101 Powerful Love Affirmations (2025)

Do you feel you have enough love in your life?

Perhaps you: 

  • Crave more self-love, 
  • Hope to attract love into your life, 
  • Or want others to know how much they mean to you.

Love affirmations are the best way to attract more love into your life fast. 

In today’s article, I will share 101 powerful love affirmations. But first, let’s take a look at what affirmations are and how they work.

Attract More Love from Yourself and Others

You might be wondering what a love affirmation is and how it can help you.

Positive affirmations are phrases that we can use to reprogram our beliefs through repetition.

According to the law of attraction, our subconscious thoughts and beliefs create our reality. 

Our brains look for evidence in the external world that confirms the belief, and we manifest it into our conscious reality.

Our subconscious beliefs come from the education we received as children — from both family and school. 

As adults, we subconsciously continue to act out those patterns in our relationships with others.

This means that if you come from a dysfunctional family — as many of us do — you play out those dysfunctions in your relationships.

This can block you from feeling and experiencing unconditional love. 

The good news is that love affirmations can help you find love — with both yourself and others.

How to Use Love Affirmations

There are different ways to use love affirmations. 

One way is to write them out Bart Simpson-style in a notebook or journal. 

Another is to repeat them to yourself out loud like a mantra or meditation.

When using affirmations to affirm your love for another person, you can either say it to their face or surprise them with a love note.

Either way, it’s bound to have a positive impact on your relationship!

So, without further ado, here are 101 powerful love affirmations.

14 Affirmations to Attract Love and Romance

1. I am loveable and worthy of receiving love.

2. I am attracting unconditional love, abundance, joy, and bliss into my life.

3. I deserve love in my life, and the love I deserve is looking for me.

4. I am drawing love and romance into my life today.

5. I trust that the right person will walk into my life in the most natural way.

6. Love comes easily to me. It will find me at the right time. 

7. I am attracting a loving, respectful relationship into my life. 

8. I welcome simple, natural, nurturing relationships into my life.

9. I receive an abundance of love from everyone I meet.

10. I am grateful for all the love and affection I receive.

11. The more love I give, the more I receive.

12. I deserve love and romance, and I am ready to receive love.

13. I am open and ready to give and receive love.

14. I am inviting abundant love and romance into my life.

Photo by Van Thang from Pexels

Related: 133+ Inspiring Affirmations For Friendship & Making New Friends

15 Affirmations for Self-Love

1. I am worthy of love and respect.

2. I am a magnet for joy, love, and abundance. 

3. I love myself, and I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.

4. Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of love.

5. Today, I attract a deeper love and appreciation for myself.

6. I am more than enough. My needs matter. I’m kind to myself.

7. I love the person I am and the person I’m becoming. I accept and love myself as who I am. 

8. I deserve to express my feelings. I deserve to be seen. I deserve to be heard.

9. I am doing my best, and that is enough. My worth is not measured by my results.

10. It’s okay not to be okay. I allow myself to feel whatever I feel.

11. I respect myself. I trust myself. I am proud of myself.

12. I don’t have to be perfect all the time. I am compassionate with myself when I fail. I learn from my mistakes.

13. I choose to think positively about myself and my body. I am perfect, just the way I am.

14. I release my limiting beliefs and step into my inner power. I can do anything I put my mind to.

15. I am confident in my abilities. My potential is limitless.

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

15 Love Affirmations for Couples

1. I am overflowing with love and gratitude for my relationship.

2. Loving and being loved feels wonderful.

3. Each day, I am happier and happier in my relationship.

4. My relationship is loving, committed, and long-lasting.

5. I am in a loving and supportive relationship.

6. I am so grateful for my incredible relationship.

7. I feel safe, loved, and supported in my relationship.

8. My partner and I grow together through every situation. Our love grows stronger every day.

9. I have a healthy, happy relationship with my partner. We are both open to giving and receiving.

10. I am totally devoted to my partner in life.

11. It is safe for me to be rich and in a committed relationship.

12. I am open to giving and receiving in my relationship. My heart is open to give and receive unconditional love.

13. I am irresistible to my partner, and she/he/they is attracted to me.

14. I am in a joyous relationship with someone who truly loves me. 

15. I feel loved, cherished, and fulfilled in my relationship.

14 Love Affirmations for a Specific Person

1. I have a wonderful lover, and we are both happy and at peace. 

2. I laugh with my husband/wife/partner more and more each day.

3. I love my husband/wife/partner more each day, and I am grateful for his/her/their love and support.

4. My husband/wife/partner loves, trusts, supports, and respects me, and I love him/her/them for it.

5. My husband/wife/partner loves me for who I am and accepts me unconditionally.

6. My partner is generous and kind. She/he/they treats me like a queen/king.

7. The love of my life is gorgeous inside and out.

8. My partner feels lucky to have me, and I am so grateful for his/her/their love.

9. The love between me and (name of person) grows stronger with every passing day.

10. I have a beautiful relationship with (name of person).

11. My partner thinks I’m the best thing that ever happened to her/him/them, and I feel the same about her/him/them.

12. I love, trust, and respect (name of person). (Name of person) loves, trusts, and respects me. 

13. My connection with (name of person) is becoming deeper and stronger every day.

14. I am comfortable expressing my feelings and needs to (name of person).

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Related: Best Shifting Affirmations For Lasting Change

14 Love Affirmations for Him

1. Thank you for working so hard and for everything you do for me.

2. You make me stronger and a better person.

3. I’m so proud of you for pursuing your dreams.

4. Having you by my side gives me the strength to face anything.

5. Your friends are so lucky to have a friend like you.

6. You will be a great role model for our kids.

7. I wouldn’t want any life other than the one I’m living with you.

8. You know how to make me feel wanted and appreciated.

9. I love how you never give up and have a positive attitude no matter what.

10. Every day with you is an adventure, and I learn something from you every day.

11. I love that you’re not afraid to admit when you’re wrong. That shows true strength.

12. I’m so proud of you and all your achievements.

13. I adore your generous spirit and your willingness to help others. You’re a truly caring person.

14. I love the way you hold me in your arms. It makes me feel so loved and protected.

15 Love Affirmations for Her

1. You look radiant and full of life today.

2. You’re the only woman for me. I adore you.

3. Knowing what I know now, I would choose you again a thousand times.

4. You’re the perfect woman for me. You’re better than I could have dreamed of.

5. I’m so lucky to have a woman like you. I can’t believe you chose me!

6. You make me smile, even when you’re not around.

7. You never cease to amaze me. I fall more in love with you every day.

8. You’re so full of wisdom. I learn so much from you.

9. I love how you’re so caring. You know how to anticipate my every need.

10. You make me a better person.

11. You are more beautiful every day. You take my breath away.

12. I love spending time with you. My favorite place in the world is next to you.

13. You are/will be an amazing mother and role model for our kids.

14. I wouldn’t want any life other than the one I’m living with you.

15. I love your inner strength. You can handle anything life throws at you.

Photo by Arthur Brognoli from Pexels

14 Unconditional Love Affirmations

1. I give out love, and it comes back to me multiplied.

2. I allow love to flow to me and through me.

3. I unconditionally love myself and others. 

4. My heart radiates with unconditional love to all beings. May all beings be happy and free.

5. I am surrounded by unconditional love, and I am grateful for it. 

6. The universe is full of love. My body and soul overflow with unconditional love.

7. It is easy to ask for help when I need it. I am open to the unconditional love and support of others.

8. The people in my life love me unconditionally. I have nothing to prove.

9. The greatest gift is to give and receive love unconditionally.

10. I am grateful for the people in my life who love me unconditionally.

11. I embody unconditional love, and I love myself unconditionally.

12. Unconditional love is my true nature.

13. I radiate unconditional love to all beings.

14. I let myself be guided by unconditional love.

Love affirmations will open your heart

After using these love affirmations for a week or two, you should start to experience more love in your life.

You will feel more deeply connected to yourself and those around you. Your relationships will improve, and you will experience greater peace and compassion.

If you try them, let me know how it goes.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
