120+ Goals for 2025 And How to Set Them in a SMART Way

What would you like to accomplish in 2025?

Are you familiar with the issue of setting goals at the beginning of each year and then not following through?

Most people call them New Year’s Resolutions and it’s well-known that not many of them stick. Maybe your goals over the past year didn’t either.

In this post, we’ll go through 120+ examples of goals you can set in 2025, plus how to actually follow through on them.

Additionally, I teach you (video below) a self-coaching strategy that helped 1000 of my clients to finally follow through and reach their goals.

With this blueprint, you’ll crush your goals and make [2024] your best year ever!

Let’s dive right into it.

Why You Should Set Goals 2025

Goal setting is an important part of personal development. It involves weighing up where you’d like to improve over the past year, then setting milestone to help you get there.

Do that every year and you’ll slowly build your dream life!

Goal setting allows you increased clarity on what you want in life. It helps to challenge you to accomplish more success in your life.

Setting goals also helps to increase and align your focus to things that matter. With well-set goals, you don’t just walk-through life aimlessly.

Other reasons you should set goals include:

  • Improved decision making since you already know what you want
  • Act as motivation
  • Allows you to stay focused and take control of your future
  • Gives you a sense of purpose in life

Essential Guidelines to Setting Goals 2025

  • Think about your lifetime goals. Understand what you want to achieve in your life. Set goals to progress to that point.
  • Set SMART Goals. This means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound. It’s a common goal-setting technique explained in more depth at the bottom of this article.   
  • Write them down. A goal not written down is just a dream.
  • Divide your goals into small milestones. This makes them seem more achievable.
  • Think about the why.  A concrete reason for setting your goal allows you to stay motivated.
Goals For Next Year and How To Set Them In A Smart Way

120+ Goals for 2025

Personal Goals For 2025

One of the first areas in life where you should focus your goal-setting is your personal life. What personal growth goals do you want to achieve?

To help you out, here are a few examples of personal goals you can set for yourself in 2025.

#1. Wake Up Early

Waking up early allows you more time to get things done. It also gives you more time to yourself and could also promote better sleep.

An example of a smart goal for waking up early could be, “In 2025, I will wake up at 6 am for at least six days a week.

Wondering how to achieve this goal? Check out this article on tips for waking up early.

#2. Have a Morning Routine

If you’re going to wake up early in 2025, it’s best to have a set routine to help guide your mornings.

Having a morning routine increases your chances of having a great and productive day.

An example of a smart goal for a morning routine could be, “In 2025, I will have a five-day morning routine that includes exercise, meditation, and learning something new.”

#3. Spend More Time in Nature

However, spending more time outside has countless benefits for both your health and well-being.

So, if you want to take better care of yourself in 2025, make sure to set goals related to spending more time outdoors.

An example of a smart goal that you can set to ensure you spend time in nature could be, “In 2025, I will spend at least one hour every day in nature. This could be taking a walk in the park or a weekend hike.

#4. Speak Up More

One of the hallmarks of great leaders is that they’re not afraid to speak up.

For 2025, set a goal to become more confident when making your point heard in discussions or presentations.

An example of a smart goal that you can set for yourself could be, “In 2025, I will speak up at least one more time every week in business-related discussions.

#5. Travel More

Traveling helps broaden your perspective and allows you to learn about different cultures and traditions.

So, if you want to learn more and broaden your perspective on life, make sure to set a goal for yourself that has something to do with traveling.

An example of a smart goal for traveling could be, “For every three months in 2025, I will take at least one out-of-state trip.

#6. Be More Creative

To be successful, it’s essential to have a creative mind.

This means thinking outside the box and coming up with new ideas to solve problems or take your business in a different direction.

So, for 2025, set a goal for yourself that involves becoming more creative in general. For instance, you could start learning a new language, take up painting, or begin writing your book.

An example of a smart goal for becoming more creative could be, “In 2025, I will take at least one class that challenges my creativity.”

Related: Best Free Printable Goal Charts & Templates

#7. Work on Being More Humble

Having pride in yourself is good, but being too proud can prevent you from reaching your full potential.

So, if you think you have some work to do when it comes to being more humble, make sure to set a goal for yourself that has something to do with this.

An example of a smart goal related to being more humble could be, “In 2025, I will take the time to watch my ego. I will spend time listening to others and will ask and take feedback from other people.

#8. Read More Books

Reading is one of the best ways to develop your skills and grow as a person.

However, many people simply don’t have time to read books.

This is why it’s essential to set reading goals to improve yourself and your life.

An example of a smart goal for this could be, “In 2025, I will read at least one book per month” or “In 2025, I will dedicate at least 30 minutes every day to reading.”

#9. Release the Past

One of the most essential steps in becoming more successful is letting go of the past.

This means cutting out toxic people or relationships that prevent you from being happy or moving on to bigger things. Letting go of past traumas is also key.

For 2025, set a goal for yourself to let go of old grudges and begin living life with a clean slate. This could include setting time aside to seek therapy to help deal with past traumas.

An example of a smart goal to release the past could be, “In 2025, I will approach every person and situation as if it’s brand new.”

#10. Be More Compassionate

Every person who has ever succeeded at anything has empathized with others and felt some empathy for their fellow man. If you want to be more successful in 2025, you need to improve your empathy skills and become more compassionate.

An example of a smart goal for this could be, “In 2025, I will work on listening to my emotions and understanding why I feel the way that I do” or “In 2025, I will practice kindness without people-pleasing, and will be less judgmental of people.

#11. Be More Social

One of the main contributors to a healthy and long life is the availability of a community.

Therefore, one of your personal goals for 2025 should be, being more social. If you spent the last years embracing your introversion, 2025 could be the year to start making new friends and being more social.

An example of a smart goal to be social could be: “In 2025, I will ensure that every week, I meet and converse with at least one new person.” or “In 2025, I will visit at least one social place once a week.”

#12. Develop Resilience and Perseverance

Having the resilience to brush yourself off after a fall is crucial for succeeding in life.

For this reason, you should set a goal for 2025 that involves developing your perseverance and resilience.

An example of a smart goal to develop perseverance could be, “In 2025, I will challenge myself physically by doing something every day that pushes my limits.” or “In 2025, I will not let myself become discouraged by the mistakes I make.

#13. Smile More Often

Smiling naturally will improve your mood and the mood of those around you. For this reason, one personal goal that can help to make you more successful is to smile more often (while still not faking it).

An example of a smart goal related to smiling could be, “In 2025, I will smile at two new people every day.” or “In 2025, I will make a conscious effort to smile more often.”

#14. Declutter Your Home

Having a cluttered home contributes to a lower quality of life. For this reason, you should set a goal for 2025 that involves decluttering your home and keeping it tidy to become a more productive person.

An example of a smart goal related to decluttering could be, “In 2025, I will spend at least one weekend every month purging items that I do not need.”

Career and Business Goals

To progress in your career or grow your business, you need to know what you want and what you’ll do to achieve this. 

By setting clear goals, you’re one step closer to achieving your career dream.

Here are some examples of career goals you could set in 2025.

#15. Share Knowledge

Sharing knowledge is a great example of coaching for leadership development.

By sharing knowledge, you also learn from your co-workers, and it’s also likely to make them more appreciative of you.

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will share skills or knowledge with at least one person every day.

#16. Develop New Skills

To ensure continuous professional growth in 2025 and beyond, it’s essential to develop new skills.

An example of a smart goal involving developing new skills could be, “In 2025, I will start a course or join an organization that will provide opportunities to learn at least one new professional skill every six months.”

#17. Be Known for Something

Many people want to be known for something ‘great,’ but they don’t act.

Don’t be among these people.

Instead, set a goal for 2025 that involves you being known for something.

An example of a good smart goal to ensure you’re known for something could be, “In 2025, I will achieve a work milestone that gets me noticed and recognized by my boss and peers.”

#18. Be the Calming Voice of Reason

When deadlines are fast approaching or opinions are being thrown out everywhere in the office, you want to be the voice of reason that everyone can rely on.

So, set a goal for 2025 that involves becoming this person.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will be the go-to person for settling arguments, resolving conflicts, and diffusing tensions in my office.”

#19. Be Proactive

A successful person is the one who creates or controls situations, rather than always responding to their environment.

Some of the ways you can be more proactive in 2025 include planning, setting goals, as well as taking responsibility for your actions.

An example of a smart goal for being more proactive could be, “In 2025, I will do things that are in my control to help me achieve results or meet goals.

#20. Be a Better Time Manager

If you want to do more things in a day, be more proactive, and experience less stress, it’s essential to become a better time manager.

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will manage my time better by keeping and sticking to a schedule.

goals for 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

#21. Work Towards Proper Work-Life Balance

Working every hour under the sun while sacrificing your personal life will only result in burnout sooner than later.

For this reason, achieving a healthy work-life balance in 2025 should be among your top goals.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will improve my sleep schedule and spend at least one night per week on my interests and to practice self-care.”

#22. Appreciate Your Work More

If you spend every day at the office, you’ll likely lose touch with how much value your work has to offer.

Set a goal for 2025 so this doesn’t happen.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will appreciate my work more by adding more positive energy when working.”

#23. Get a Promotion

Do you want to advance your career and earn more income in the next five years?

Well, if so, getting a promotion in 2025 should be one of your top goals.

Set a goal related to this for 2025.

An example of an excellent smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will earn my next promotion by demonstrating leadership ability at work.”

#24. Speak Up During Meetings

If you’re someone who sits through meetings and doesn’t say a word, it’s time to change that.

An example of a smart goal for this could be, “In 2025, I will speak up during meetings because it allows me to contribute.”

#25. Improve Your Networking Skills

If you want to keep advancing in your career and develop new skills, it’s time to start improving your networking skills in 2025.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will build stronger relationships with my coworkers by engaging them in more conversations.”

#26. Increase Your Salary

What do you plan to accomplish if you have the same job, the same title, and make the same salary in five years?

Change this in 2025. For 2025, set a goal to ask for better pay at your current workplace.  

An example of an excellent smart goal for increasing your salary could be, “In 2025, I will ask for an increase in my salary because it is worth the extra effort.”

#27. Develop Your Teaching Skills

Those who are good at teaching others are the sought-after candidates for leadership positions in companies.

If you set a goal related to developing your teaching skills for 2025, you can expect to advance your career and increase your potential earnings within five years.

An example of an excellent smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will start teaching others what I know because it helps me learn the material better.”

#28. Become a Problem Solver

Do you want to be a leader at work? Then, it’s time to stop complaining and start making suggestions.

In other words, become a problem solver in 2025 because that’s what leaders do.

An example of an excellent smart goal for this could be, “In 2025, I will become a problem solver by offering solutions to issues that are brought up in meetings.”

#29. Improve People Skills

Do you want to advance your career and increase your potential earnings in the next five years?

Well, if so, improving people skills should be one of your top goals.

An example of an excellent smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will improve my people skills by learning how to support others better.”

#30. Volunteer for Leadership Roles

Do you want to be a leader at work? Then, it’s time to stop complaining and start making suggestions.

In other words, volunteer for more leadership roles in 2025.

An example of such a smart goal could include, “In 2025, I will volunteer for a leadership role because it increases my exposure to upper management.”

#31. Always Be on Time

Are you the person who’s always running behind schedule? This might hold you back from advancing your career because leadership positions require punctuality.

So, for this reason, set a goal related to consistently showing up on time in 2025. An example of an excellent smart goal could include, “In 2025, I will always be on time because it betters my professional reputation.”

#32. Have More Energy

Are you constantly tired at work?

Often when we are tired, our efficiency at work goes down, which means that we are less effective overall in everything we do.

So set a goal for 2025 related to having more energy.

An example of an excellent smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will have an abundance of energy throughout the day because it allows me to be more productive.”

#33. Be the Voice for Diversity

Diversity isn’t just about being accepting of people from different backgrounds.

In addition to this, it’s also about being the voice for diversity at work which means that you should be bringing up issues of inequality and unfairness.

So, for 2025, set a goal related to becoming the voice for diversity at your workplace because this can lead to better opportunities.

An example of an excellent smart goal could include, “In 2025, I will advocate for diversity by bringing up issues of inequality and unfairness as they come up.”

Financial Goals

This is perhaps one of the most popular aspects of life when it comes to setting goals.

Everyone wants to achieve financial freedom. So, here are some examples of money goals you can set:

#34. Start Paying Off Student Loans

Student loans can derail your life, which is why you should make paying off such loans a priority.

This is a good goal since it drives you to set other minor goals to achieve this.

For example, while paying your student loans, you may need to read several books on debts and finances. You’ll also need to set the goal of having a monthly budget to ensure you reach your target loan repayment amount.

So, for 2025, set goals to help you pay your student loans. An example of a smart goal related to paying off student loans is, “In 2025, I will allocate at least $500 a month to pay off student debt.”

#35. Build Up Emergency Fund  

If there’s one thing that last year taught us, it is that anything can happen.

This is why building an emergency fund is a worthy goal for 2025. By starting to build your emergency fund, you’ll handle unforeseen life events better than most. 

An example of such an excellent smart goal might include, “In 2025, I will have at least $5000 saved in an emergency fund.”

#36. Be Debt-free

Being debt-free is another great goal because it’s both smart and ambitious.

This is why you’ll need to set several sub-goals that are important to paying off your debt.

For example, you may have a plan of attack that includes selling unwanted items on eBay or Amazon so that the money can go towards paying off your debt.

For 2025, set goals related to being debt-free. An example of a smart goal could include, “In 2025, I will aim to clear debts as it allows me to achieve financial freedom.

#37. Make Payments to Credit Card Debt

Debt stagnates your life. You can’t spend money on the things you want or save money for the future until you get your debt handled.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to making credit card payments could be, “In 2025, I will make $400 monthly payments to my credit card debt until it’s fully paid.

#38. Start Saving More for Retirement

Saving for retirement is something that you should do from a young age.

Most financial advisors recommend that you set aside 15-20 percent of all your income towards retirement.

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will set aside 15-20 percent of my income for my retirement.”

Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

#39. Limit Unnecessary Expenses

If you’re looking to achieve financial freedom, you’ll first have to cut off unnecessary expenses.

Limiting unnecessary expenses will also help you save more for your retirement and money to pay off debts.

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will reduce unnecessary expenses by 30 percent.”

#40. Set Savings Goal for Vacation

Another good goal is to set one related to saving up for a vacation.

For example, one smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will have saved $4000 for an annual vacation.”

#41. Save up to Buy a House

Another great goal is to start saving to buy a house in the future.

This will take some time but setting this as your goal will motivate you to start saving more than usual.

For example, one smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will start saving at least $500 for a house down payment.”

#42. Start Investing

For example, one smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will open a low-index investment account and start investing at least $100 per month.”

#43. Build Multiple Sources of Income

No matter what your job is, it’s always worth bearing in mind that you should look for ways to increase your income.

This can include setting up a side hustle or finding ways to earn extra money from your current job.

For example, one smart goal could be, “In 2025, I will develop two additional sources of income.”

Family and Relationship Goals

Family is the most important source of happiness for a lot of people. 

This is why it’s essential to set family and relationship goals. These could the most important personal goals you set. Here are a few examples of family goals for 2025.

#44. Learn More about your Partner and Their Family

Learning more about your partner and their family is another good goal to set in 2025.

Setting this as your goal will help to give you a great idea of what you can expect from spending time with them and their family.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will make it my mission to learn about my partner’s family history.

#45. Travel Together with Family

One good goal to set with your family is related to traveling together.

This will give you the chance to have fun while spending time with your loved ones, which can help strengthen your relationship.

Traveling with your spouse or other family members are also great personal goals, because it helps you to relax and reset your relationship.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will take my family on at least two vacations.”

#46. Have Regular Dates

Setting up regular dates with your spouse or partner is another good goal to set.

This can help you to have fun, relax more, and strengthen your relationship. It’s also a great way of remembering all the things that attracted you to each other in the first place.

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will set aside one night per week for dates with my spouse.”

#47. Create a Balance Between Time Alone and Time Together

Having a balance between time alone and time together is essential for any relationship.

It allows you to have an opportunity to spend some time doing things that don’t involve your partner while still having fun with them at other times too.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to creating this balance could be, “In 2025, I will spend at least two nights pursuing personal hobbies, and two nights pursuing common hobbies with my partner.”

#48. Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Kids

Having a good relationship with your kids is also crucial for any family.

So, if you don’t have one yet or it’s not as strong as you’d like it to be, make this one of your goals in 2025.

One example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will schedule one family event per month with my children” or “In 2025, I will ensure I get home early to spend at least one hour with my kids.”

#49. Learn and Respect Your Partners Love Language

Ever heard of the five love languages?

If not, please check out Dr. Gary Chapman’s book on the five love languages.

In the book, Chapman explains that every person has a specific way to show and receive love. These are:

  • Quality time
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch
  • Gifts
  • Words of Affirmation

For 2025, set a goal to learn and respect your partner’s love language.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will ask my partner to take me through the love languages quiz and discuss them with me” or “In 2025, I will make sure to show my partner love based on their love language.”

#50. Create Couple Friendships

Having couple friendships has also been linked to happier relationships and increased attraction to each other.

So, if you’re looking to infuse more happiness in your relationship in 2025, set a goal to make at least one couple friends.

A great smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will be friends with at least one couple who understands what we are going through” or “In 2025, I will set up a weekly dinner with one couple we are close to.”

#51. Maintain Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is one of the main ways that we express love for each other.

And by physical intimacy, I don’t just mean intercourse.

Physical intimacy could be as simple as cuddling.

So, if you feel like physical intimacy is lacking in your relationship, make it a goal to maintain physical intimacy in 2025.

#52. Have Regular Conversations About Your Relationship

Every Sunday, my wife and I have a relationship audit. This is where we discuss how our relationship fared throughout the week.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will create a date night that is about taking time out and discussing what went well and didn’t go so well in my relationship” or “In 2025, I will schedule weekly conversations about our relationship.”

#53. Share Household Chores

Research has shown that sharing household chores can lead to happier partners and a happier relationship.

For this to happen, you need to set a goal to share household chores in 2025.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will ensure that we split the housework equally” or “In 2025, I will ensure I help with the dishes or help make dinner at least five times a week.”

#54. Keep in Touch with Your Family

Modern life has made it easy to stop talking to our families.

But if you want to have a long and healthy relationship, you need to keep in touch with your family.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will call my parents at least once a week” or “In 2025, I will visit my parents at least four times a year.”

#55. Relinquish Control

Being able to control yourself and the situations you find yourself in is seen as a virtue by many people.

However, controlling your relationships can stifle the other person and lead to a lack of trust.

Setting a goal to relinquish control in your relationship can keep things fun and exciting.

#56. Take More Time for Making Love

If you want your relationship to last, make sure you make love a lot.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will explore with my partner in which way of love-making she/he feels most connected to me.”

Health and Fitness Goals

Health and fitness is another aspect of life where most people set goals.

Whatever your health and fitness desire is, it’s essential to set clear and measurable goals to keep you focused and motivated. Here are some examples of health and fitness goals you can set for 2025.

#57. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an essential ingredient to good mental and physical health.

So, for 2025, purpose to get enough sleep. This could either be seven or eight hours of sleep.

To do this, you may set a goal to sleep earlier than usual or to cut down on screen time at night so that you can get enough sleep.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will go to bed by 10 pm to ensure I get enough hours of sleep.”

#58. Quit Smoking

Smoking is terrible for your health and can cause a plethora of long-term problems such as heart disease and cancer.

It’s also expensive, and second-hand smoke is uncomfortable for those around you.

#59. Move to a More Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet is much healthier than a meat-based one.

It’s also better for the environment.

So, if you want to take care of yourself, the planet, and others you share it with, make sure your 2025 will include more plants in your diet.

An example of a good smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will only eat meat roughly twice a week.” or “In 2025, 80% of my diet will be plant-based.”

#60. Lose Weight

This is one of the most common goals people make every new year.

It’s also one of the hardest to keep.

So, if you’re planning on losing weight in 2025, make sure it is a smart goal.

That means being specific about the amount of weight you want to lose and where. It would also help to have a solid plan for how you will lose this weight.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be,

“By March 2025, I will have lost 10 lbs. of weight. This will include no more than 15 minutes of cardio at the gym five times a week and following my new meal plan that excludes starchy carbs.”

#61. Run a Marathon

Have you wanted to test your physical fitness and endurance?

Why not make 2025 the year to do this by setting a goal to run either a half or full marathon before the year ends?

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “By the end of 2025, I will have completed at least one half or full marathon.”

goals for 2022
Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels

#62. Eat Breakfast Everyday

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

So, if you want to kickstart your metabolism every morning, make sure you eat breakfast before leaving home.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will eat a healthy breakfast every morning before leaving home.”

#63. Exercise More Regularly

“This year I start small and commit to exercise one time a week. I also have 3 “cheat” weeks over the year.”

#64. Unplug Yourself

Make 2025 the year you unplug yourself. This could be anything from reducing your time on social media to taking a break from social media and screens.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In March 2025, I will take a 30-day break from social media.”

#65. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a great way to de-stress and balance the mind and body. It also helps with flexibility and blood flow.

So, for 2025, set an intention to practice Yoga regularly.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will practice at least 20 minutes of Yoga every day.”

#66. Walk More

Walking has been linked to better cardio health and better results for people looking to lose weight.

So, for 2025, embrace more walking.

An example of an excellent smart goal related to this could be “In 2025, I will take at least 15 minutes of walks every day” or “In, I will aim to walk 20000 steps every day.

Related: Spiritual Goals To Thrive

Spiritual Goals

The spiritual aspect of life is perhaps one of the most neglected when it comes to goal-setting.

#67. Meditate Daily

One of the best ways to start growing spiritually is to develop a meditation practice.

Meditation has also been linked to better mental health, lower stress levels, and improved focus.

So, for 2025, set a goal to meditate at least once every day. An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will meditate for at least 15 minutes every day.”

#68. Practice Gratitude

There are many benefits to being thankful every day.

This powerful personal growth goal includes having lower levels of stress, better sleep at night, and improved relationships.

For 2025, make it a goal to practice gratitude every day. An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will write down three things I’m grateful for every day.”

#69. Cultivate Solitude

Solitude is an essential practice for spiritual growth.

It’s time you take to just be, without distractions. It may be just what you need to reset your focus and regain peace of mind.

For 2025, set a clear intention to cultivate solitude regularly. An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will spend at least one day completely alone.”

#70. Spread Kindness and Love

The easiest way to help others is to show them kindness and love.

For 2025, take the opportunity to spread love and kindness every day. An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will do something kind or loving for at least three people every day.”

#71. Practice Tolerance

So many of us are easily angered or offended by what others say.

Furthermore, there’s so much hate and anger in the world today that it can be easy to get caught up in this negativity.

For 2025, make it a goal to be more tolerant. An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will be more understanding of others and will be more tolerant to other people’s beliefs.”

#72. Practice Forgiveness

Life is complicated, and sometimes we make mistakes.

And when these mistakes are made against us, it might be challenging to release the anger and pain they’ve caused us.

However, forgiveness is great as it allows you to let go of the pain and hurt.

A great example of a smart goal related to forgiving could be, “In 2025, I will not hold grudges. I will be more forgiving and understanding to the people around me.”

#73. Pray More

Praying helps us feel closer to our spiritual side and improve communication between us and the Higher power we feel connected to.

goals for 2022
Photo by Arina Krasnikova from Pexels

#74. Get Clear on Your Beliefs

What do you believe in? Is it possible for someone to come and sway you from your beliefs?

In 2025, make it a goal to get clear on your spiritual beliefs.

An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will get clear on my spiritual beliefs by reading at least two new books related to my beliefs.”

#75. Help Someone Else on Their Spiritual Journey

An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will volunteer to help at least one person learn how to meditate.”

Educational Goals

If you want to remain in a state of continuous growth, it’s crucial to develop a lifelong learning culture in any aspect of your life.

#76. Go Back to School

Do you often feel like your college degree isn’t helping you get the career you wanted?

An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will go back to school. I will earn at least one certificate” or “In 2025, I will finally earn my high school diploma/ second degree.”

#77. Do Assignments Early

Do you often procrastinate on assignments and then end up rushing at the last minute?

Change this in 2025.

An example of a smart goal related to this is, “In 2025, I will complete assignments as early as possible. To achieve this goal, I will work on becoming a better time manager.”

#78. Read More Books

Do you want to improve your vocabulary, enhance your critical thinking skills, and become more knowledgeable?

Reading helps us to get wiser in our own lives.

An example of a good goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will read at least one book every month.”

#79. Participate in School Activities

Participating in school activities can help you achieve a better social life and improve your mental health.

In 2025, set a goal to participate in at least one school activity. Whether it be a sport, club, debate team, or anything else, put it on the priority list and do it

An example of a smart goal related to this could be, “In 2025, I will practice my public speaking skills by joining the debate club.”

#80. Earn extra credit

#81. Find a mentor

#82. Intern with a large company

#83. Practice sexual transmutation

#84. Lower stress in life

#85. Reevaluate your life

#86. Believe in yourself more

#87. Accept and start working on fixing your flaws

#88. Be comfortable being you

#89. Stop worrying about the future

#90. Move to a new place

#91. Get out of a toxic relationship

#92. Move to a new city

#93. Get six-pack abs

#94. Learn about your ancestry

#95. Attend your favorite artist’s concert

#96. Tick something off your bucket list

#97. Start your own business as a digital nomad

#98. Get therapy for underlying issues

#99. Stop smoking

#100. Develop self-restraint

#101. Get coaching

#102. Get a dog or a cat

#103. Learn to ski

#104. Take a trip by yourself

#105. Dye your hair

#106. Take a trip with your family

#107. Become a vegan or a vegetarian for a month

#108. Forgive and forget

#109. Reduce your plastic consumption

#110. Start having ‘no social media’ days

#111. Delete at least one social media account

#112. Learn a language

#113. See your favorite music artist in concert

#114. Donate money to charity

#115. Quit a bad habit that annoys your partner

#116. Join a sports team

#117. Start a blog or YouTube channel

#118. Learn a new hobby

#119. Contribute more to my church

#120. Engage in positive self-talk

#121. Spend more time with a distant friends and family member

#122. Watch less TV

#123. Start a gratitude journal

#124. Start applying for jobs at big companies in my field

#125. Start a daily journal

#126. Drink more water

Goals for 2025 FAQ

What Are Some Good Monthly Goals?

For you to crush your yearly goals, you’ll need to come up with monthly goals. An example of such goals include:

  • Declutter One Room Per Month Until House Is Free Of Clutter
  • Have At Least One “Me Day “Per Month
  • Participate And Complete A 30-Day Challenge

What Are The Five Smart Goals For 2025?

One of the most frequently mentioned goal-setting tips is to make them SMART. In the list below, we’ll look at several examples of smart goals.

  • Learn A New Skill (E.G. Coaching) By May 30, 2025
  • Run A Marathon In October 2025 (5k, 10K Or Half)
  • Start A Side Hustle That Brings In $1000 Per Month By September 30th 2025
  • Write A Book By March 31, 2025
  • Loose At Least 16lbs. By March 31, 2025

Here’s a breakdown of the last example:

  • Specific: You’re aiming to lose a certain amount of weight
  • Measurable: You have a minimum value to meet (16lbs)
  • Achievable: Although it will require you to put in some extra effort, this goal is highly achievable.
  • Relevant: Losing weight equals a healthier and better lifestyle. If you have a goal to live a long healthy life, this goal is super relevant to your lifelong goals.
  • Timebound: You have a set deadline to achieve this goal (March 31, 2025)

Start Right Now!

I hope you found some of your future goals and you have no further excuses not to set your goals for 2025 right now! 🙂

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
