Self-Esteem Coach – 13 Facts Checklist (2025)

How and when can a self-esteem coach help?

In my life coaching experience, I have noticed that so many people are often severely limited due to low self-esteem issues.

But it is never too late to change!

In this article, you will access digestible and explicit information about self-esteem coaching.

Also, you’ll find awesome tips on how to become a certified coach yourself.

Let’s dig in.

#1 What Is A Self-Esteem Coach?

A self-esteem coach is a person who possesses the knowledge and tools to help people improve their perception of their abilities and worth.

A good coaching expert pays the utmost respect to the clients’ feelings.

Simultaneously, he guides clients on how to eliminate blocks and regain their sense of self-worth.

Often, childhood trauma, and various unprocessed emotions we accumulate over time, affect us.

The resulting limiting beliefs are at the very core of the issues we face as adults.

Coaches provide ongoing support. They assist a client in breaking free from limiting beliefs.

Think of life on both the personal and the business level.

All the things that don’t kill us make us stronger, as the famous proverb goes.

But you’re the one who can take the leap and change.

The leap to the 

  • New,
  • Confident,
  • Happy, and
  • Content YOU. 

It is true, though, that going that extra mile on your own can be extremely challenging.

#2 Why Do People Need A Self-Esteem Coach?

Self Esteem
Source: by @dariusbashar

Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there’s nothing without it.
~~ Gloria Steinem

On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you in your self-worth?

Now, let’s go back in time.

At the start of your life journey, you are born free of prejudices, labels, and limitations.

But as the journey unfolds, you find yourself amidst various events and situations, both negative and positive.

The negative ones may severely lower the way you perceive your abilities.

Sometimes, painful relationships can leave deep scars on your heart and mind.

Also, what others say about you can make you fall victim to faulty labels and self-limiting patterns.

But these patterns and labels were never your burdens to carry!

However, you’ve been forced to believe that you are something less than what you actually are.

This affects your:

  • Life goals,
  • Career,
  • Personal well-being. 

Thus, you end up feeling as if you are not being enough.

In such cases, people can consider working with a professional to help them out.

The former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, said that “everyone needs a coach” in an interview for Fortune magazine.

Important Notes:
Please, always approach the coaching selection process with care.

Read and re-read everything before you submit any details about yourself, be it your name or email address.

Certainly, there are many awesome reasons to hire a life coach. But there are just as many reasons to double-check everything before you get to work with one. 

#3 What Is Self-Esteem Coaching?

Self Esteem Coaching
Source: by Andrea Piacquadio

This type of coaching is a subset of life coaching.

Similarly to confidence coaching, it is mostly centered around talk-based therapy.

A coaching expert knows how to communicate with clients by asking the right questions.
And then use the gathered information to reveal mental blocks.

Important Note: This type of coaching does not provide quick fixes.

Many different feelings may arise during the coaching process. Some of these are not the most pleasurable ones.

Clients often feel like falling down the rabbit hole of their deeply embedded fears, blocks, and trauma.

However, powerful insights and massive shifts in one’s self-belief follow up.

#4 What Does A Self-Esteem Coach Do?

Self Esteem Coach
Source: by luizclas

The coaching process begins with uncovering the causes of poor self-esteem.

Next, your coach will apply various science-proven methods to help you learn how to overcome your blocks.

Some of these methods include but are not limited to:

  • Journaling,
  • Affirmations,
  • Visualizations,
  • Positive self-talk practices,
  • Hypnotherapy.

The ultimate goal is to help clients feel and see beyond the mental traps, and to take the needed action.

#5 Self-Esteem vs. Self-Love Coach: What’s The Difference?

Self Love
Source: by @auttgood

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
Lucille Ball

The biggest difference sums down to:

  • Feeling vs. Evaluating.

Ultimately, both types of coaching are subcategories of life coaching.

However, love combines both feeling and action attitude.

This type of attitude is intricately related to self-compassion. Yet it has little to do with evaluations.

Instead, it is about the way you feel for yourself. 

Meanwhile, self-esteem is a combination of evaluation and acceptance attitude.

So, it is about the way you perceive and assess your worth and abilities.

#6 What Is A Self-Image Coach?

Self Image
Source: by johnhain

The world will never value you more than you value yourself.
~~ Bill Masur

Confidence coaching is deeply related to self-image coaching. That’s because self-confidence and self-image go hand in hand.

How do you see yourself?

The story you tell yourself is your self-image.

The goal of a self-image coach is to help you:

  • Resolve inner conflict,
  • Release unprocessed negative emotions.

Often, a negative image of oneself is what leads to low self-confidence. 

Without realizing your full potential, the crippling stories you keep playing in your mind lead to poor quality of life. 

 #7 Benefits Of Self-Esteem Coaching

Self Worth
Source: by @kalvisuals

Two main categories of people are needed in your circle; those who give you the necessary support to accomplish your dreams and those who become beneficiaries of what you achieve.”
― Israelmore Ayivor, “Shaping the dream”

The benefits of both self-esteem and confidence coaching include but are not limited to:

  • Identifying inner thought patterns,
  • Recognizing and eliminating destructive behaviors,
  • Leveraging your strengths,
  • Gaining confidence in your abilities,
  • Holding realistic expectations,
  • Nurturing healthy relationships,
  • Improving mental, physical, and emotional health and wealth. 

 #8 How To Rebuild And Establish Healthy Self-Esteem: Life Coach Strategies

Life Coach Strategies
Source: by @jaysoobs
  • Get out of the “I can’t” trap by learning something new (e.g., dancing, painting, a new language).
  • Treat yourself with compassion.
  • Look in the mirror and pay yourself a compliment.
  • Forgive yourself, embrace mistakes and failures, and move forward.
  • Adopt a mind-stilling daily practice (e.g., meditation, journaling, or a mantra).
  • Start/ end the day with a list of things you are grateful for.
  • Use positive language when talking about and to yourself.

#9 What Skills Do You Need To Become A Great Self-Esteem Coach?

Self Esteem Benefits
Source: by @naassomz1

Below is a neat cheatsheet of skills that characterize a true professional in the coaching niche.

  • Deep listening skills.
  • Empathy.
  • Asking the right questions.
  • Knowing how to create clear boundaries.
  • Rapport-building.
  • Self-evaluation.
  • Psychology knowledge.
  • Patience.
  • Excellent communication.
  • Time management.
  • Savvy mind.
  • Detail-oriented.
  • Self-confidence.

 #10 How Do You Coach Self Confidence?

Confidence Coaching
Source: by @brookecagle

Self-esteem begins with self-understanding, grows with courage and perseverance, ends with confidence.
~~ Maxime Lagacé

Self-confidence is defined as:

  • “a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.”

The word “confidence” stems from the Latin word “fidere,” meaning “to trust.”

What a confidence coach does is to help clients get rid of the
“I do not have trust in myself” mindset.

Confidence coaching is about embracing the
I fully trust myself. Success is my sacred birthright” state of mind.

It may be curious to find out that self-confidence and self-esteem do not always go hand in hand, though.

The human psyche is an incredible phenomenon.

Our thoughts and emotions come together and make us who we are.

Think about world-famous celebrities who perform before an audience of tens of thousands. They wouldn’t be able to do so without high confidence.

So, why would some of these beloved and famous performers damage themselves (or even kill themselves) with drugs?

Unfortunately, they have a profoundly low estimation of their abilities and worth.

In such cases, people will not benefit from confidence coaching. They are already able to put their skills on the frontline and make them shine.

Confidence coaching in a nutshell:

Confidence coaching is about (re-)learning to trust ourselves. 

A person who knows and accepts both his strong and weak sides achieves healthy self-confidence.

In coaching for confidence practices, experts may apply a wide array of tactics and tools, such as:

  • Challenging assumptions,
  • Specific feedback,
  • Video/ voice recording,
  • Creating a list of past wins,
  • Problem-solving tasks,
  • Working with the power of belief,
  • Values identification,
  • Reframing negative thoughts,
  • Interpersonal awareness practices. 

#11 The Best Self-Esteem Coaches

Self Confidence
Source: by Andrea Piacquadio

There are many brilliant coaches out there. This list includes the top 3 of the most popular and successful ones to inspire you.

  1. Tony Robbins – Unarguably one of the most successful coaches. Tony Robbins provides private coaching, exclusive retreats, and training programs. He is also a highly revered public speaker hosting various events – both virtual and live seminars.
  2. Marisa Peer – The creator of the patented Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT). Marisa’s unique approach is based on a unique hybrid therapy, providing fast and lasting transformation.
  3. Werner Erhard – NY Times best-selling author. Werner is one of the most “insightful thinkers of our generation.” He has helped millions of people change their lives. 

#12 Self-Esteem Coach Certification

Life Coach Certification
Source: by Andrea Piacquadio

Do you feel inspired and aspired to help others unlock their infinite potential?

Being a part of changing a person’s life cannot be put into words.

Life coaching is about LOVE. You cannot make this profession work for you in the best way unless you feel the love for helping others.

However, love alone is not enough. You also need to keep polishing your skills – day after day.

Most importantly, you need to stand apart from the crowd.

It is so easy to find clients nowadays, as we are in the era of free internet communications and social media.

But the biggest quest is:

  • How do you make others believe in your coaching expertise? 

The answer: 

  • You want to feel confident in coaching. 

And how do you become empowered enough to coach confidence, self-love, personal transformation, to name a few?

By obtaining a legitimate life coach certification.

Well, we are extremely lucky!

We live in times when becoming a reputable, certified expert is literally a click away.

However, these blessings can easily turn into a curse.

Not all certificates are equally well-recognized and treated worldwide.

If you are looking for the best online life coach certifications, I am happy to help you out. I have walked this road myself.

So, are you ready to give your dream a try? 

#13 Self-Esteem Coach Salary

Life Coach Salary
Source: by Andrea Piacquadio

Just as with other types of life coaching, such as confidence coaching and empowerment coaching, self-esteem coaches’ salary is not strictly fixed.

According to a study conducted by ICF gathering data from 137 countries, the average salary is estimated at $51 000.

Many different factors affect the annual salary of life coaches, though, such as:

  • Types of services,
  • Whether the life coach is certified or not,
  • Geographic location,
  • Years of coaching experience,
  • Blog quality.

Any questions or ideas to share?

Coaching Online
Source: by fauxels

Did you find useful information in this article?

What is the first step you will take to improve your life on the esteem-self level?

How well do you cope with what others may say or think about you?

If you often search for evaluation outside of yourself, I encourage you to look deeper within.

Because the #1 secret you want to know:
living a life of positive abundance starts on the mental level.

Do you agree? Join us in the comments!

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
