21 Clear Signs When A Taurus Man Misses You (2025)

Ever since you broke up, you haven’t stopped thinking about him.

However, you’re unsure if he feels the same. This prompts you to ask, “does my Taurus man miss me, and if so, what are the signs to look out for?”

This article aims at answering this question. We discuss 21 signs to look out for when a Taurus man misses you in this post. And that’s not all! We will also provide some tips on how to make him miss you!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Let’s get right into it.

Signs wnen a taurus man misses you

Signs For When A Taurus Man Misses You

#1. He’ll Either Call or Text You Out of the Blue

When a Taurus guy starts missing you, he’ll send a text message or call you unexpectedly.

This is especially the case if things between you end terribly. He might not approach you directly but will first test the waters by “checking up on you.”

He’ll want to stay in touch, whether it’s just to say hi or ask how your day is going. He might also start texting or calling you more often than usual.

However, you don’t want to seem too eager to respond.

In this case, the best thing to do is play it cool and take your time getting back to him. This will make him miss you even more!

But, if you miss him and wonder if he misses you, try reaching out to him first. If he responds quickly and is eager to talk, it’s a clear sign that he misses you.

On the other hand, if he takes a long time to get back to you or seems distant when you do talk, it’s a sign that he’s not ready to reconcile just yet.

In this case, it might be best to give him some space and wait for him to come to you when he’s ready.

#2.  He Makes Excuses To See You

If a Taurus man misses you, he’ll find any excuse to see you.

This could be anything from “running into you” at the grocery store to unexpectedly showing up at your job.

He may say that he needs help with something or wants to talk about something important. Even if he doesn’t have a specific reason, he will find a way to see you.

He will try to be in your space and have one-on-one time with you. If this is something that happens out of the blue, it’s likely a sign that he’s missing your company and hopes to reignite the spark between you two. 

#3. He Stalks You on social media

When a Taurus guy misses you, he’s likely to stalk you on social media. He’s not being creepy. He just wants to keep tabs on you and see what you’re up to.

He may also post things on your timeline or leave comments on your photos to start a conversation.

If you’ve been ignoring his texts or calls, he may resort to stalking you online to get your attention. If you’re not interested in him, it’s best to block him from your social media accounts. Otherwise, he’ll just keep stalking you and making you feel uncomfortable.

However, if you want to talk to him, be receptive and friendly when he does reach out.

#4. He Tries to Know Everything About Your Life

The stalking isn’t only on social media.

When a Taurus man misses you, he will go out of his way to know everything about your personal life. He wants to know what you’re up to, who you’re seeing, and what you’re thinking. 

He’ll do this by asking your friends and family members about you. He might even show up at places where he knows you’ll be.

This can be overwhelming, so it’s essential to set boundaries with him. Let him know that you’re not comfortable with him asking your friends and family about you.

If he doesn’t listen to your boundaries, it’s a clear sign that he’s not ready to reconcile. It might be best to cut off all communication with him in this case.

#5. He’s Jealous of Other Men in Your Life

This is both a sign for when a Taurus male likes you and when he misses you.

Taurus men tend to be a little possessive, which drives them towards jealousy.

While it’s perfectly normal for him to be protective of you, this behavior may become more pronounced when he feels like another man is coming into your life.

If you notice that your Taurus guy is getting possessive or territorial, it may signify that he’s missing your presence in his life. He may try to monopolize your time or get possessive of you in other ways.

While a bit of jealousy can be flattering, too much can be a red flag. If your Taurus man is making you feel uncomfortable, it’s important to discuss how you’re both feeling

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you want to indulge his jealousy or give him the space he needs.

Related: 31+ Signs From The Universe That Someone Is Missing You

#6. He Doesn’t Date or Pursue Anyone Else

One of the most prominent characteristics of Taurus men is their loyalty.

If a Taurus man still has feelings for you even after a breakup, he won’t pursue another woman.

He’ll be faithful to you even if you’re not together. This is a clear sign that he’s hoping to get back together with you.

He is unwilling to move on and replace you with someone else. Instead, he would rather wait for you to come back to him.

When a Taurus man is single, it is usually because he is waiting for the right person to come along. So, if he suddenly becomes single again after dating you, it’s a good sign that he misses you and wants to try again.

#7. He’s Protective of You

When a Taurus man misses you, he will start to act more protective of you.

He may suddenly become concerned about your safety and well-being, and he may go out of his way to defend you if need be.

This sign can be seen in both his words and actions, as he will be quick to compliment you or stand up for you in an argument.

Additionally, he may start to show jealousy if he feels like you are spending time with someone else. However, this is not always a bad thing, as it can simply signify his feelings for you.

If you find yourself on the receiving end of this behavior, it is a sure sign that a Taurus man misses you deeply.

#8. He Gets Back to Being Your Handy Man

If your Taurus man suddenly starts offering to help you around the house or do odd jobs for you, it’s a good sign that he’s missing you.

When a Taurus man is in love, he wants to be helpful and useful to his partner. So, if he’s offering to do things for you that he usually wouldn’t offer to do, it means he misses being needed by you.

Additionally, a Taurus man enjoys feeling useful and appreciated, so by doing things for you, he hopes to make you happy and feel loved.

If you want to take advantage of this sign that your Taurus man misses you, accept his offer of help graciously and show your appreciation. This will only make him want to do more for you.

When a Taurus man misses you
Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels

#9. He Starts Making Expensive Gestures

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll try to buy his way back into your life.

He may shower you with gifts or take you on lavish dates to win your affections. However, a Taurus man is not simply trying to impress you with his wealth; he genuinely enjoys the act of giving and receiving gifts.

So, if a Taurus man is trying to buy his way back into your life, it’s a sure sign that he misses you and wants to rekindle your relationship.

If you’re not interested in getting back together with him, it’s essential to be honest and direct. Otherwise, you may be pulled back into a relationship you’re not ready for.

#10. He’s All Romantic Again

It’s not all about the money.

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll get back to being romantic. He’ll want to shower you with compliments and gifts, and he’ll make an effort to spend more time with you.

He might even start cooking for you or doing other things that he knows you love. He’ll also start to plan more special occasions, like your birthday or anniversary.

So, If you’re wondering whether or not a Taurus man misses you, pay attention to how he’s treating you. If he’s being more thoughtful and romantic than usual, it’s a good sign that he’s missing you and wants to rekindle your relationship.

#11. He Tries Silly Tricks to Get you to Notice Him

When a Taurus male misses you, he might try silly tricks to get your attention.

For example, he might start talking loudly when he’s with his friends in hopes that you’ll hear him and come over. Or, he might deliberately bump into you in a playful way.

He’s just trying to let you know that he’s thinking of you and hoping for some quality time together. So, if you see him doing any of these things, it’s a good sign that he misses you and wants to be back in your life.

#12. He’s Memorized Your Routine and Schedules

There are certain signposts that let you know when a Taurus man is missing you.

One of these is that he’s taken the time to memorize your routine and schedules.

He knows when you’re usually free and when you’re not, and he plans his schedule around yours to see you more. In addition, he’s probably keeping tabs on you through social media or mutual friends.

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll go out of his way to try to cross your path as often as possible. He might even start showing up at your favorite places just to catch a glimpse of you

So, if you start seeing him turn up more often than usual, it’s a good sign that he’s missing you!

#13. He’s Made Changes In His Life

When a Taurus man misses you, he’s likely to make some changes in his life.

He may start working out more or take up a new hobby. He may also change his appearance, such as getting a new haircut or wardrobe.

These changes are all ways for him to feel good about himself and distract himself from missing you.

And these changes aren’t random!

They could be things you wanted him to change while you were together, but he always assumed you.

It’s his way of showing you that he’s taking your criticisms seriously and wants to make things work between you.

However, if you’re the one who ended things with him, he may also use these changes to try to win you back. So, if you’re not interested in getting back together, it’s best to ignore his attempts and let him know that you’re not interested.

Otherwise, he may keep making changes until he finally wears you down.

#14. He Starts Talking About You

When a Taurus man starts talking about you to his friends, it’s a sure sign that he’s missing your company.

He may quote something you said or bring up a shared experience the two of you had. He’s likely to talk about how much fun he had with you, and he may even drop hints that he’s interested in getting back together

Whether he’s telling his buddies about that time you went hiking together or bragging about how well you know each other, it’s clear that he’s thinking of you and wants to share those memories with others

If you share a friend in common and they suddenly know more about you, it’s a good indication that your Taurus man has been talking about you.

When a Taurus man misses you, he'll talk about you to friends
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

#15. He’s Ready to Rediscuss your Relationship

When a Taurus man misses you, he’s ready to rediscuss your relationship. He’ll want to know what went wrong and what he can do to fix it. 

In addition, he may be willing to compromise on things he wasn’t willing to before.

For example, if you wanted him to spend more time with you, he may be willing to do that now. Or, if you wanted him to be more romantic, he may try harder now.

However, this doesn’t mean that he will give up his independence or agree to everything you say. He still wants to maintain a sense of autonomy in the relationship, and he’ll still need his own space.

But, he’s now willing to discuss things openly with you and compromise when necessary to make things work.

If you’re missing your Taurus man, it’s good to try reaching out to him. He’s probably feeling lost without you and would love to hear from you.

#16. He Outright Tells You That He Misses You

If all else fails, a Taurus man will outright tell that he misses you.

However, don’t expect this to be his first course of action. He’ll first use some of the signs discussed in this article. If you still don’t notice or are not receptive, he’ll eventually resort to telling you straight out how he feels.

When he finally tells you that he misses you, it’ll likely be after trying everything else. He may even cry or get emotional when he talks to you because the feeling is so strong.

But don’t let his emotional outburst scare you away. It’s a good indication that he does care for you and wants to make things work.

If your Taurus man has been telling you that he misses you, it’s time to start thinking about what you want in the relationship. He may be ready to take things to the next level.

#17. He’s More Affectionate than Usual

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll be more affectionate than usual.

He’ll be more open to physical touch and may want to hold hands, cuddle, or even just sit close to you.

If you’re not used to this kind of behavior from him, it may take some getting used to.

But, if you can handle it, go ahead and enjoy it. It’s a sign that he misses your company and wants to be close to you.

If your Taurus man is more affectionate than usual, it’s good to reciprocate his feelings. Show him that you appreciate his gesture and that you want to be close to him too.

When a taurus man misses you he'll be affectionate
Photo by Takmeomeo from Pixabay

#18. He Starts Complimenting You More

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll start complimenting you more.

He may find new things to love about you and will be eager to tell you how great you look or how smart you are.

If your relationship has been rocky, this is a sign that he’s trying to win you back.

However, don’t be fooled by his compliments. They may be genuine, but he still has an ulterior motive.

If your Taurus man is complimenting you more than usual, it’s good to take it with a grain of salt. He may just be trying to butter you up so that you’ll forgive him for his wrongdoings.

Related: 6 Best Taurus Soulmates & Why

#19. He Starts Acting More Childish

When a Taurus man misses you, he may start acting more childish.

For example, he may start pouting when he doesn’t get his way or throw a temper tantrum.

If this is out of character for him, it’s a sign that he’s feeling lost without you.

He may also start calling you more often and wanting to spend more time with you.

If your Taurus man is starting to act more childish, it’s a good idea to talk to him about what’s going on. He may just need someone to talk to and may not be able to express his feelings through words.

If you’re missing your Taurus man, there are several things you can do to make him miss you.

#20. You Can See It in His Eyes

The eyes are the windows to the soul.

When you look into a Taurus guy’s eyes, you can see his true feelings.

If he misses you, you will see it in his eyes. They will be sad and longing, and he will have difficulty hiding his emotions.

He may also avoid eye contact altogether, as he cannot bear to see the pain of separation.

#21. He Wants To Spend Time With You

This is self-explanatory.

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll want to spend more time with you. He might call you out of the blue and ask you to meet him for a lunch or movie date.

He might even just show up in places you normally visit. Even being in the same space with you is enough for him.

How Do You Make a Taurus Man Miss You Like Crazy?

Don’t Be Readily Available for Him All The Time

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, the best thing you can do is to make yourself less available to him.

Instead of always being available to meet up or talk on the phone, make plans that don’t involve him or make yourself busy with other things. This will make him curious about what you’re up to, and he’ll start to miss your company.

Another way to make a Taurus man miss you is to be a little mysterious. Let him know that you have a life outside of him and don’t share everything about yourself right away.

This will make him want to know you better, and he’ll start to miss your conversations. Finally, don’t be too clingy or needy when around him.

This will make him feel suffocated, and he’ll start to miss the freedom he had when you weren’t around.

Related: Will He Miss Me If I Leave Him Alone? Clear Signs

Be Visually Attractive

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, make sure you’re always looking your best.

Taurus men are visual creatures, so they’ll be drawn to a woman who takes care of her appearance.

Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and shows off your best features. Take care of your skin and hair, and don’t be afraid to experiment with makeup and fashion.

In short, make sure you’re always putting your best foot forward. By doing so, you’ll make it easy for a Taurus man to miss you when you’re not around.

You can also make him miss you by sending sexy pictures of yourself. Pictures that will get him thinking about you.

Other than being visually attractive, make sure you also practice self-care.

Taurus man misses you
Photo by Tomaz Barcellos from Pexels

Showcase Self Esteem

If you’re wondering how to make a Taurus man fall for you and miss you, showcase your self-esteem.

Taurus men are attracted to confident women, so it’s essential to project an aura of self-assurance.

When you’re around him, make sure to exude confidence in your body language and conversation. Stand tall, make eye contact, and smile.

These nonverbal cues will let him know you’re comfortable in your skin.

In addition, avoid being clingy or needy; instead, focus on maintaining your own independent life and hobbies. By doing this, you’ll give him space to miss you – and when he does see you, he’ll be even more drawn to your confident demeanor.

Be A Source of Peaceful Energy

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, be a peaceful energy source. Taurus men are known for their steady, reliable nature.

They like having a peaceful home life and plenty of stability. So, if you can be the one who brings that calm energy into his life, he’s sure to miss you when you’re not around.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat or always agree with him. But it does mean being calm and level-headed, even when things are tough. It also means being loyal and reliable – two things that a Taurus man values highly.

If you can be all those things, he will miss you intensely when you’re not around.

Be Honest and Authentic

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, the best thing to do is be honest and authentic with him.

Tell him how you feel and what you’re thinking without hiding anything. Be genuine in your affection for him, and he’ll quickly come to appreciate your honesty. In addition, make sure to take care of yourself and stay independent while you’re together.

Don’t be afraid to pursue your interests and hobbies, as this will only make him admire and respect you more.

By following these simple tips, you’ll make a Taurus man miss you more than you ever thought possible.

Shower Him With Gifts

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, then the best thing to do is shower him with gifts.

This sign loves material possessions, so if you can make him feel like he’s being showered with love and attention, he’ll miss you when you’re not around.

Try sending him thoughtful gifts that he can enjoy, such as food items or tickets to his favorite events. You can also keep in touch with him regularly, as this will help him feel connected to you even when you’re not together.

Ultimately, if you want to make a Taurus man miss you, then make sure that you’re continuously showering him with love and attention.

Show Him Your Vulnerable Side

When it comes to making a Taurus man miss you, it’s essential to show him your vulnerable side.

Talk to him about past trauma or things that have hurt you emotionally. You’ll make him feel closer to you and more invested in your relationship by opening up to him.

You should also make an effort to be supportive and understanding when he’s going through a tough time. Let him know that you’re there for him and are willing to help him through whatever he’s dealing with.

If you can be the one person he can rely on, he’ll start to miss you even when you’re not around.

Make a Taurus man miss you
Photo by Ajay Donga from Pexels

Related: Tips – How To Make An Avoidant Miss You

Other Questions on When a Taurus Man Likes You

How Do You Know If a Taurus is Thinking About You?

There are a few telltale signs that a Taurus is thinking about you.

First, they may start to text or call you more often than usual.

They may also begin to act more protective of you, wanting to spend more time with you and make sure you’re safe.

Another sign that a Taurus is thinking about you is if they start to give you gifts, either small tokens or larger gifts.

Finally, a Taurus may start to confide in you more, sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings. If you notice any of these signs, a Taurus is likely thinking about you.

What Does It Mean When a Taurus Man Keeps Coming Back?

If you’ve ever been involved with a Taurus man, you know that they can go on a stubborn streak.

They’re also very loyal, and once they’ve made up their mind about something, they’re unlikely to change it.

So, what does it mean when a Taurus man keeps coming back?

It means that he’s interested in you, and he’s not ready to let go. He may take his time making a move, but rest assured, he’s interested. He may not be prepared for a serious commitment yet, but he definitely enjoys your company and wants to keep things going.

Just be patient and don’t try to force him into anything. If he’s meant to be yours, he’ll eventually come around.

Will a Taurus Man Miss You After A Breakup?

Yes! A Taurus man will miss you after a breakup.

This is because Taurus men are loyal, reliable, and sentimental. Once a Taurus man has committed to someone, he’s in it for the long haul.

So, if you’ve been dating a Taurus man and the relationship ends, he’s likely to feel a deep sense of loss. He may try to stay in touch with you or even try to win you back.

However, ultimately it will be up to you whether you want to give him another chance. 

Any Further Questions?

There you go!

Twenty one clear signs you’ll see when a Taurus man misses you. Which of these signs have you noticed with your Taurus man? Do you know any other signs that Taurus men show when they miss you?

Please tell us in the comment section below.

And if you have any questions regarding the signs discussed in this article, please ask them in the comment section below. I’ll be happy to answer any question asked.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
