31+ Signs from The Universe That Someone Is Missing You (2025)

When you miss someone, you feel it. You feel an emptiness inside you that only that person can fill.

However, it’s pretty hard to know when someone is missing you. There are all sorts of signs.

Sometimes, these signs are blatant and easy to spot. Other times, they can be more subtle. But no matter how they manifest themselves, they are always there to remind us that we are loved and thought of.

This blog post will discuss these signs. In this post, you’ll learn 31+ signs from the universe that someone is missing you!

Here’s what you’ll learn!

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Let’s get right into it.

Signs From the Universe That Someone is Missing You

Signs From the Universe That Someone Is Missing You

#1. You Dream About Them

One of the most apparent signs that someone is missing you is if you start dreaming about them. Dreams are a way for our subconscious mind to communicate with us.

Dreaming about someone can also be a sign that you’re missing them.

If you’ve not seen this person for a while, then they randomly appear in your dreams, the universe could be telling you that this person is missing you.

Pay attention to the details of your dreams. If they are exceptionally vivid and you feel like you’re there with that person, the universe is communicating with you.

#2. Synchronistic Encounter

Has this ever happened to you?

You think about someone, then out to the blues, your phone rings, and it’s them on the other side of the line.

This isn’t a coincidence but one of the surest psychic signs that someone is missing you.

When you think about someone, your mind is open to receiving their energy.

So, when that person suddenly calls you or pops into your head, it’s often a sign that they’re thinking about you.

And it’s not only calling you. You could be thinking of someone, then suddenly meet them at the mall or airport.

Pay attention to any signs like this! They could be the universe telling you that the person you’re missing is also missing you.

#3. You Get Sudden Intense Thoughts About the Person

When someone is thinking about you, it’s common to get sudden thoughts about that same person.

These thoughts could be anything from wondering what they’re doing at that moment to recalling a conversation you had with them.

However, these thoughts usually aren’t just ordinary memories. They tend to be more intense and fill your mind for no apparent reason.

If you constantly find yourself thinking about someone, it could be a sign from the universe that they’re missing you.

Pay attention to how often these thoughts pop into your head and what they consist of.

#4. You Get a Sudden Need for That Person

When you’re missing someone, the universe often sends you signs in the form of a sudden need for that person.

For example, you might suddenly feel an intense need to call them or see them.

You could also have a strong desire to talk to them about something important.

If this happens, it’s likely that the person you’re missing is also thinking about you and wants to connect with you.

The universe often tries to bring people together when they are meant to be. So, if you get a sudden urge to reach out to someone, it’s worth following that intuition!

#5. You Accidentally Blurt Out Their Names

Another psychic sign that someone is missing you is that you’ll accidentally blurt out their names.

You could be talking to someone then suddenly find yourself blurting this other person’s name. When this happens, it could mean that the person whose name you mentioned is thinking about you.

And it’s not only when talking to someone. Sometimes, you might blurt out the person’s name in your sleep.

If this happens, it’s a sign that the person you’re missing is also missing you!

Related: Does My Ex Miss Me? 21 Clear Signs

#6. Unexplained Mood Swings

Mood swings are another common sign that someone is thinking about you.

When you’re missing someone, your emotions tend to be all over. You could be happy one minute and then suddenly feel sad or angry the next.

If this happens, it’s likely that the person you’re missing is also experiencing similar mood swings.

The universe often tries to get your attention by sending you these signs. So, pay attention to any sudden changes in your mood!

#7. Random Hiccups

Hiccups happen for multiple reasons. They could occur after you’ve eaten or downed something quickly, after abdominal surgery, or due to a nerve irritating disease.

However, when they occur from nowhere, they could be a sign from the universe that someone is missing you.

Some traditions consider hiccups as the universe’s way of getting your attention. So, if you get unexplained hiccups, it could be a sign that someone is trying to reach out to you.

Pay attention to when they happen and what else is going on in your life at that time. This can help you decipher whether someone is missing you.

#8. Your Cheeks Blush or You Have a Burning Sensation in your Ears

When you’re missing someone, your cheeks might start to blush

This is another way that the universe can try to get your attention.

If this happens, it means that someone is romantically thinking about you.

A burning sensation in your ears without any medical reason could also indicate that someone is thinking about you. However, this sensation could suggest that the person is thinking about you in an ill way.

#9. A Psychic Tells You

This one is straightforward. If a professional psychic artist tells you that someone is thinking about you, then chances are they are!

A genuine psychic can connect with the spirit world and translate other signs mentioned in this article.

Pay attention to any other signs the psychic might mention as well. This could give you a better idea of who is missing you and why.

Psychic confirming signs from the universe that someone is missing you
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

#10. A Sudden Twitching of The Eye

Eye twitching can occur due to stress, eye strain, or too much caffeine.

However, when they occur out of the blues without any reason, it could be a sign from the universe that someone is missing you.

And according to some psychics, if your right eye twitches, someone is positively thinking of you. However, if your left eye twitches, it could mean that someone is thinking of you negatively.

However, this depends on the psychic. Some argue the vice versa.

#11. You Subconsciously Feel their Moods

Has your partner ever been away, then you suddenly get an abrupt change in mood?

Could be you’re subconsciously feeling their mood.

When you’re deeply connected to someone, you can often sense their emotions. This is called empathy and is a common trait of twin flames.

If you find yourself feeling the same emotions as your partner, even when they’re not around, it could be a sign that they’re missing you and need you.

So, if you notice a sudden mood change, try getting in touch with your partner.

#12. You Notice Repeating Numbers

Do you constantly catch the clock at the same time? Say 1:11? Or maybe you keep noticing rooms and streets with the same number?

While it could be a coincidence, there’s a high chance that the universe is trying to communicate with you using numbers.

Known as angel numbers, these numerals are usually in a sequence, say 222, 1111, or any other series, and often carry a hidden message from the universe.

So, if you start noticing repeating numbers, try to find out what the message might be. It could be a sign that someone is missing you.

You can do this by looking up the meaning of the numbers or visiting a numerology expert.

Related: 77 Angel Number Meaning & Symbolism

#13. You Get a Sudden Impulsive Smile

When someone you love is missing you, you’ll get a sudden impulsive smile on your face.

It’ll happen unexpectedly, and you’ll have no control over it.

You might even find yourself smiling for no reason at all. This could be because the person is thinking of you in a found way, and in turn, the universe sends this intense energy your way.

Hence your smile.

So, if you find yourself smiling for no reason, it could be because someone you love is missing you.

Sudden smiles as a sign from the universe that someone is missing you
Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer from Pexels

#14. Random Texts

If someone is missing you, you’ll receive random texts from them.

These texts won’t have any specific reason or purpose. They’ll just be sent to you for the sake of it.

It could be a sign that the person is thinking about you and wants to keep in touch.

So, if you’re suddenly receiving random texts from someone, it could be because they’re missing you.

#15. Phantom Touches

Have you ever been sitting in a room and felt like someone just touched you? Or maybe you’re walking on the street and feel as if someone brushed your shoulder?

If so, it could be because someone is missing you, and their energy is trying to reach out to you.

#16. You Get Frequent Little Gifts From Them

If someone misses you, they’ll try to make their presence known by sending you little gifts.

These gifts might be small and insignificant, but they’ll hold a lot of meaning.

It could be a book they think you’ll like or perhaps a coffee mug with your favorite quote on it.

Whatever the gift might be, it’ll be something that they know you’ll appreciate.

So, if you’re suddenly receiving little gifts from someone, it could be because they’re missing you.

#17. You Start Noticing Special Music that You and The Person Like

If someone is missing you, you’ll start noticing special music that you and the person like.

It could be a song that always makes you think of them or maybe a piece of music that always brings back memories.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, if you suddenly hear this type of music, it could be a sign from the cosmics that someone is missing you.

#18. You Get Goosebumps Unrelated to Your Current Activities

Goosebumps happen for different reasons. It could be you’re cold or are about to face a fear.

But if you’re sitting in a room and suddenly get goosebumps for no reason, it could be because someone is missing you.

Your body is reacting to the sudden influx of energy and is trying to alert you.

Pay attention to these signs as they could be a message from the universe that someone is thinking of you.

#19. You Get a Sudden Tummy Upset

Tummy upsets often occur after you’ve eaten something bad, sustained an abdomen injury, or are sick.

However, if you’ve visited a doctor and they’ve ruled out any of the above, your tummy upsets could be spiritual signs that someone is thinking of you.

When someone is missing you, their energy can be so strong that it disturbs your physical body.

Hence the sudden tummy upset.

If this happens to you, try, and see if you can tune into who the particular person might be.

#20. Spontaneous Sneezing

Sneezing is often a sign that your body is trying to expel something. It could be a bad smell, an irritant, or even a foreign object.

But if you’re sneezing for no reason, it could be because someone is missing you.

When someone thinks of you strongly, their energy can affect your physical body and cause you to sneeze.

So, if you find yourself sneezing for no reason, it could signify that someone is missing you.

#21. Their Friends and Family Recognize You 

If someone misses you, their friends and family will start to recognize you.

They might not know who you are or how you’re connected to the person, but they’ll feel drawn to you. It’s as if they know that you’re essential to the person and that they should get to know you.

Part of the reason they might recognize you could be because the person has told their friends and family about you.

But even if they haven’t, they’ll still be drawn to you.

If this happens to you, it’s a sign that someone is missing you.

#22. You Want to Be With Them No Matter What

If you suddenly find yourself wanting to be with a certain person no matter what, it could be because you’re missing them and they’re also missing you

When someone we love is missing us, their energy is so strong that it overwhelms us.

It’s like our bodies are yearning for them even though they’re not physically present.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s a sign that the person is missing you and your connection is very strong.

You might want to reach out to them and see if they feel the same way.

#23. Social Media Content Drives You Towards Them

Do you scroll social media and often see content that reminds you of someone?

This could be one of the signs from the universe that this person is missing you.

When someone is missing us, the universe will try and help us connect with them. This could be in any way.

Don’t rule social media out.

If you’re seeing a lot of content that reminds you of the person, it could be because they’re thinking of you too.

Try reaching out to them and see how they’re doing.

#24. They are Aware of Things You Never Told Them

Have you been away from someone, but they always seem to know what’s going on in your life?

This could be because the person is missing you, and they’re picking up on your thoughts.

When we have a psychic connection to someone, our thoughts are often open to them. This means that even if you haven’t told them about what’s going on in your life , they might still be aware of it.

If this is happening to you, it could be a sign that the person is missing you and trying to connect with you in any way possible.

#25. You Notice Butterflies or A White Feather Frequently

Butterflies and a white feather are often signs from the universe that someone is missing you.

Both these signs represent a sign that someone dear to you is trying to send you a message. This could be someone who recently passed on or even someone alive but is missing you.

If you see either of these signs frequently, it’s a sign that someone is missing you. And it would be worth trying to figure out who it might be.

white feather as a sign from the universe that someone is missing you
Photo by Magova from Pexels

#26. They Show Interest in Your Plans Dispute Being Far

If someone is interested in your plans despite being far away, it’s a sign that they’re missing you.

It means that they want to be part of your life, and they care about what you’re doing. Even if they can’t physically be there, they still want to know what’s going on in your life.

If this is happening to you, it’s a sign that someone is missing you and that they want to be part of your life.

#27. You Start Noticing Elements that Trigger Your Memory of Them

If you start noticing elements that trigger your memory of the person, it’s a sign that they’re missing you.

For example, if you see a street that looks like the one where you first met or find yourself ordering food that reminds you of them, it’s probably a cosmic sign that they miss you.

When we see things that remind us of the person, it’s because the universe is trying to help us connect with them.

If this happens to you, try reaching out to them and see how they’re doing. You might be surprised at what you find out that they’ve been missing you.

#28. You Can Guess What They Are Doing at Any Given Moment

When we’re missing someone, our minds are often preoccupied with thoughts of them.

This means that if you suddenly find yourself being able to guess what the person is doing at any given moment, it’s because you’re tapping into their energy.

If this happens to you, it could signify that someone is missing you and that your connection with them is powerful.

Related: Ways To Let Go And Trust The Universe

#29. They Start Blushing in Your Presence

If someone has been missing you, they will blush on seeing you. This is because they will be feeling overwhelmed with emotions and will not be able to control their reaction in your presence.

If you notice this happening, it’s a sign that the person has been missing you.

#30. They Like to Know Your Opinion Despite the Distance

If a person is interested in your opinion despite the distance, it’s a sign that they’re missing you.

It means that they want to be a part of your life and that they care about what you think. Even if they can’t physically be there, they still want to know how you think and your perspective on specific issues.

#31. You Always Feel Like Something is Missing in Your Life

If you always feel like something is missing in your life, you could be picking on the energy of a friend who’s missing you.

When we’re missing someone, our lives feel a bit incomplete. This is because we cannot experience the fullness of their presence in our lives.

If you’re feeling this way, it could be because someone is missing you, and they’re trying to connect with you in any way possible.

Related: How to manifest someone

#32. It’s Almost Like You Can Hear Them Calling You

When someone is missing us, the cosmics have a way of making it seem as if they are calling you.

This is because the universe is trying to help you connect with them.

If this happens to you, it could signify that someone is missing you and that your connection with them is very strong.

Try reaching out to them and see how they’re doing. You might be surprised at what you find out!

#33. You Can Feel Their Energy Even When They are Far

If you can feel someone’s energy even when they are far away, it’s a sign that you have a strong connection with them.

When we’re connected to someone, we can often feel their energy no matter where they are.

If you’re feeling this way, it’s because the person is missing you, and they’re trying to connect with you in any way possible.

Feeling someone's energy as a sign from the universe
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels

Signs From the Universe That Someone Is Missing You FAQ

How Do You Know if the Universe is Telling You to be with Someone?

There are a few signs that the universe sends you as a way of telling you to be with someone. For example, if you keep seeing the same person in your dreams or keep crossing paths with them, it’s a sign that you’re meant to be together.

Other cosmic signs that you should be with someone include:

  • Being happy and content with this person
  • You start noticing number patterns or patterns in nature.

What Are Some Psychic Signs Someone Loves You?

There are a few signs that someone loves you psychically. For example, they may start sending you signals in your dreams or via telepathy.

Other signs that someone loves you include:

  • You feel a sudden sense of calm and peace when around this person
  • They’re curious to learn more about you.
  • You get an overwhelming feeling of happiness when you think about this person or see them.
  • A real psychic confirms it.

Any Further Questions?

There you go!

All the guesswork has been taken away with these 31+ signs from the universe that someone is missing you. Now you can quickly know if someone is missing you.  

Have you noticed any of these signs? Do you know of any other cosmic signs that someone is missing you?

‘Please tell us in the comment section below.

If you have any questions regarding the signs discussed in this article, please ask them in the comment section below.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
