Why Do Guys Stop Putting In Effort? 21 Reasons (2024)

You’ve probably experienced this!

A man puts so much effort and energy into getting you to commit. He’s romantic, compliments you often, takes you out for romantic dates, and listens to you.

However, once he has your attention, he stops putting in the effort.

What happened? Why did he stop putting in the effort?

This post aims at answering this question. This post provides 21 answers to the age-old question that almost every woman has asked, “Why do guys stop putting in effort?”

Here’s what you’ll learn.

Let’s get right into it.

What Does it Mean by Effort in a Relationship?

Effort in a relationship means listening to your partner, being communicative and romantic, planning thoughtful dates and weekends away, sending random texts or gifts, and making an overall effort to make things work.

It’s about making an active choice every day to love your partner and to show it through actions and words. The small things you do make up the big picture of a happy and healthy relationship.

It’s helping your partner with house chores, being with them in times of pain, and making your partner feel special.

Why do guys stop putting effort

Why Do Guys Stop Putting in Effort

#1. He Has Met Someone New

One of the main reasons guys stop putting effort into your relationship is that he’s met someone new.

Whether it’s a rebound relationship or something more serious, a guy who’s found himself a new girl is often less likely to put in the effort to make things work with his current partner. After all, why would he bother when he’s got someone new to focus on?

All his time and energy goes into pursuing this new attraction, leaving little for you.

So, if your guy has started to pull away, it could be because he’s met someone else. 

However, don’t be too quick to confront him. First, watch out for any signs of a new woman in his life. This could include frequent texting and being vague with his plans. If you’re sure he’s seeing someone new, you can talk to him about it.

If there are no signs that he’s seeing someone else, you should try and connect with him and ask why he’s losing interest in you.

#2. He’s Busy With Work

Work can be a major drain on energy and time, leaving little for anything else.

If your guy is suddenly pulling away, it might be because his job is demanding more of his time and energy. Of course, this isn’t an excuse for him to stop being responsive or neglect your relationship, but it can be an understandable explanation for why he’s acting differently. 

And it’s not only work.

Working on a school project could also result in a guy reducing the amount of effort he puts into your relationship.

In this case, you should talk to your guy and see how he’s doing. If he’s just busy with work or school, then he might need some time to adjust.

If he’s not putting in the effort because of something else, you can ask him what’s going on and try to help him out.

Related: 21 Ways How To Be Patient In A Relationship

#3. Something Turned Him Off

It’s possible that something you did turned him off, causing him to lose interest.

Maybe you said something that he didn’t like or did something that made him feel disrespected. Whatever the case may be, if something turned him off, he’s likely to lose interest and stop pursuing you.

In this case, you should try and figure out what happened. If you can’t think of anything, ask him if there’s something that’s bothering him.

Once you know what the problem is, you can apologize (if necessary) and work on fixing it.

If he’s not interested in telling you what the problem is, then there might be something else that’s causing him to lose interest.

Keep reading to find out what else could be turning him off.

#4. Things Got Too Serious Too Fast

It can be a major turnoff for guys when things get too serious too fast.

They start to feel like they’re in a relationship before they’re even ready, which freaks them out. Nobody wants to feel like they’re being trapped, so if things are moving too quickly, it’s only natural that they’ll start to pull back.

This is often the case when a relationship starts as a fling or one-night stand. The guy wasn’t looking for anything serious, but things got too heavy too fast.

As a result, he might start distancing himself from you to try and slow things down.

If you think this might be the case, you should talk to your guy about it. See if he’s on the same page as you and wants to take things slow. If not, then maybe this relationship isn’t meant to be.

Related: 13 Stages Of A Healthy Relationship

#5. You’ve Become Too Dependent on Him

Another answer to the question, why do guys stop putting in effort is that you’ve become too dependent on him. 

It can be a big turnoff when you become too dependent on someone.

Nobody wants to feel like they’re responsible for another person’s happiness, and when you become too dependent, it puts that pressure on the other person.

If you’ve been relying on your guy for everything, then he might start to pull away. He needs some time to himself, and he can’t do that if you’re always around.

In this case, you should try and take a step back. Give him some space and let him do his own thing.

You can also try to find other things to do that don’t involve him. This will give you something to do and take the pressure off him.

Once you’ve given him some space, he might start to come back around. If not, then maybe this relationship isn’t meant to be.

#6. He’s Not Happy

If your guy isn’t happy, he’s not going to want to be in a relationship.

It’s as simple as that.

When someone is unhappy, they’re not going to want to put in the effort to make things work. They’d rather just give up and move on.

So, if your guy has been acting distant, it could be because he’s not happy.

There are many reasons why someone might not be happy in a relationship. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he’s compatible with you, or maybe there’s something else going on in his life that’s stressing him out.

Whatever the case may be, if your guy isn’t happy, it will not work out.

You should talk to him and see if there’s anything you can do to help him out. If not, then maybe it’s time to move on.

Why guys stop putting effort
Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

#7. He’s More Interested in the Chase

For some guys, the chase is more important than the relationship itself.

They’re more interested in winning you over and getting your attention than being with you. Once they have your attention, they start to lose interest.

This is because the challenge is gone, and there’s nothing else to keep their attention.

You’re more of a conquest to such a guy—something to brag about to his buddies.

So, if you find yourself wondering why he’s stopped putting in effort, it’s likely because he’s already checked you off his list and moved on to the next challenge.

In this case, you should move on as well. Find someone that’s actually interested in being in a relationship with you.

#8. He Doesn’t See a Future with You Anymore

When a guy starts to lose interest, he might not see a future with you anymore.

This is often because things have changed, and he doesn’t feel the same way about you as he did before.

It’s not that he doesn’t like you anymore. It’s just that he doesn’t see the relationship going anywhere. He may not think you’re compatible long-term, may not be ready for a serious commitment, or could have met someone else whom he feels is more compatible with him.

Whatever the case may be, if he doesn’t see a future with you, it’s not going to work out.

You should talk to him about it and see if there’s anything you can do to change his mind. If not, maybe it’s time to move on.

Related: The 40 Biggest Turn Offs In A Relationship You Should Avoid

#9. He Misses the Allure of a Single Life

Some guys simply miss the allure of a single life.

They miss being able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. They miss being footloose and fancy-free.

When he was single, he had complete freedom to do what he wanted, when he wanted. He could go out with his buddies and pick up girls without worrying about cheating or being faithful.

Once he’s in a committed relationship, those days are over. He knows he must be monogamous and loyal, which can be a big adjustment. It starts to feel like he’s giving up that freedom in most cases.

So, if he’s been acting distant, it could be because he’s missing the allure of a single life.

In this case, you should try to give him some space and let him do his own thing. He might start to come back around after a while. If not, then maybe this relationship isn’t meant to be.

Why men stop putting effort

#10. He Has Commitment Issues

Another reason a guy stops putting in effort is that he may have commitment issues.

Once a guy realizes that he’s getting too close to a girl, he may start to back off and distance himself. This is usually because he’s afraid of getting hurt or being too invested in the relationship.

He may also have experienced heartbreak in the past and doesn’t want to go through that again.  As a result, he may start to pull away when things get serious.

In some cases, commitment issues may stem from insecurity or low self-esteem. If a guy feels like he’s not good enough for you or that you’re out of his league, he may be reluctant to put any effort into the relationship for fear of being rejected.

If you think this might be the case, you should try to talk to him about it. See if there’s anything you can do to help him feel more secure in the relationship.

If not, then maybe it’s time to move on.

Related: Why Does He Keep Me Around If He Doesn’t Want A Relationship?

#11. There’s No Spark Anymore

Another reason why he stopped putting effort could be that the spark has dimmed. 

When a relationship is in the honeymoon phase,, everything is new and exciting. You’re constantly learning about each other and discovering new things.

But as time goes on, that novelty starts to wear off. The excitement fades, and you settle into a routine. This is when the relationship begins to feel more like work than fun.

For some guys, this is when they start to lose interest. The relationship feels like a chore, and they would rather do something else.

If this is the case, you should try to spice things up and add some excitement back into the relationship. Plan some fun date nights or take a trip together.

Sometimes, relationships just need some work to keep things fresh and exciting.  Just remember that keeping the spark alive takes effort from both sides. 

If you’re putting in all the effort and he’s still putting zero effort, it’s time to move on.

#12. He Was Just Love-Bombing You

In some cases, a guy may seem like he’s really into you but then suddenly stops putting in any effort.

This is often because he was just love-bombing you. Love-bombing is when someone showers you with affection and attention at the beginning of a relationship to win you over.

But once they have you, they stop putting in any effort anymore.

The fancy dates give way to Netflix nights on the couch, the constant compliments are replaced with a more relaxed attitude, and the relationship quickly fizzles out.

If you think this might be the case, it’s probably best to just move on. There’s no point in trying to fix something that was never there.

#13. He’s Simply Lost Interest In Being Around You

When a guy is interested in a girl, he wants to be around her as much as possible. He’s always looking for excuses to talk to her or spend time with her.

But when he starts to lose interest, he pulls away and stops seeking out your company.

He may make excuses not to see you or cancel plans at the last minute. He might start spending more time with his friends or doing things without you.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s essential to keep things fresh and exciting. Plan new activities and experiences that will pique his curiosity and make him want to be around you.

Also, be sure to show your appreciation for his efforts. A little verbal encouragement can go a long way towards keeping him motivated.

Finally, don’t be afraid to mix things up from time to time. If you sense that he’s getting bored, try to shake up your routine and spice up your relationship.

But if he’s still not interested, then maybe it’s time to move on.

#14. You Guys Argue a Lot

This is another answer to the question, “why do guys stop putting in effort?” 

All couples argue from time to time. It’s normal to have disagreements, and it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with the relationship.

However, if you find that you’re arguing often, it could signify that he’s losing interest.

When a guy is interested in a girl, he wants to make things work. He’s willing to compromise and do whatever it takes to keep the peace.

But when he starts to lose interest, he becomes less patient and more resistant to compromise. The arguments become more frequent and more heated until he eventually stops trying altogether.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s essential to find a way to resolve your differences. Try to see things from his perspective and be willing to compromise.

Also, avoid getting into the same arguments repeatedly. If you can’t seem to agree, it might be best just to agree to disagree.

why do guys stop putting in the effort
Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Related: Push-Pull Relationship – How To Break The Cycle

#15. You’re Also Not Putting in Effort

It takes two to make a relationship work. If you’re not putting in any effort, then it’s only natural that he would stop.

Think about what you’re doing (or not doing) that might be causing him to lose interest.

  • Are you always canceling plans?
  • Do you never initiate conversations?
  • Do you always seem to be in a bad mood?

If so, then it’s no wonder he’s stopped trying.

To keep the spark alive, it’s vital to show your partner that you care.

This doesn’t mean you need to go overboard with grand gestures; sometimes, the smallest things can make the most significant difference.

Simply taking the time to send a good morning text or giving your partner a quick kiss before heading out the door can let them know that you’re thinking of them.

It’s also important to show your appreciation for their efforts. A simple “thank you” can go a long way towards making them feel appreciated and valued.

If you’re unsure what you can do to make things better, try asking your partner directly. They’ll be happy to help you figure out what you can do to make the relationship work.

#16. He’s Emotionally Insecure

Some guys have a hard time dealing with their emotions. They might be afraid of getting hurt or not knowing how to express themselves.

As a result, they might start to lose interest in the relationship.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s essential to be understanding and patient. Try to create an environment where he feels safe to express his feelings.

Also, avoid putting too much pressure on him. He might need some time to figure things out on his own.

Finally, don’t forget to show your own emotions as well. Letting him know that you’re feeling insecure or vulnerable can help him feel more comfortable opening up to you.

#17. You May Be Too Much for Him

It’s not you; it’s him.

This is what you might be telling yourself if you’re wondering why he stopped putting in the effort. But the truth is, it could be you.

Sometimes, a guy can lose interest because he feels like he’s in over his head.

Maybe you’re too independent or too strong-willed. Perhaps you don’t need him as much as he needs you.

Sometimes, being too much could mean that you’re always asking for his help or favors. He might feel like he can’t do anything right or that he’s not good enough for you.

Whatever the reason, you may be simply too much for him, and that’s why he stopped putting in the effort. 

If this is the case, it’s essential to give him some space. Sometimes don’t be an independent woman. Let him know that you’re still interested in the relationship but are also willing to give him some time to figure things out on his own.

Related: How A Man Feels When He Hurts A Woman? 13 Regret Signs

#18. He’s Not Sure What He Wants

This is a common answer to the question of why do guys stop putting in effort. He might be interested in you, but he’s not sure if he wants to pursue a relationship.

He might enjoy your company and appreciate your efforts, but he’s not ready to commit to anything serious. This can be difficult for him to keep up the same level of enthusiasm and effort that he did initially.

As a result, they pull back and focus on other areas of their life. 

If you want to keep his attention, it’s important to give him some space.

Try not to pressure him into deciding, and let him know that you’re willing to wait for as long as he needs.

In the meantime, focus on your own life and hobbies. This will help take the pressure off him and give you some time to think about what you want.

#19. He Takes You For Granted

Once a guy feels comfortable in a relationship, it’s easy for him to start taking you for granted.

He might not mean to, but he might start to expect that you’ll always be there no matter what. He might stop putting in effort because he knows you’ll still be there, even if he doesn’t try.

This is a common reason why relationships start to fizzle out after a while.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s crucial to ensure that he doesn’t take you for granted.

One way to do this is to set boundaries and stick to them. Let him know what you will and won’t tolerate in the relationship.

For example, if he starts to neglect your needs or take you for granted, don’t hesitate to speak up or even walk away. This will show him that you’re not going to put up with his bad behavior.

#20. He Stopped Believing in a Future Between The Two of You

In the beginning, everything is new and exciting. The future seems bright and full of possibilities.

But it’s easy for that excitement to fade as time goes on. He might lose faith in the relationship and feel like it’s not going anywhere.

As a result, he might stop putting in effort because he doesn’t see a future between the two of you.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s important to make sure that he still believes in the relationship.

One way to do this is to regularly communicate with him about your goals and plans. This will help him see a potential future between the two of you.

#21. He’s Just A Lazy Boyfriend

Sometimes, the reason why a guy stops putting in effort is because he’s just a lazy boyfriend.

He may have put in a lot of effort early on, but he starts to take shortcuts as time goes on. For example, he stops trying to impress you and instead relies on you to make an effort.

After all, it’s much easier to stay in your comfort zone than to try to improve things.

If you want to keep his attention, it’s important to ensure that he doesn’t become too comfortable.

One way to do this is to mix things up and try new things regularly. This will help keep him on his toes and prevent him from getting too lazy in the relationship.

It’s also important to encourage him to pursue his interests and hobbies. This will help him stay motivated and engaged in life, making him more likely to put effort into the relationship.

Don’t allow a lazy boyfriend into you life. 

Now that you have an answer to the question, “why do guys stop putting effort,” let’s look at how to get him to add more effort.

Stop putting effort
Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

How Do I Get Him to Add More Effort?

The first thing you can do to get a guy to pay more effort into you is by talking to him about your concerns. Be honest with him and let him know that you feel like he’s been taking you for granted. This will help him see how his actions are affecting you.

It’s also essential to give him some space. Don’t try to force him into changing his ways as much as you might want to. Instead, let him realize on his own that he needs to put more effort into the relationship.

Finally, don’t be afraid to walk away if he doesn’t try to change. This will show him that you’re not tolerating being taken for granted. If he’s interested in keeping you in his life, he’ll be more likely to try to improve things.

Related: 33 Easy Ways To Make A Man Feel Loved And Respected

How Do I Tell My Partner I Need More Effort?

If you’re not sure how to bring up the topic with your partner, here is a script that can help:

“I feel like I’m putting more effort into this relationship than you are. I’m starting to feel like you don’t care about me. I need you to start putting more effort into our relationship if we’re going to make it work.”

Any Further Questions?

There you go!

Twenty-one answers to the question, “why do guys stop putting in effort?” We hope this article has helped you understand why and what you can do about it.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
