Transformational Life Coach – 9 Quality Criteria to Look for

Transformational Life Coach

We all have goals.

Maybe you want to become a good parent.

Perhaps you want to start a thriving business?

Or maybe you want both.

However, you just can’t seem to achieve these goals. Something always gets in the way. 😩

If you’ve been struggling to crush your goals, you’re in the right place.

Because today, we’re going to introduce you to transformational coaching. The exact coaching method that successful athletes and CEOs use to crush their goals.

And the best part?

Transformation coaching allows you to uncover the root cause of what’s been preventing you from living your dream life.

Let’s get right into it!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this post:

What is Transformational Coaching?

All life coaching is meant to accomplish one thing:

Helping you (the client) improve a specific area of your life.

However, unlike life coaching, transformative coaches don’t offer advice, tell you the things to do, or assign strategies to help you reach your goals.

Transformative coaches only help to point out misunderstandings and thought patterns that are keeping you from achieving your goals. 

Simply put, a transformative coach helps you change your perception of self. 😎

Transformational Life Coach
source: (John Hain)

What are the Elements of Transformational Coaching?

Most people rarely notice their limiting beliefs. They’ve become so accustomed to their thinking patterns to the point that their negative belief system works subconsciously.

Transformational coaches take a different approach to help their clients see their limiting beliefs

They’ll do this by

  • Creating non-judgmental relationships that encourage openness and sharing
  • Authentically listening to the client
  •  Asking questions that guide the client into reflection
  • Teaching reflective practices such as meditation, and
  • Connect the client with resources to guide them through their transformation.

If you’ve been struggling with achieving your goals, feeling stuck but don’t know why, transformational coaching is what you need.

But how do you choose the right coach? 🤔

Keep reading to find out more.

9 Quality Criteria for Choosing a Transformation Life Coach

Check their Qualifications

If you were to search for a transformational coach on Google, you’d be overwhelmed by the results.

So many people claim to be coaches.

But why?

The unregulated nature of the professional coaching industry has resulted in any Tom, Dick, and Harry calling themselves a coach.

When choosing a transformational coach, start your search by first separating the professionals from the charlatans.

Only choose coaches who’ve received accreditation from a professional training program.

Look for coaches who’ve been trained and accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). ICF certified coaches undergo rigorous training, mentor coaching, and evaluation to make sure they remain professional in all interactions with clients.

Choosing an ICF accredited coach also gives you a platform where you can file a complaint in case your coach violates the ICF code of ethics.

Would you hire a therapist who doesn’t have enough training? 🤔

Why then would you choose a life transformational strategist who’s not accredited?

Area of Specialization

What areas would you want to change?

  •  Is it your relationship?
  •  Perhaps you want someone to help you move closer to your career goals.
  • Or maybe you need someone to help you organize your life.

Whichever change you desire will significantly influence the transformational coaching program that you’ll choose.

When choosing transformational coaches, you can decide to go with a mindset, empowerment, or a neuro transformational coach

What is a Mindset Coach?

What’s the common characteristic in an unproductive business leader, people who put off exercising yet they want to lose weight, and a difficult employee?

They all have a limiting mindset.

This is where mindset coaching comes in.

A mindset coach helps clients dig deep into what’s limiting them from crushing your goals. He or she helps clients identify deep-rooted fears and negative attitudes that keep crippling their progress.

Your coach then helps you to banish these mental blocks, allowing you to move forward. 

If you’ve been struggling with meeting your business goals, being a better spouse and parent, or improving your health, a mindset coach may be your answer.

Mindset coach
source: (John hain)

What is a Neuro Transformational Coach?

Tell me if you can relate:

You set out to work on tasks on your to-do list, but are unable to do even the simplest one because you just can’t seem to focus. You get lost daydreaming, feel overwhelmed, and are always stuck. 😥

But why does this happen?

It all boils down to your thought patterns. Negative synapsis that you’ve subconsciously created over time.

This is where neuro transformational life coaching comes in.

A neuro transformative strategist helps you to achieve your goals by redirecting thought patterns and removing any blocks that may be preventing you from being your best self.

Your coach can use gentle hypnosis, specific sound waves, guided meditation, and binaural beats to create new brain synapses. 

Using these unique strategies allows a client to create positive lasting changes in their lives.

What is Empowerment Coaching?

Imagine all the things you’d accomplish if you could channel all your strengths.

But what are your strengths?

At one time, I also couldn’t answer this question.

For most of our lives, we’ve been conditioned to think small. As children, we were taught on how to improve our weaknesses but were rarely taught how to build on our unique strengths and talents

This is where empowerment coaching comes in.

An empowerment coach helps you to discover and leverage your strengths.

He or she helps you gain greater clarity on your strengths and purpose, guides you to expand your perspective, and helps change your core beliefs; therefore, helping you move forward towards achieving your goals.

Are you a Match?

Which of these coaches would you choose?

  • One whose personality doesn’t connect with yours, or
  • One who you instantly connect and gets you,

Personal chemistry is essential when choosing a transformation coach.

It’s vital to ensure that you and the coach are a match. Look for one whom you can easily open up to. One who you can relate to as a friend, yet remain professional. One who communicates is a style that fits you.

Since transformational coaching entails a lot of talk therapy, you’ll need to choose a coach whom you can develop deep trust.

Most transformational coaching programs entail a free consultation. Use this opportunity to gauge the coach’s personality. Only choose one who

  • Understands your challenges
  • Gives you confidence that they can help
  • Has similar values as you.
Transformational Life Coach

Look at the Clients

Most people will overlook this aspect.

However, before choosing a life transformational strategist, first take a look at their clients.

Who are they?

Are they like you? Or are they aspiring coaches?

There’s a growing trend in the coaching business, where you’ll find coaches teaching other coaches.

I’m not saying that this is wrong, but a coach who teaches other coaches is not the best person to help you bring changes into your life.

Look for a transformational life coach whose clientele is like you.

If you’re an entrepreneur, look for a transformational life coach who works with entrepreneurs. If you’re at a career crossroad, look for a coach who helps people improve their decision making by getting rid of fear and doubt.

Would you go to a pediatrician or dentist when you have a stomach ache? Why then work with a coach who doesn’t work with people like you?

Consider Testimonials

Here’s where most will focus.

What are clients saying? How effective are the coach’s methods? Do past clients recommend him or her? How did the clientele’s lives change after coaching?

Testimonials are essential in helping you choose the right coach. But, did you know that the coach deliberately curates most testimonials?

No one will put up a negative review on their site.

How then do you separate genuine client testimonials from curated ones?

It’s all in the details.

  • Does the testimonial refer to any exercise performed?
  • Did the client explain how talk therapy worked?
  • Does the testimonial give you a vivid sense of how the coaching sessions were conducted?
  •  Does it have any emotions? Can you feel gratitude or joy in the testimonial?
  • Or does it only talk about vague results?

Look for a well-detailed testimonial. One that’s specific about the strategies used. One that you feel talks to you.

If you can see yourself in the client’s shoes after reading the testimonial, then that’s an indication that that’s the transformational life coach for you.

Transformational coaching
source: (Shad0wfall)

Does the Coach Walk the Talk?

Do they preach water and drink wine? Does he or she live up to the curriculum they teach? What’s their perspective on life?

Before you choose a transformational life coach, it’s important first to take a closer look at the way they live

You can do this using a combination of approaches.

During the free consultation call or email, what vibe do you get from the transformational coach?

Do their replies sound like they’re speaking from a place of generosity and kindness, or does the conversation feel a bit manipulative?

Trust your instincts here.

From here, do a social media deep dive. Go through their Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feed to get a sense of their perspective of life.

Are they fun, reserved, outgoing, or ambitious?

A person’s social media can tell you a lot about their lives.

Only choose a transformative coach whose lifestyle reflects their teachings and philosophy. Their social media channel should contain motivational messages reminding people of their strengths.

Their conversations should be reassuring and fun (who wants a boring coach?)

How’s the Curriculum?

Not all transformational coaching programs are created the same. Some are more effective than others.

Why’s this?

It all boils down to the curriculum. Every coach takes a unique approach to self-improvement. This is why it’s essential to evaluate the quality of the program.

However, this can be a bit difficult.

One way of assessing the effectiveness of a program is by researching past clients. Have they achieved success? How did their lives change?

If most of the program alumni were able to improve their lives, then it’s a clear indication that the curriculum works.

You can take your evaluation further by asking the following questions:

  • How in-depth is the curriculum? Are the exercises deep and personal?
  • Is the curriculum original or a repackaged copy of another coach’s material?
  •  Is the material practical? Can you use what you learned after completing the program?

Are Coaching Sessions Online or One to One?

Which do you prefer: in-person meetings or coaching over the phone?

Your choice on this will determine whether you work with local or online transformational coaches

Local coaches offer the advantage of in-person meetings, which helps to develop trust and build rapport. However, since transformative coaching mainly entails talk therapy, meeting your coach is not mandatory.

Most transformational coaches carry out the coaching process through video chat or phone calls — its more convenient for both parties. 

However, if you’re hellbent on finding a local coach, look for one who specializes in the area you want to develop. If there’s none, go for an online coach.

What’s your Budget?

How much are you willing and able to pay your transformation life strategist?

Although hiring a coach is an investment to your future success, you don’t want to break the bank to do it.

Only choose a transformational coaching program that lies within your budget. You cannot hire a transformational coach who works with fortune 500 CEOs, yet you’re barely making ends meet.

During your free consultation, make sure to ask about rates and how long the coaching process would take.

Remember, you’re looking for someone to help you change your perspective on life, hiring an uber-expensive transformational life coach will push you deeper into the hole of insecurity when you start struggling to make payments.

Check out our guide on rapid transformational coaching to learn more about pricing.

Would You Like to Change Your Life?

What would happen if you silenced all the voices and worked on improving your strengths?

Life would be so different, right?

If you’d like to move from constant doubt to crushing your wildest dreams, a transformative life coach is what you need.

Just make sure your coach adheres to the nine quality criteria explained above.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
