Where Focus Goes Energy Flows (2025) – 9 Facts Checklist

You’re about to discover how the concept of ‘Where Focus Goes Energy Flows’ can transform your mind and your life.

As an experienced life coach, I have developed a great understanding of this concept and I’m more than happy to help my clients apply it in their own lives. 

So, let’s find out how it works. 

#1. Where Focus Goes Energy Flows: What does it mean? 

This is the idea that laser-sharp focus on any goal can create all kinds of positive energy to help you reach it. 

Later, we’ll describe the type of energy – and how it helps – in more detail. 

For now, remember this.  

The more focus and determination you place on your goal, the more energy is created, the more likely you are to succeed. 

#2. Who popularised this quote?

This quote is widely attributed to Tony Robbins.

Tony has been one of the most well-known writers and speakers in the self-improvement industry for the best part of four decades. 

You can expect him to explain this concept in great detail in any of his books or live events. 

The video below from the Tony Robbins YouTube channel explains the basics. 

Various other figures in the self-improvement industry are likely to teach this concept to their students too, albeit in their own words and with their own theories attached. 

#3. How can I apply this concept in my life?

On his website, Tony Robbins suggests four questions to ask yourself to help you apply the ‘Where Focus Grows Energy Flows’ concept to your life.

There are:  

  • What is something you want to accomplish in the next 36 months?
  • Why MUST you achieve it no matter what?
  • What is one small action you can take today to get started?
  • What are some six-month and nine-month goals that you can set to hold yourself accountable?

Honestly, you can and should go further with your goal-setting as the days pass by. Try setting a daily task to get closer to your goal when you get up in the morning. Get in the habit of setting weekly and monthly goals. It’s a cliche self-development task, but it’s one of the best things you can do to remain focused on your ultimate goal. 

Related: Best Ways How To Stay Focused At Work

#4. How can I improve my focus? 

Tony suggests three exercises for sharpening your focus on a specific task.

These are:

  • Meditation: The benefits of meditation are numerous. A key benefit is how it allows you to remove unnecessary noise from your mind, and focus your thoughts more clearly. 
  • Exercise: Exercise is widely credited with helping to clear your mind and focus your thoughts.  
  • Music: Music improves our mood, expands our cognitive range and helps drown out  unimportant background noise so we can focus. 

On top of these suggestions, try Tony’s ‘Hour Of Power’ tasks for the first hour that you’re awake. These tasks include light exercises, positive affirmations, thoughts of gratitude and visualising everything you want as if you had it today.

For even more ideas, see my guide on how to feed your mind growth in 2020.

Where Focus Goes Energy Flows
Photo by moren hsu on Unsplash

Related: 7 Best Focus Coaches & Ultimate Guide

#5. How will this help me in my life? 

Adopting this approach to life will help you achieve tasks that once seemed difficult or impossible. It’s a powerful tool to help you achieve your life goals.

It will help to release all the hunger, desire and self-belief within you. It will help you eliminate distractions, excuses and negative-self-talk. It will give you the inner strength to jump whatever hurdles come your way. 

It allows you to spot and take advantage of potential opportunities that less positive and focused people might not think to jump on.

It will skyrocket your self-esteem and transform the way other people react to you.

All of the forces combined create an energy that make you an unstoppable force driving towards all the things you want in life. 

Essentially, this way of thinking optimizes your mind to focus completely on succeeding at whatever is most important to you.  

Related: 21 Powerful Ways To Protect Your Energy

#6. How will this concept affect my relationship with other people? 

When you start to burn this concept into your mind, you will become noticeably more positive, driven, motivated and passionate.

People will notice this fire burning inside you…and they will love it!

Humans are drawn to this energy. They want to be around people like this. They want to help them achieve their goals. Many hope that this energy rubs off on them. 

You’ll notice that most if not all of the best leaders have the personality traits listed above. This is why they are good leaders! These aspects of their character make people want to follow them. 

This is perhaps one of the most important benefits of adopting this concept into your life. 

After all, it usually takes more than one person to achieve the greatest things in life. You’ll get to achieve your goals much quicker if you can build a team of people who like and respect you to work alongside you.  

Related: Why Do I Zone Out So Much? 12 STOP Strategies

#7. What is the opposite of ‘Where Focus Goes Energy Flows’

Take a second to picture hundreds of leaves being blown through the sky on a blustery Autumn afternoon.

The majority of people without deeply focused goals behave like the leaves. They are passive. They are flimsy. They sit there on the same tree until a higher power forces them off it. 

When something happens that forces them off their path, they can’t really do anything to change it. They are reacting to the world around them.

Tony Robbins calls it ‘reaction mode’. He suggests most people are like this. They deal with situations as they arise instead of deciding to proactively take action and get ahead. 

This is what it’s like when you’re not deeply focused on goals. 

When you begin to focus your energy on that one thing you really want, you become the wind.

You start to change the world around you, instead of vice-versa. You’re now in ‘action mode’.

Focus Energy
Photo by luca pizzarotti on Unsplash

Related: Ways Balancing Masculine And Feminine Energy

#8. How do I know where to start focusing my energy? 

If you asked yourself what you want to achieve in the next 36 months and had no idea what the answer was, don’t panic!

A common role of a life coach is to help people work out what they want to do with their time, and to help them start.

So, I have a few extra questions you can ask yourself. 

  • What job would you be willing to do every day for no money? 
  • What would you do with your life if you knew you could not fail? 
  • What are the things that make you excited to wake up in the morning? Is there a way to monetize these things so you can do them all the time? 

Hopefully these questions should get your mind working a little harder. Don’t be afraid to THINK BIG when you answer them too.

If you’re still unsure what things to focus your energy on, that’s fine! 

At this point, I would suggest you take the time to try a bunch of new activities. Visit new places. Take on new work projects. If you do this for long enough, you’ll hopefully discover one or more things that you really like to do. 

Once you do, ask yourself the above questions again 😉    

Related: 11 Strategies To Develop Absolute Focus

#9. Are there any other names for Where Focus Goes Energy Flows?  

I’ve seen a ‘Where attention goes energy flows’ quote. I’ve also seen a ‘Energy flows where attention goes’ quote.

The Law Of Attraction is another popular self-improvement concept with a lot of similar principles.  

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Do you have any more questions about Where Focus Goes Energy Flows?

I hope you enjoyed my explanation of this popular self-improvement concept.

If you want to get started, you have all the information you need to do so in this article. 

Still, if you have any other questions about the ‘Where Focus Goes Energy Flows’ concept, you can leave a comment below. 

I’ll do my best to answer all questions.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
