33 BEST Self-Help Books For Men (2025)

Let’s be honest!

Life as a man isn’t always easy. Societal norms have made many men feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness.

However, this shouldn’t be the case.

Asking for help shouldn’t be seen as a weakness but as a sign of strength.

But you already know this.

This is why you’re looking for books to help you improve your life. However, with thousands of self-help books in the market, it gets hard to choose the best.

Hence this article. In this post, we discuss 33 of the best self-help books for men; therefore, help you decide on the best books to add to your library.

Here’s what you’ll learn

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Let’s get right into it.

What are Self-Help Books?

Self-help books are books that offer guidance on various topics.

These include but are not limited to personal development, spirituality, health, fitness, and money management, among others.

Self-Help Books for men tend to focus on the issues of masculinity in today’s world. They help you become a better version of yourself by being more assertive while also being more considerate.

What Are The Benefits of Reading Self Help Books for Men?

The first benefit of reading self-help books is that they help develop your self-esteem and confidence.

Most self-help books provide guides on handling challenging situations without seeking much help from others. With the newfound abilities to solve challenges, your self-esteem is bound to be boosted.

Reading self-help books also makes it possible to improve your personal and professional life at relatively low financial costs.

In short, reading self-help books is the second-best thing to having a personal life coach.

Best self help books for men

Best Self-Help Books for Men

#1. The Way of the Superior Man

This is perhaps one of the best self-development books for men in the market.

Written by David Deida, this book guides you on how to embrace your masculinity in work, sex, and relationships.

The book has many insights into the human psyche. It provides you with an understanding of how to handle yourself and other people in difficult situations without compromising your masculinity.

This book will also teach you how to improve your interpersonal relationships and your performance at work.

Deida encourages you to be a man who aligns his life with his purpose. By aligning everything in your life with your purpose, you move from the ordinary male to a superior man.

This book is a must-read if you want to reclaim your masculinity and become a better man than ever before.

#2. Man’s search for Meaning

Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the most influential, heartbreaking, and poignant books ever written. What he has to teach us about life is profound.

Written from his personal experience as an Auschwitz survivor, Frankl talks about the meaning of life.

Frankl argues that suffering cannot be avoided. Instead, man must learn from his experiences and move on to find a higher purpose in all things he does.

If you’re a man going through difficult times, this book will help you find meaning in your sufferings.

#3. The Rational Male

Are you tired of always being rejected by women you like?

This is the book for you.

Written by Rollo Tomassi, this book provides a summary of the red pill philosophy. In the book, the author explains why women always go for jerks instead of nice guys.

By reading this book, you’ll learn more about how to regain your power as the man in the relationship. You’ll also learn how you can succeed using your natural traits.

Some of the main concepts outlined in the book include:

  • There’s no “The One,” so stop wasting your time on one woman
  • As a man, the power dynamics in the relationship should favor you.
  • Working on your personal growth ensures you’re a high-value man. Ensure you’re the prize
  • As a man, you should keep your options open when it comes to dating at least until you’re 30 years
  • How to keep a woman interested

However, that’s not all you’ll learn from this book. From this book, you’ll also learn about the need to unplug and relearn mistaken assumptions that society has about being male.

#4. Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of Your Head and into Your Life

The book, Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop is essentially about letting go of the frustration that you face in life.

This book will help you get unstuck from bad relationships and everyday life.

Through the course of the book, Bishop gives tips on overcoming life’s obstacles, whether it be in relationships, career, family, or any other obstacles you might be facing in life.

He outlines his philosophies on making your way out of whatever is trapping you like a hamster on its wheel.

Within the pages, Bishop also details how people are using avoidance strategies to cope with their problems. But, the problem with this is that it just makes everything worse in the long term.

Ultimately, he wants the reader to think less critically and more optimistically about themselves and their situation.

In this book, you’ll learn how to deal with your problems in a healthy way and get unstuck in life.

#5. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Are you looking for a book that will teach you how to make money? This is the book for you.

Written by Robert Kiyosaki, the book will teach you how to build wealth and distinguish between assets and liabilities.

The story uses the example of two dads. One dad teaches his son how to be rich by investing in assets rather than spending money on liabilities. The other dad teaches his son to spend money on liabilities instead of investing in assets.

Not only does this book talk about how you can make more money by investing in assets, but it also touches on the importance of financial literacy for children so they can be financially secure when they grow up.

#6. Awaken the Giant Within

Are you looking for ways to declutter and grab life on the reigns?

Anthony Robbins’s book Awaken the Giant Within is the perfect read for you.

The book will help you abandon your bad habits and lead you on a path to achieving your dreams.

It also discusses how life is a choice and that by looking at things from a different perspective, you can change your entire reality.

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#7. The 5 AM Club

The 5 AM Club, by Robert Sharma, discusses the need to wake up early to live a productive and fulfilling life.

The author argues that by waking up early, you are more focused and can get more done.

He provides reasons why staying up late or getting less sleep will not make you any more productive. Staying up late leads to other issues like weight gain, irritability, and problems with relationships.

The author also advises on how to set up your morning for success. This includes using the 20/20/20 strategy for starting your day. Using this formula, you should spend the first 20 minutes of your morning exercising, the next 20 minutes meditating and reflecting on the day, and the last 20 minutes on learning.

It also includes tips on setting up your bedroom accordingly to wake up early in the morning and be effective once you’re finally ready to start your day.

#8. Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

Author David Goggins takes readers on a journey of overcoming the odds.

He discusses the importance of adopting discipline to carry you through and having the motivation not to give up no matter how tough things get.

Goggins offers personal examples of how he overcame adversity in his childhood and rose to become a successful Navy Seal, Ultra Marathon runner, and one of the most sort-after motivational speakers.

The author also discusses how to adopt a growth mindset to achieve your goals.

By adopting this type of thinking, you can get out of the victim mentality and take complete control over any situation you face.

If you’re a man who’s looking to build self-discipline, this is the book for you.

#9. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

What would you say is the most essential thing in life?

For Jordan B. Peterson, it’s being able to stand up for yourself and make changes to your own life no matter how difficult or challenging they might be.

This book will teach you what it means to take responsibility for yourself as an individual instead of relying on others all the time. You will learn how to embrace your flaws, accept responsibility for mistakes you have made in the past, and get through difficult situations with ease.

What’s more, it also touches on important topics like freedom of speech and what it means to be a good person without having too much of a political agenda.

These are just some of the topics you will find in this book, but there’s plenty more to learn as well.

If you’re looking to take control over your own life and follow the right path, this book is for you.

#10. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Are you always bothered by little things that don’t really matter?

Mark Manson’s book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, is the perfect read for you.

This book uses humor to advise and teach you to stop giving too much attention to things that don’t matter.

Rather than spending your time focusing on things that don’t matter, the author advises you to focus on finding something important and meaningful in your life.

And here’s the interesting part!

Unlike most self-help books for men, the book does away with positive psychology concepts and takes a more no-bullshit approach to self-improvement.

#11. 48 Laws of Power

Robert Greene’s book, 48 Laws of Power, is a book that will teach you the secrets to becoming successful in every area of your life.

This book covers every topic you need to become ultra-successful and influential in life. From self-promotion, using others for your gain to not getting fooled emotionally or intellectually, this book covers it all.

Not only will this book help you become more powerful in the traditional sense (politically/militarily), but your relationships and careers will improve drastically.

This book is helpful for anyone, especially men, because it goes against what society has taught us. This book teaches you how to be in control and get the things that you want and need out of life.

This is an excellent read for any man who wants to have more power in their professional and personal life.

#12. The Art of War

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is a book that every man should read.

This book teaches you how to be victorious in business, politics, and war.

It also speaks about the importance of having self-discipline, which is especially important for men who want success in life/work without sacrificing their personal lives.

If you want to learn the secrets of success through ancient Chinese wisdom, then The Art of War will teach you everything you need to know.

#13. You’re a Badass

Do you often doubt your greatness?

Jen Sincero’s book is the perfect book for you. In the book, Sincero uses humor to teach you how to stop doubting your greatness and start living your best life.

He dares you to look under the surface and understand the insecurities preventing you from living an extraordinary life.

This book is perfect for you if you feel down about yourself or feel like your life isn’t where it should be.

Not only does this book help men become more confident in themselves, but they also learn how to have a better relationship with themselves and others.

#14. Meditations

If you’re feeling down, anxious, or stressed out about your life, then Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations is a must-read.

Marcus Aurelius was the Roman Emperor from 161-180 AD. He uses his personal journal to reflect on himself and improve his actions in daily life.

This book teaches men how to become better people and overcome their fears.

This book is excellent for men who are interested in philosophy, want to learn how to be a better person, or need some guidance on conquering themselves.

If you feel like your life has taken a turn for the worse, this is the book that can help you get back on track!

Self-Help Books for Men
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

#15. Make Your Bed: Small Things that Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World

Author Admiral William McRaven, offers advice on living a better life by doing small things every day.

These small things can be different for each person and do not need to be costly. Some examples are

  • Focusing on your dreams,
  • Reading or writing for 15 minutes,
  • Exercising for 20 minutes,
  • Talking to someone you love
  • Helping someone less fortunate than you.

This book will teach men how they can enrich their own lives by doing small things every day.

It also teaches them how these minor changes could potentially change the world- something that will make any man feel good about himself!

#16. Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done is a book about being more productive by getting things out of your head.

The book is written by David Allen, who specializes in personal and organizational productivity. He offers readers practical methods for identifying, processing, organizing, implementing, and reviewing work.

This book will teach men to be more organized with their life by teaching them how to reduce stress and increase their efficiency.

It also teaches you how to relax, delegate work, and think of all the ways you could achieve your goal.

This book is excellent for people looking to increase their productivity or need some help with achieving their goals.

#17. How to be a 3% Man

Written by relationship coach Corey Wayne, How to Be a 3% Man is a book that will teach you how to improve your relationship with women.

According to the book, most men don’t understand women, which always results in rejection and heartbreak.

This book teaches men how they can improve their relationships with women.

It teaches them that the best way to attract a woman is not by trying to impress her or buying gifts for her, but simply being yourself and letting your true self shine through.

This will help you focus more on who you are as an individual rather than what others think about you.

This book can also teach men how to overcome their fear of failure when talking to women and help them develop the confidence needed to start a healthy relationship with someone they are interested in.

This allows readers to build meaningful, long-term relationships with the person they are dating instead of short flings or one-night stands.

Men who have trouble communicating effectively with women will find this book extremely helpful.

#18. No More Mr. Nice Guy

Ever heard the saying, “nice guys finish last.” Robert Glover’s book, No More Mr. Nice Guy, will help you avoid this problem.

In No More Mr. Nice Guy, Dr. Robert Glover describes the “nice guy syndrome” as a problem facing most men globally.

The book looks at why nice guys never get what they want in life due to their lack of assertiveness and their constant willingness to put others before themselves.

The book debunks this personality type’s misconception that being a nice guy will lead you to get what you want in life. Instead, it teaches readers how to become more aggressive and stop living up to other people’s expectations of who they should be.

To find success in life and maintain a healthy relationship with someone they are interested in, men will need to become more assertive and stop putting everyone else’s needs before their own.

This book will teach them how to improve themselves so that they can find the happiness they deserve.

The tone of this book is somber and direct, which will help readers understand that being a nice guy won’t get them what they want in life.

It also clarifies to men why putting everyone else’s needs before their own leads to unhappiness instead of success.

If you consider yourself a nice guy but never seem to get what you want in life, this book is a must-read.

#19. Beyond Anger

Do you lose your temper quickly? How do you process anger?

Thomas Harbin’s book, Beyond Anger, is the perfect read for you. This book helps readers learn how to process their feelings positively, so they are not destructive.

According to the author, Dr. Thomas J. Harbin, anger is at the center of every serious emotional problem that exists in the world today. He also notes that it’s not just men who suffer from anger problems, but women. However, men process anger more violently and are less willing to deal with their emotions.

This book will equip guys with the tools they need to deal with anger, so it doesn’t spiral out of control.

It also clarifies that anger is not something to be ashamed of, but you will do more harm than good if you don’t process your feelings correctly.

In Beyond Anger, Harbin suggests several different techniques for men to use to identify when and why they get angry and tips on controlling angry feelings.

If you want to deal with anger constructively, this book is for you.

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#20. The Way of Men

Ever wondered what being a man means?

This book will help you understand what manliness means. The Way of Men will give you practical advice on being manly and the reasons behind it.

The Way of Men is often misunderstood, but Jack Donovan makes the true meanings clear. This book answers the question of what masculinity is and what it’s not.

For starters, it’s not about impressing women. Men are built to survive tough times. Being a man is demonstrating that you have what it takes to survive during tough times.

On the other hand, Donovan notes that society often discourages men from being masculine. If you follow all of what it says in this book, then you’ll understand why masculinity is essential and how to live a life as a man.

In The Way of Men, you’ll also learn about male friendship and how close relationships with friends affect men.

This book is a must-read for men who want to understand what masculinity means.

#21. The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face

The Man in the Mirror is a fantastic read for anyone who wants to learn ways to improve their lives and overcome the obstacles they’re currently facing.

In The Man in the Mirror, Dr. Patrick Morley talks about the 24 most challenging problems facing modern men.

He also provides practical advice on how to deal with these problems from a Christian standpoint.

Dr. Morley talks about everything from relationship issues to financial stress and how men can overcome these problems with the help of God’s wisdom.

This book is an incredible resource for any man who wants to improve their life, start a new career, or deal with difficult emotions such as anger and depression.\

If you’re looking for a book about how to be a strong man who is confident with their faith, this one is it!

#22. How to Win Friends and Influence People

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie is a self-help book that aims to teach people how to communicate with others in a way that will help them achieve their goals.

The author, Dale Carnegie, goes over many aspects that will help you live a better life, such as overcoming shyness and how to speak so you can be an effective leader and efficient professional.

You’ll learn how to get people to listen, what words work best in different situations, and why you need friends.

Carnegie also provides strategies for dealing with difficult people by using the right tone of voice so they don’t feel attacked or offended.

This book is an absolute must-read if you want to improve your communication skills, become better at relating to others and be more confident in social settings.

#23. Understanding the Purpose of Men

Do you ever wonder what your purpose as a man is?

Dr. Myles Munroe’s book is the perfect read for you.

In the book, Dr. Munroe discusses what it means to be a man in the modern world. He discusses how men can gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations by focusing on what it means to be male, masculinity, and what roles men should fulfill.

He explains how, while males and females are different in their innate gifts and abilities, they both have a purpose that has something to do with the other and should engage with one another in a way that recognizes that difference.

Other topics discussed in the book include:

  • How gender roles affect the male’s purpose
  • The differences between males and females
  • How men and women are meant to relate to one another
  • How a man can build a better life for himself, his family, and the world.
self-help books for men
Photo by nappy from Pexels

#24. As a Man Thinketh

First published in 1903, James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh, talks about the power of thoughts and how it can significantly affect one’s actions and life.

Allen discusses how our thoughts can affect us either negatively or positively and why we need to be more mindful of the kinds of thoughts we allow ourselves to have.

He also talks about how a man’s thought gives rise to actions that create his destiny.

This brilliant book is a must-read for men who want to change their life and take control of the way they think. It’s also perfect as a gift for those you care about!

#25. Anger Management Workbook for Men: Take Control of Your Anger and Master Your Emotions

If you’re having trouble managing your anger, then this book is for you.

Written by Aaron Karmin, The Anger Management Workbook for Men will teach you everything you need to know about anger management issues and how to handle them.

This book has exercises that can help you to relax, control your temper, and develop healthy communication patterns with other people.

And here’s the best part!

The Anger Management Workbook for Men doesn’t just focus on your personal life; it also talks about the different ways in which work impacts anger.

This book contains an entire chapter devoted to teaching men how to take care of themselves by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. In short, all the things that are essential for long-term health.

Related: Best Napoleon Hill Books & Full List

#26. Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy

Do memories and traumas affect your present life?

This book should be a must-read for you.

Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro is a guide that will teach you how to deal with past memories and experiences that are affecting your life in the present.

The book will introduce you to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which psychologists use worldwide to help people get over bad memories.

EMDR therapy helps to desensitize the negative emotions experienced by patients, allowing them to cope with trauma-related memories without being overwhelmed.

This book will teach you how these techniques can help you create a better life for yourself and your loved ones!

This is essential self-help read that every man should have on their shelf!

#27. Why Do I Do That?: Psychological Defense Mechanisms and the Hidden Ways They Shape Our Lives

Why Do I Do That? is a self-help book that focuses on the defense mechanisms that people set up to avoid emotional pain.

The book talks about how these mechanisms can impact one’s emotional well-being.

It introduces the reader to how defense mechanisms are made, their different forms, and how they can be overcome.

According to the author, self-exploration is critical for understanding what you need to modify to do better.

This book is an excellent read for men who are struggling with accepting responsibility and being self-aware!

#28. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

Here’s a worrying statistic. In 2019, the number of men who died from suicide was four times more than women. Based on this, it’s clear that there is a huge need for men to love themselves. This book will teach you how to find the love in your life.

Written by Kamal Ravikant, this book takes an enthusiastic approach towards teaching you how to love yourself.

The author will help you see all the good that’s inside of you, no matter how tough life can get. With rising rates of male suicide, this book is crucial for the well-being of men everywhere!

Kamal Ravikant will help you see the good in your life and all the potential that lies ahead.

Related: Best Books On Self-Discipline & Self Control

#29. The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking is a book by Oliver Burkeman that focuses on what’s wrong with the way that many people are seeking happiness.

He first discusses his own experience with the world of positivity gurus and academics and argues that the conscious effort to be happy will hold you back from being happy.

Self-help books, TV shows, and even social media sites seem to be aimed at convincing you “to try harder.” However, Burkeman argues that that’s exactly the wrong approach.

He argues that focusing on being positive or trying to “think happy thoughts” can have the opposite effect.

Instead, we need to face our demons head-on, using a more balanced approach of both reaching out to others and going inward.

#30. The 10 Pillars of Wealth 

The 10 Pillars of Wealth is a book that addresses your mindset and how it affects how you work and think.

The author, Alex Becker, has life-long knowledge about what it takes to build wealth and shares that information in this book.

If you want to be successful in your finances, stay away from debt, and make money work for you, this book has invaluable advice.

In the book, you’ll learn the mindsets that affect financial wealth and how to think like rich people.

The book is perfect for anyone looking to be the boss of their financial destiny.

#31. The New Dad Dictionary: Everything He Really Needs to Know – from A to Z

This book is a practical resource for expectant fathers. Written by Chris Illuminati, this book will teach you the terms to expect when the new baby comes in.

It also walks you down real-life situations and provides step-by-step expectations on what to expect as a dad. You can learn everything, from what to ask for at the hospital before labor up to changing diapers.

I highly recommend this book as a gift or something you could use yourself if you are expecting your first child!

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#32. The Five-Minute Journal

You’ve probably read our articles on journaling and are wondering where to start. Alex Ikonn and UJ Ramda’s book, The Five-Minute Journal, is the perfect book for you.

From this book, you’ll learn how to create a daily writing habit that will help you become a more positive person.

The book uses positive psychology to create prompts that you will use for reflection.

Not everyone may find this appealing, but try the book if you’re looking to jumpstart your day and become more productive.

While it may not appeal to you if you have a solid journaling habit, this book is excellent if you’re looking for ways to revive or improve your practice.

#33. Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son 

One of the best books for men, especially if they are about to become a dad.

In this book, Michael Chabon collects essays from men and lays out all the things that they have learned from being a father and from being married. He discusses his lessons from being married and being a dad, reflecting on the challenges and joys of it all.

In this book, you’ll learn what it means to grow up and be a man of the family.

You’ll also get a better understanding of what it means to be a father and how much work, patience, and love goes into it.

If you know someone about to become a father, this book would be perfect for them.

self-help books for men
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Any Further Questions

There you go.

A list of 33 self-help books for men. Which of these books will you add to your library? Do you know of any other self-help books for men? Please tell us in the comment section below.

And if you have any questions regarding self-help books for men, please ask them in the comment section below.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
