as if your thoughts are in sync with each other. And this is because you share the same energy frequency.

As a result, you may find yourself thinking about your twin flame all the time. You may also wonder what they’re doing, who they’re with, and when you’ll see them again.

#8. You Experience A Strange Feeling In Your Stomach

Another sign your twin flame is thinking of you is if you start to experience a strange feeling in your stomach.

This feeling can manifest as butterflies or knots. It’s that anxious feeling you get when you’re about to do something important or nerve-wracking.

However, this feeling is also a sign of joy.

When your twin flame experiences joy after thinking of you, this same energy is transmitted to you. And since you share the same energy frequency as your twin flame, it’s easy for their emotions to affect you.

As a result, you may start to experience butterflies or knots in your stomach when your twin flame is thinking of you.

#9. You Find A White Feather

Have you ever found a white feather at a random place?

If so, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

White feathers are often seen as a sign of hope and new beginnings. They may also represent purity, love, and protection.

So, it’s not surprising that finding a white feather is one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

Whenever you find a white feather, know it’s your twin flame’s way of sending you love and protection. This white feather also symbolizes that your twin flame misses you and is thinking about you.

So, If you ever find a white feather, keep it close to you as a reminder that your twin flame is thinking of you.

Signs your twin flame is thinking of you
Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

#10. A Psychic Tells You

Psychics can often pick up on signs that your twin flame is thinking of you. And they can also give you messages from your twin flame.

Psychics can do this because they are attuned to the spiritual realm. And in the spiritual realm, twin flames are always connected. So, if you ever visit a psychic and they tell you that your twin flame is thinking of you, know that it’s true.

#11. You Experience Thrilling Body Sensations

When your twin flame thinks of you, it’s common to experience thrilling body sensations.

These body sensations can manifest as an intense feeling of warmth or coldness in the body, tingling sensation, or chills. You may also feel a sudden rush of energy or heat throughout your body.

These thrilling body sensations are caused by your twin flame’s energy interacting with your own. And since you share the same energy frequency, it’s easy for their energy to affect you.

As a result, you may start to experience thrilling body sensations when your twin flame is thinking about you.

#12. You Hear Their Voice In Your Head

Have you been hearing a specific voice in your head? Someone calling your name or saying things like “I love you” or “I miss you”?

If so, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

When your twin flame thinks of you, they often send you thoughts and messages through your mind.

And since you share the same energy frequency, it’s easy for their thoughts to enter your mind. As a result, you may hear your twin flame’s voice in your head when they’re thinking about you.

#13. Your Twin Flame Reaches Out To You

Another noticeable sign your twin flame is thinking of you is if they reach out to you.

This can be a phone call, text message, email, or even a social media message.

If you suddenly hear from your twin flame out of the blue, know that it’s because they were thinking about you and felt compelled to reach out.

It’s as simple as that.

Signs your twin flame is thinking of you
Photo by Caroline Veronez from Pexels

#14. You Find Yourself Smiling For No Reason

Do you find yourself suddenly smiling for no apparent reason?

Well, it’s either you’ve won the lottery, or your twin flame is thinking about you.

More likely, it’s the latter.

When your twin flame thinks of you, they send you happy energy. And since you share the same energy frequency, this joyful energy can affect you.

As a result, you may find yourself smiling for no reason when your twin flame is thinking of you.

#15. You Get An Itchy Nose

In some cultures, an itchy nose indicates that someone is thinking of you.

So, if you’ve noticed that your nose has been itching more than usual, it’s one of the signs that your twin flame is thinking about you.

The same goes for sneezing. If you sneeze more than usual despite not having a cold or allergies, it’s another sign that your twin flame is thinking of you.

Sneezing is the body’s way of releasing built-up energy. And since your twin flame’s energy can affect you, their energy may cause you to sneeze.

Getting tripped often is another way of the body releasing energy. So, if you’ve been tripping more than usual, it’s yet another sign your twin flame is thinking about you.

#16. Your Gut Feeling Tells You

What does your gut tell you?

Your gut is your second brain. This second brain is usually more in tuned with the spiritual realm than your physical brain. As a result, your gut can often give you signs and messages from the spiritual realm.

And one of those signs is if your twin flame is thinking about you.

If you get a sudden feeling in your gut that tells you your twin flame is thinking of you, trust that feeling.

Chances are, your gut is right.

#17. You Experience Intense Emotions That Don’t Feel Like Yours.

Do you feel intense emotions that don’t feel like your own?

For example, do you suddenly feel stressed or anxious for no apparent reason? Or do you find yourself feeling uneasy or distracted?

If so, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

When your twin flame is thinking about you, they often send you their own emotions and feelings.

And since you share the same energy frequency, it’s easy for their emotions to affect you.

As a result, you may feel intense emotions that don’t feel like your own when your twin flame thinks of you.

#18. Synchronized Experiences Start To Present Themselves

When your twin flame thinks about you, they often send you signs and messages.

One of the ways they do this is by syncing up your experiences.

For example, you may suddenly hear a song you both love when you walk past a cafe you love. Or you may start seeing signs and symbols related to your twin flame everywhere you go.

These synchronized experiences are signs that your twin flame is thinking of you and trying to send you a message.

#19. You Suddenly Become Passionate About New Things

Thoughts aren’t the only thing that travels via that twin flame energy bridge. 

Emotions and desires can travel through it too. 

So, if you find yourself becoming passionate about new things all of a sudden, know that it’s because your twin flame is thinking about you. 

Your twin flame’s passions can often become your own when they’re thinking of you. As a result, you may find yourself wanting to try new things or feeling more passionate about things that you’re already interested in. 

#20. You Feel a Metaphysical Touch

Have you ever felt like someone was touching you even though no one was there? If so, then you’ve experienced a metaphysical touch.

A metaphysical touch is when your twin flame touches you on a spiritual level. It’s their way of comforting you and letting you know they are thinking of you.

If you’ve been feeling like someone has been touching you even though there was no one there, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

#21. You Feel Loved and Protected

Have you recently felt overwhelming peace, comfort, and a sense of safety?

If so, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

When your twin flame thinks about you, they send you their love and light. And this can often make you feel loved, protected, and at peace.

Despite the distance, your twin soul will always cause you heartwarming sensations whenever they think of you.

Signs your twin flame is thinking about you
Image by Omar Medina from Pixabay

Here are 10 more signs that your twin flame is thinking of you:

  1. You Notice Repeating Numbers or Symbols
  2. You Receive a Gift or Unexpected Act of Kindness
  3. You Feel a Warm or Tingling Sensation in Your Body
  4. You Suddenly Feel an Overwhelming Sense of Peace
  5. You Experience Vivid Memories or Flashbacks
  6. You Hear a Song That Reminds You of Them
  7. You Smell Their Perfume or Cologne
  8. You Have a Lucid Dream About Them
  9. You See a Sign Related to Your Twin Flame’s Name or Favorite Place
  10. You Feel a Shift in Energy or Vibration in Your Surroundings

Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You: FAQ

what are some signs your twin flame is thinking of you and misses you?

If you’ve met your twin flame before and you notice the signs listed in this guide, there’s a great chance they miss you.

how do you know if your twin flame is constantly thinking about you?

If you’re experiencing the signs listed in this guide constantly, that’s probably because your twin flame is thinking about you all the time.

can you feel your twin flame thinking about you?

Yes, you can physically feel a lot of the most common signs that your twin flame is thinking about you. The more in tune you are with your body, the easier it will be to feel these differences.

physical signs your twin flame is thinking of you

Goosebumps, a gut feeling or a tingling in your skin are among the most common physical signs your twin flame is thinking about you.

signs my twin flame is thinking about me

Everyone receives individual signs that their twin flame is thinking about them. The list above includes the most common signs. The more of these signs you experience, the more likely that your twin flame is indeed thinking about you.

how to know twin flame is thinking of you

Have you met your twin flame before? Do you have their contact details? If so, you can always get in touch and re-establish a connection. If not, you’ll need to be patient and see what happens in your life.

what does it feel like when your twin flame is thinking about you?

It’s a unique experience to feel that your twin flame is thinking about you. The most common sensations are listed above, but perhaps your alert will feel different.

Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You Sexually

While manifestations might differ among people, some of the most common signs that your twin flame is thinking about you sexually include:

  • You have erotic dreams about your twin flame
  • You feel the need to see them
  • You experience warmth in the heart chakra area
  • You feel an intense desire to be close to them
  • You feel tingling in your body

How Do I Know If My Twin Flame Misses Me?

A few signs can indicate whether your twin flame misses you. Some of these signs include:

  • You feel a deep longing for them
  • You have dreams about them
  • You see signs and symbols related to them
  • You feel their presence around you
  • You feel a deep connection to them

Do Twin Flames Think About Each Other All the Time?

No, twin flames don’t think about each other all the time. It’s normal for twin flames to go through periods of thinking about each other a lot, followed by periods of not thinking about each other as much.

This is because twin flames are connected on a soul level, and theis soul connection ebbs and flows like any other relationship.

What Are the Signs That Your Twin Flame is Ready to Reconnect?

If you’re wondering whether your twin flame is ready to reconnect, here are a few signs to look out for:

  • You feel a deep longing for them
  • You have signs and synchronicities related to them
  • You feel their presence around you
  • You feel a deep connection to them
  • You have dreams about them

To learn more about the signs of whether a twin flame is ready to connect, check out our article on twin flame reunion.

What is a Twin Flame Telepathic Relationship?

Some twin flame connections will have what’s known as a twin flame telepathic relationship. This is when the twin flames can communicate with each other on a telepathic level.

Such a relationship entails both people feeling each other emotions, thoughts, and energies. If you’re still starting your journey of twin flame telepathy may not happen for you. However, once your twin flame bond strengthens it’s possible to develop a telepathic relationship your twin soul. 

Trust Your Intuition

There you go.

Of course, it’s important to remember that these signs are just a guide. The best way to know if your twin flame is thinking about you is to trust your intuition and listen to what your heart is telling you.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
