13 Effective Ways How To Raise Your Standards In (2025)

You might have heard social media influencers chirp about “living a king-size life”. What does that even mean? 

To raise your standard means giving your life a turn for the better and finally achieving all those things that you desire for your future self.

Many of us submit ourselves to a mediocre life and aren’t able to break the shackles. I’m here to help you break this chain of thought that is constantly holding you back.

Let’s dive right into it.

13 Strategies to Raise Your Standards and Improve the Quality of Your Life

Raise your standards because they are not going to raise themselves.

From the outside, it might look like a gigantic task, but it’s really not. Consequently, stepping up your game and raising your standards will ultimately set you apart from everyone else.

On that note, let’s look at the 13 points that will answer the question – “How to Raise Your Standards?”

Raise Your Standard
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

#1 Believe In Yourself

If you choose to do something, believing in yourself is the initial and the most crucial step. When you have faith in yourself, you attain the unfeasible. Overcoming the negative voice in your head and conquering your fear will enhance your productivity. 

Believe it or not, one of the best ways to start believing in yourself is to surround yourself with people who support you. Because if you are surrounded with cheerleaders, you won’t hear the naysayers.

#2 Admit Your Mistakes

Admitting that you fell short will provide you a fresh start. This does not mean that you need to seek forgiveness from anyone. It is acknowledgment in your heart that you’re at fault and that certain things require correction.

Furthermore, a short conversation with yourself will create a positive atmosphere and help you gain a little perspective. The more you can be honest with yourself, the better you will learn to manage your inner voice.

#3 Set Goals

Life is a mere path to walk if you are unaware of the end.

If you endeavor to raise your living standard, you must have a reason/purpose to do so. Higher ambitions help you reach higher commitments in life.

Nevertheless, goals can be challenging at times, but you need to fall back on the reasons why you set them in the first place i.e. to give yourself the stature you deserve.

#4 Conserve Your Time

No matter the size of things you want to do or achieve, there is only so much time you have. 

When you work on improving your standards, you need to utilize every resource that you have and the most precious one is your time. Hence, every second that you invest should be worth it.

In the end, when you look back on what you’ve achieved, you must stand there with zero regrets that you could have done something more if you just had a little more time.

Surely, skipping that Netflix episode or that sports event can be tough but you need to have the big picture in your mind.

Admit Your Mistakes
Photo by Renáta-Adrienn on Unsplash

#5 See Discipline As An Art

If you intend to change your life to raise your standards, you should be disciplined enough to stick to this desire.

Discipline will help you on days motivation doesn’t.

To be disciplined, you need a great deal of perseverance and focus. Pushing yourself through discomfort and making your goals a higher priority than your emotional state are signs that you are growing your level of self discipline.

#6 Develop Sagacity

Sagacity or wisdom gives you answers to the most trying questions. On the path to raising your standards, you often find innumerable challenges.

You’ll wish for things to be easy and that’s where wisdom will help you. Instead of demanding a reduction in the struggle, a wise you will wish for more strength and courage to face the challenges.

#7 Stand Up For Yourself

The globe is packed with people who’ll do everything in their power to put you down. You need to “keep at it and stand up for yourself if you want something constructive for yourself — no one else is going to do it for you.

You must have the strength to stand by your words, actions, and ideologies.

To raise your standards, you must be confident enough to have faith in what you voice. If you do not believe what you utter, how will others? 

Therefore, it’s a must that you analyze your words before speaking.

#8 Practice Integrity

Integrity here means to have strong principles. To raise your standards in life, you should have firm beliefs.

You will be surrounded by people of entirely different conduct and this includes people who lack integrity, those who choose to flee from places where negativity thrives.

Nevertheless, gratifying your words, keeping pace with commitments, and polishing your communication skills all add up to enhancing your integrity. 

#9 Take Your Finances Seriously

In the modern world, being financially sound is the key to most doors and that applies to raising your standards as well. 

The better you manage your finances, the more secure you will feel. When you feel financially secure, you have more time to achieve the “greater good” aka. your true purpose. Putting your money to work is perhaps the only way you can increase the size of your pocket exponentially.

In a more literal term, if you make more money, you automatically raise your standard of living. Earning gives you a living whereas investing gives you prosperity.

Raise Your Standards
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

#10 Give It Your All

“The excellency of every art is its intensity, capable of making all disagreeable evaporate”
-John Keats.

Putting every fragment of effort that you possibly can into raising your standards in itself a sign of raised standard. Let me explain.

Beyond money, there are a million other things needed in life and one of them is the craze for greatness. Most people never come close to this. When you give it all you have, you raise your standards to the supreme and that’s when you live a vibrant life. 

#11 Relinquish Your Fear

Fear is inevitable. It shows that you truly care about the thing that you’re scared of. You should be someone who skips over the hurdle of fear.

For instance, if you’re afraid to speak in public, do so!

You can initiate petite steps for the same. Like in the above case, you can start by speaking on a topic for a minute or two facing the mirror. Level up by speaking in front of a group of friends and you’ll find that you’re ready to take on strangers as well.

Understand that everyone is going to judge you at that moment and then forget it in the very next. Life is too short to whine about external opinions.

#12 Know When It’s Okay To Quit

To move onto something better, you need to let go of something good.

Let’s be honest, it’s a gut-wrenching feeling to quit, but yes, it is genuinely acceptable to do so.

You are answerable to none when you choose to quit your well-paid job at the age of 40 and start something new. You certainly need not pursue what you have been doing for years if you don’t want to.

At the time, it will look like a pretty stupid decision but it’s a tough call that you will have to make.

#13 Look for Inspiration

There is no dearth of heroic stories and it’s not a bad idea to look up to someone for inspiration. Tony Robbins, for instance, has turned his life upside down by his sheer determination to get better and bigger every day. 

From working as a janitor with a payment of just $40 per week to beating pituitary tumor and Mercury poisoning, Tony Robbins has come a long way. There are plenty of lessons that you can extract from his life and to take a sneak peek into them, you can read his books “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken The Giant Within”.

Believe In Yourself
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions About Raising Your Standards

If your mind is bombarded by questions left, right, and center, don’t worry as I have you covered. For your convenience, I have answered the three recurrent ones.

What Does Raise Your Standards Mean?

To raise your standards would mean understanding what your current expectations from life are, how far you’ve reached in realizing your true potential, and what things you need to do differently.

To raise the standard of your living isn’t synonymous with a luxurious life in economic terms — it covers all aspects of your living and refining yourself constantly over time.

It is being OK with failing and still aspiring to be proficient, valuable, and more worthwhile.

What Happens When You Raise Your Standards?

When you raise your standards, you secure yourself from self-doubt, discomfort, and every other kind of negativity. With every step you take towards becoming an enhanced version of yourself, you ensure an increased feeling of self-respect.

There is also unconditional confidence that you beget within yourself, leading to less drama and dependency in your life.

How Can I Improve My Standards?

Firstly, you must be determined that whatever it is that you’ve set your eyes on is for your greater good and advancement. Yes, holistic growth is what we’ve been referring to this whole time. But sometimes, all your life needs is fine-tuning a particular aspect. It can be your health, relationship, career, or something similar. 

Secondly, contrary to popular belief, the more you expect, the better you achieve. 

Thirdly, your belief should be backed by action. Be more focused on all things that hold value, take one step at a time, and maintain your well-being to improve your standards.

Lastly, the fact remains that you do not acquire what you want in life if you are not willing to let go of your present — good or bad.

Don’t Set Your Standards Too High for Yourself

Just because you are worthy of higher standards, doesn’t mean you need to expect the impossible of yourself. No matter what other people say, you do not have to be exceptional in everything. And you never have to meet any special standards to deserve to be treated well.

Watch this video to help you overcome the fear of feeling unacceptable in society and free you from unnecessary societal standards:

Are You Ready to Raise Your Standards?

If you want to raise the standard of your life to a whole new level, you can look forward to facing an immense number of challenges in your path. However, what counts is the outcome you wish to accomplish. While I’ve laid down 13 ways on how you can raise your standards, you’re not confined to them.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my guide. Share this piece with a friend to help them too!

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
