11 Ways To Multiply Your Impact (2025)

This guide features 11 ideas to help you multiply your impact and leave a lasting impression on the world.

These are the types of ideas I’m regularly sharing with my life coaching clients, and I’m excited to share them with you as well. 

So, let’s dive in.

Multiply Your Impact
Photo By Xan Griffin on Unsplash

1. Define Your Mission 

The first step to making a powerful impact on the world is to know what your mission is.

Your mission should be something you’re truly passionate about; something that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. 

This passion should fuel you to make as big an impact as you possibly can.  

2. Go ‘All In’

The impact you can make will be limited if your mission is just a side-hustle. At some point, you have to go ‘all in’. 

It’s recommended to get your feet wet first, so you’re sure you have the talent and determination to become a success in this field. Ideally, you also have cultivated a safety net to protect yourself if things go wrong.

But, once you’ve taken both of these steps, dedicating yourself to your life mission will multiply your impact. 

3. Cut Out Unimportant Missions

A big part of going ‘all in’ is eliminating pastimes that don’t serve your mission.

If you really want to make an impact with your mission, you need to stop wasting so much time on video games, partying and other ultimately unimportant actions.

Related content: Benefits Of Stop Watching The News 

4. Shamelessly Market Yourself

In some cultures, it’s deemed impolite to always be talking about yourself and the things going on in your life.

A lot of people will remain quiet and modest about what they’re trying to achieve through their mission. 

If you want to make a real impact on this world, let go of that. 

Find a mission so important that you believe you’re helping people by letting them know about it.  

This is a lot easier when you have a mission that is about making the world a better place, rather than your own selfish desires.

5. Focus On The People You’re Helping

Most missions are about making the world a better place, although not all heroes are good at making that clear.

When you explain your mission to others – whether that’s through word or mouth or official marketing – focus on the benefit to them. 

That’s the best way to get their attention and make a bigger impact on the world.

6. Don’t Be Scared To Upset Some People

The most impactful projects in the history of the world are somewhat polarising. Some people will be super-excited about them. Others might have strong opposition. 

Take a look at cryptocurrency, driverless cars or the third-wave feminism movement. These are just three examples of projects where people have strong opinions either way. 

If your mission attracts strong opinions, you know on the right path. Don’t shy away from that. You’ll excite your target audience and repel everyone else. That strategy is more likely to make an impact than having everyone think your mission is simply ‘OK’.

Related content: Reasons Why It’s OK That Not Everyone Is Going To Like You 

7. Improve Your Public Speaking

You could have the most impactful idea in the world, but if it’s not delivered in an interesting way, it’ll be hard to win anyone’s attention.

In this case, the way you deliver information is more important than the information itself.

If you’re launching a business, don’t skimp on the quality of your marketing. If you’re spreading the word yourself, learn how to be an amazing public speaker. 

You need to learn how to impact people with your words – and a public speaking coach will be able to teach you how to do that.

8. Lower The Barrier For Entry

The easier it is for people to get on board with your project, the more of an impact you’ll have.

Sure, maybe not everyone will be able to afford to buy whatever you’re selling, but maybe there are cheaper ways they can show support to your project.

This is what I’m trying to do with my ‘Surfing The Wave’ project, which gives people an opportunity to be coached by me for free. 

To learn more, click this link: Surfing the Wave – Coaching Online.

9. Scale 

Once you’ve found a winning formula for your mission, the next step is to scale.

How can you do more of what’s working? Is it through creating a franchise and opening branches in different cities? Is it by pumping more money into online marketing? 

Yes, there’s a risk that comes with scaling – but it’s one you need to take if you’re serious about maximizing your impact on the world.  

10. Work With A Coach Or Mentor

Whatever you’re trying to achieve, it’s incredibly likely there’s someone out there who has done something similar before.

So, swallow your pride and invest in an experienced coach or mentor to show you the ropes. 

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel and make loads of mistakes. Your mentors already made them in the past – and can warn you away from the same errors.

Related content: Scientific Ways How To Get Over A Mental Block

11. Always Show Passion

Don’t hold back your passion or determination when talking about your mission. Passion is infectious.

If people can see you’re passionate about your project, they’re more likely to become passionate about it too.

This is how you drum up support and multiply your impact across the world.   

Related content: Ways to A Strong Positive Presence – Backed By Science

Any More Questions About How To Multiply Your Impact? 

Thanks for reading my guide.

If you have any more questions on this topic, feel free to leave a comment below. 

It would be great to hear from you.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
