Tony Robbins – The Body You Deserve Review (2025)

In this review, I will reveal how Tony Robbins’ ‘The Body You Deserve’ weight loss course helps you to transform and attain your ideal body.  

Is it the best weight loss course available in this saturated niche? 

How do Tony’s methods differ from other traditional weight loss courses? Who is this program most suitable for? 

My review answers all of the most important questions about Tony’s ‘The Body You Deserve’ weight loss program. 

Let’s dive right into it.

Tony Robbins Get The Body You Deserve: Overview

You may not associate Tony Robbins as being a key figure in the health and fitness industry. 

However, he is arguably one of the world’s greatest coaches when it comes to helping people create lasting change in their beliefs and behaviors.

That’s primarily what ‘The Body You Deserve’ focuses on.

Yes, there’s plenty of useful information about exercise and nutrition here. But it’s Tony’s advice about your mindset that makes this course stand out.

Tony insists that low-calorie fad diets are unsustainable and some can even lead to increased fat storage. 

He also insists that it’s impossible to sustain a new diet or exercise regime without first changing your mindset.  

‘The Body You Deserve’ doesn’t just suggest new habits. It also gives you the psychological tools to help you sustain and enjoy them. 

The course contains ten hours of audio content, divided into ten lessons. 

These lessons are: 

  • Day 1: Take Charge of Your Mind, Body & Emotions. An introduction to the psychology of why you consume food when you know it’s wrong to do so. 
  • Day 2: The Power of Beliefs. A deep exploration of the negative beliefs that may have harmed your previous weight loss efforts.
  • Day 3: Make Change a Must. How to create powerful emotional leverage that makes lasting change inevitable.
  • Day 4: The 6 Gifts And 4 Poisons. Tony’s suggestions for what to consume and what to avoid to get the body you deserve.
  • Day 5: The Power of Aerobic Exercise. Discover why aerobic exercise is the key to prime health and fitness.
  • Day 6: The Behavior Chain: How to Interrupt Old Patterns. Learn how to identify your self-sabotaging habits, plus how to destroy them. 
  • Day 7: The Language of Success. Discover Tony’s strategies for transformational vocabulary, plus how this can help you attain your fitness goal. 
  • Day 8: Urge Management: Tools to Make Change Last. This lesson will help you train yourself to desire healthy food and remove urges for unhelpful foods. 
  • Day 9: Becoming a Peak Performer. Learn the four habits that help people reach their goal in any field. 
  • Day 10: Maintaining the Body You Deserve. This lesson is stacked with tips for keeping the body you deserve, once you have attained it. 

‘The Body You Deserve’ is available as a set of DVDs or as a digital download via a mobile app. Both editions cost $249. All lessons are delivered by Tony Robbins in his uniquely engaging and inspirational style. 

Are Health And Fitness Courses Right For You? What To Consider Before Investing In Tony Robbins The Body You Deserve? 

In order to lose weight, you’ll need to:

  • know how to do it;
  • actually change your habits for good. 

Most health and fitness courses contain perfectly good diets and workout routines, but don’t help you develop the mental fortitude needed to stick to them. 

That’s why most people who buy these courses fail to attain or maintain their ideal body.  

If you’re someone who has tried and failed to lose weight in the past, you’ll probably fail to follow most health and fitness courses.

However, ‘The Body You Deserve’ addresses this unspoken truth of the health and fitness courses, then teaches you how to create the mindset needed to sculpt your ideal body. 

It’s a wildly different approach to weight loss, but it’s one that has helped a lot of people. It’s also presented by one of the world’s most highly-regarded motivational speakers. Tony’s knowledge of the human mind and the passionate way he delivers his material will stack the odds in your favour throughout your weight loss journey. 

However, it’s ultimately still up to you to do the work – and it won’t always be easy. 

Tony won’t be there besides you when the cravings kick in. So, be prepared for a battle. To succeed, you have to really want it.   

Tony Robbins The Body You Deserve Review
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Features and Benefits

Below, I will describe and rate the main features of Tony Robbins ‘The Body You Deserve’ course and rate them out of five stars.

The Coach – Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is regarded by many as the best transformational coach in the world.

He’s certainly one of the most well-known, having clocked up more than four decades helping people create a better life for themselves through his books, digital courses and live events. His unique speaking style draws you in and inspires you to create a better life for yourself. 

Perhaps he’s not the most qualified to lecture on nutrition and exercise. 

But if you agree that it’s a good idea to tackle your habits and beliefs first, there aren’t many better coaches to learn from.  

The Coach:

The Curriculum

When it comes to material on how to make positive changes to your mindset, it’s tough to criticise the depth or importance of this curriculum.  

Tony tackles this subject from every important angle. It will surely help you to create a more positive life in areas outside of weight loss too.   

Critics might suggest that there isn’t enough information here about nutrition and exercise, but this helps make the program easier to follow. 

The Curriculum:


The audio of the CDs is crisp. The mobile app is well presented and easy to download. You’ll have no problem following the program either. 

Considering the program was released over 15 years ago, there can surely be no complaints. 


Course Length 

It’s difficult to grade the course length.

After all, some people might suggest that 10 hours is too long to listen to health and fitness advice.

A lot of people prefer the idea of finding one ‘secret trick’ to get the body they deserve. Sadly, that’s an unrealistic goal.  

Personally, I think it’s great that Tony presents so many ideas for developing a great weight loss mindset. Different people will resonate with different chapters of the course. By presenting such a wide range of topics, Tony improves the odds of his students reaching their goal. 

Course length:


The physical edition of this program comes with a 30-page supporting workbook, which you’re encouraged to make use of as a personal journal. 


The End Result 

When it comes to making a lasting change in your life, developing the right mindset is half the battle.  

To develop the body you deserve, it’s most of the battle.

Most people know enough about exercise and healthy eating to have a body they can be proud of. Yet, there are so many people out there who are overweight and unhappy about it – because they don’t have the right mindset.  

That’s why I’m so pleased that this course exists. I have no doubt that this program can be an incredibly useful tool to aid most people in their weight loss battle. 

End Result:

What Do People Think Of Tony Robbins The Body You Deserve? 

I scoured the web to see what people think of the Tony Robbins’ ‘The Body You Deserve’ program and I couldn’t find a bad review.

Here is a selection of reviews from GoodReads.

Alternatives To Tony Robbins The Body You Deserve 

Not sure that ‘The Body You Deserve’ is for you? Here are some notable alternatives.

  • Marisa Peer’s Proven Strategy For Lasting Weight Loss
    Marisa Peer is a world renowned speaker, Rapid Transformational Therapy trainer and best-selling author. She has nearly three decades of experience as a therapist. Her Weight Loss Program is just $99 and seems to be, together with Tony’s program, one  of the most effective programs out there.
  • BeachBody On Demand. This popular health and fitness website is packed with a huge range of workout programs. Its newest program Transform20 includes a six-week program packed with 50 unique 20-minute cardio workouts. No equipment needed.  Most Beachbody programs include recipe plans so you can improve your nutrition during the length of the program (and beyond).
  • Joe Wicks 90 Day Plan. There are literally thousands of online fitness coaches with plans you can learn from. Joe Wicks is fast becoming one of the most popular coaches on the planet though. In 2020, he broke a Guinness World Record for most viewers of a fitness workout live stream. In his 90 Day Plan digital course, you’ll get access to 15 workouts and 180 healthy recipes for £97. 
  • Kayla Itsines BBG Community. Membership of this online community gets you access to all of Kayla’s workout plans, as well as her thriving BBG (Bikini Body Guides) community. A great place to be if you’re looking for online accountability buddies. Membership costs $19.99 a month or $119.94 a year. Females only.    

These programs – and hundreds of competing products – will all help you to lose weight if you’re mentally strong enough to follow them.  

I had a look online for programs similar to ‘The Body You Deserve’ but I couldn’t find any other weight loss program that focuses primarily on mindset. ‘The Body You Deserve’ would appear to be unique in this way.  

Conclusion: Does This Program Help You Get Your Dream Body? 

As I already mentioned, this program won’t do the work for you. 

But it does provide you with all the tools needed to create your dream body. It’s such an intelligent idea to address your mindset first when you’re planning to lose weight. 

I couldn’t imagine a better program than ‘The Body You Deserve’ for helping you to do that.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
