110+ BEST Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry (2025)

Is your man’s love language words of affection?

Is he always sending you sweet messages that make you smile and cry at the same time?

Why not write him a love letter that will also make him cry?

Writing your man a love letter is excellent since it allows you to express your feelings in one of the most genuine and sweetest ways possible. Instead of just saying it or sending it through text, writing a few emotional paragraphs for him will go a long way in strengthening the bond in your relationship.

And here’s the best part!

You don’t have to be a poet or writer to write your man a love letter.

All you have to do is pick a letter from our list of 100+ love letters, get inspired by it, add your slight personal touch, put it on paper, and wait to see your man cry.

Let’s get right into it.

Good Morning Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry

Anyone whose love language is words of affection will appreciate a sweet note in the morning. Here are some examples of love letters you can use to help brighten up his morning.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#1. I Can’t Wait to Wake Up Next to You

Good Morning love!

I can’t wait to wake up next to you.

Not just because it will make my day a little better, or that we have something special in common and enjoy spending time together but mostly because I know when we’re both awake; there’ll be no other person more important than ourselves.

A love like ours is truly unmatched

#2. The Best Way to Start Every Day

Good morning my Love!

The feeling of your arms around me is the best way to start every day.

I love when you sleep next to me and wake up with a smile on your face. You’re such a fantastic person, sweetheart. Thank God for bringing you into my life!

I will always treasure every moment spent being able-bodied enough (or close), so we can be there for each other whenever needed.

Have a fabulous day, darling!

#3. You Fill the Hole in My Heart

Good morning darling!

The way I feel when you’re not with me is like a deep dark hole in my heart.

You are the only one that has ever made this woman happy. There’s no other person who can take your place and make her contented or complete! 

I love every second of our life together.

Waking up next to see your gorgeous face each day and knowing we will be able to share so many more beautiful memories ahead make all those hours worthwhile.

Have a great day my love.

#4. Your Face is What Brings Me Out of Bed

My love!

You are the first thing I think of when it’s morning. Your face is what brings me out of bed.

Your presence has always made everything better. Knowing that you will be right next to me during our lives together makes all these moments worth living for sure

I can’t wait to wake up next to you for the rest of my life.

#5. You’re My Light in This Darkness

Good morning dear

I’ve tried to ignore the way your voice makes me feel, but it’s hard when I wake up stronger and wiser every day because of you.

You are my light in this darkness.

When I wake up in the morning and look at you lovingly staring back, it reminds me that our love is a gift.

It reminds me that the answer to every question is right here before me all along. I just need eyesight enough to see what has been there for so long already.

Have a lovely day ahead.

#6. I’m Lucky to Have You

Good morning my love!

I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.

There’s no one else in this world like you, and it just makes sense that we would be together forever. We’re partners for life!

Our love keeps us strong when nothing else matters. I’m so thankful every day knowing your soul inside out (and back again). You are my best friend and greatest inspiration. Every day I give thanks for meeting you. You’re truly unique.

Have a fantastic day ahead.

#7. Nothing Else Matters

Good morning handsome!

Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning and look at your face, it’s like nothing else matters.

You are always there for me; you never fail to make my heart smile or fill me with so much love that words can’t describe how amazing being part of this relationship feels.

I’m glad that we found each other because life would be a lot less beautiful without someone as special as YOU!

#8. We’re Two Halves of a Whole

Good morning my love

I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you by my side. You’re always there for me when no one else will be.

We are like two halves of a whole that doesn’t want anything but each other in this world. We make such an incredible team. Fighting battles both big and small together.

We were made from each other’s souls. It only makes sense that our love will never end no matter what happens along its path of life 

Our love can withstand anything because our souls are one now. I’ll always have your back no matter what life throws at us. 

Have a lovely day.

#9. You’re My Sun and Moon in Tandem

Good morning my love

You are my world, the sun, and the moon in perfect tandem. You shine so brightly that I wonder how anyone could survive without you.

Dreaming about your sweet smile makes up more than half of why I wake with a grin on my face every day.

Knowing what a fantastic person you are, only strengthens these feelings and leaves me wondering, “what did I do to deserve you?”

Have a productive day my love

#10. There’s No Choice but Happiness with You

Good morning handsome!

You are the most special person in my life, and I want to promise you that my love will stay true. 

You’ve given me a reason for living when all hope seemed lost. You’re everything good about this world wrapped into one little package with big warm eyes.

I pledge myself wholeheartedly from now on because there’s no other choice but happiness with YOU!

May your day be as bright as you make my life.

#11. You’re The Paint That Makes Everything Beautiful

Good morning My love

Just a short reminder of how special I think you are.

You are my life, the sunshine on a rainy day. The paint to make everything beautiful!

When things get tough or hurt feelings come up between us, just remember that no matter what happens today, it’s guaranteed tomorrow will be better because our love never dies.

Have a great day.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

Good Night Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry

If you’re looking to make your man go to bed while emotional, here are examples of deep emotional love letters that you can send him at night. 

#12. My Mind is Always at Peace


The day I met you was the best day of my life, and every moment since then has only made me love, care for, and treasure our time together more.

You are everything to me. You make up who I am inside. When we’re apart, there’s a part missing that can’t be replaced by anything or anyone else in this world! 

Every day while we are together during daylight hours, somehow manages to find its way into every one of my dreams. Tonight, won’t be any different.

Thank you for making my days and nights so peaceful.

Have a good night.

#13. The Best Way to Fall Asleep

The best way to fall asleep is with your favorite person, whether it be their scent or voice.

If you can’t seem to get past the day and need something to cheer you up, just take a few moments and think of us and our love.

How far we’ve come! How far we plan to go, and how much we love each other!

And if that doesn’t work, think of the days I’m right there next to you, sleeping on your chest like a baby 🙂

#14. I’m Always There for You When Things Don’t Go As Planned

My love,

You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you with all of my heart and soul!

I know things haven’t always gone as planned, but I’m always there for you when things don’t go as planned.

I’ll be by your side through thick and thin because that’s what love is supposed to be like, right? I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy and keep that smile on your face.

Goodnight love. I’ll see you tomorrow!

#15. Count All Our Kisses as They Fly


If you’re feeling tired, just take a deep breath and think of us.

I won’t let go until morning comes because where there’s life, we will always find each other in the end!

If it gets too difficult to fall asleep at night for any reason (like if your mind is racing with thoughts), count all our kisses as they fly by like shooting stars across an emerald sky.

Know that no matter how far apart physically or emotionally we get, distance never separates true love.

Have a good night with the sweetest of dreams.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#16. You are Part of Everything that Makes up Who I Am

My heartbeat!

I want you to know that your love means the world, and I will always be here for whatever is next. You inspire me every day with everything you do.

Whether day or night, you’re always on my mind. Wishing you nothing but the best.

Your love has made me an extremely happy girl with all the best qualities anyone could ask for. So, thank YOU from the bottom of my heart because without your support, I wouldn’t get very far or achieve anything extraordinary at all!

I love you forever and always. Good night my darling.

#17. I Hope the Moon Lights Up your Dreams

I hope the moon lights up your dreams tonight.

You are my heartbeat, best friend, and lover. I’m thankful for having such an amazing best friend and lover in just one person

I wish I could always be there to hold your hand and kiss you goodnight.

But know that no matter where we are in this crazy world, my heart is with you! 

My love for you is eternal, always has been since the moment our eyes first locked onto each other’s souls. 🙂

Good night, I love you.

#18. Nothing Can Replace your Love

You are the most wonderful person in my life, and there is nothing that can replace your love.

Every moment we spend together brings me so much happiness. With you in my life, it’s like having an angel by my side. One who never let’s go no matter the situation!

Nothing else can compare to the joy we have shared.

My only wish now would be to always stay by your side, believing in this beautiful lifetime ahead where every new day will bring more magic from simply being near you.

As you go to sleep, know that I love and wish you the sweetest of dreams.

#19. You Bring Joy to Every Part of Me


You are the apple of my eye. You bring joy to every part of me.

We’ve been together for so long, and there’s nothing else in this world that can compare with our love story 

I’m not sure if it’s because I want more time or don’t know what will happen next but either way, when we’re apart, I feel lost.

Without your smile, everything seems worthless. It feels as though something has suddenly clicked inside me, knowing full well how lucky I am to have such an amazing boyfriend like U!!

I love you. Have a good night.

#20. The Sun Shines Brighter When We are Together

My Love!

You are my life. The sun shines brighter when we’re together, and there’s nothing that can tear us apart!

I’ve been so lucky to have found someone as outstanding in all their entirety. Every day feels like a blessing because it means more time with this handsome person who captures everything good about being alive.

There’s nothing else in this world that can make me happier than being with you.

We’ve had such an amazing time together, and every single moment has given rise to so much happiness. Thinking about how fantastic our future will be, brings a glimmer into my eyes.

Even now, as I go to sleep, I can’t help but think about how happy you make me.

As you go to bed, I hope you have a lovely night and the sweetest dreams.

#21. You’ve Brought so Much Joy to this Old Lady’s Life

Where do I even start from?

You’ve brought so much joy to this old lady’s life with your incredible love. Since we met, nothing else can compare to how happy you make me feel. All those lovely moments together give me such satisfaction and contentment!

It must be some kind of charm or lure because it would take quite an effort to stay away from you.

I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me and promise to always be there by your side no matter what life throws our way.

Good night my love. I hope you have a peaceful sleep and sweet dreams!

Love Letters for When You Have an Argument

#22. I am Sorry Love

I am sorry, love.

I know we are fighting, and it hurts both of us!

If I insulted you, then please forgive me. That wasn’t my intention.

When we fight, I tend to get emotional and say hurtful things. I know you want the best for me, and I want the best for you, so, let’s try again, shall we?

I want nothing more than to be with someone who makes me feel safe every day, even when they’re angry. That someone is you.

Please forgive me, my love.

#23. Don’t Let Arguments Break Us Apart

I just want you to know that I will always love and cherish our time together, even when things get tough.

Remembering the good times in our relationship helps me through challenging moments.

So please, don’t let arguments break us apart. Give space for both of us. But remember, no matter what happens between now and then, know my heart belongs only with yours.

I’m sincerely sorry.

#24. It’s Okay for Both of Us to Be Angry

My darling!

I know that you need some space from me now, and it’s okay for us both to be angry.

I just want you to think of our good times when we’ve shared joy. Remember how happy we usually are in this great journey called LOVE.

Fights and conflict will always be there. It always happens when two independent people decide to live together.

But no matter what happens, don’t forget how far we’ve come and all the sweet memories we’ve created. And most of all, don’t forget that I love you.

#25. Our Love Is Stronger Than Any Argument

My darling!

I’m sorry for hurting you. Bad times are part of this love journey, and arguments sometimes happen.

However, don’t let them get in the way of our love. You’re always here with me no matter what! And every time we argue, remember that our love is stronger than any argument could ever be.

I’m sincerely sorry!

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

Anniversary Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry

#26. You’ve Made Time Meaningless

Happy anniversary to us! 

I am so grateful for your love in my life.

We have been together for two whole years now, and it feels like just yesterday that I met you on the street corner.

You make time meaningless because all your energy is focused solely on making me happy, which makes everything else in life seem less tedious by comparison.

I’m thankful every day for having such an amazing partner like you by my side.

#27. You Make Me Feel Like a New Person

Happy anniversary my love!

I can’t believe it’s our fourth year together. We’ve been through so much, yet you still make me feel like a new person every day.

You make me feel like the luckiest woman in this world. You have given life to my soul and shown me that true love does exist.

I am so grateful every day when I wake up beside your warmth, knowing there’s no way anything could take away what we’ve got together. Our bond can’t be broken no matter how hard people try.

Happy anniversary darling!

#28. You Make Every Day Brighter with Your Love

You are the light of my life. You make every day brighter with your love.

I’m thankful for this amazing relationship we’ve built together over these last two years.

It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating our first anniversary. I can’t imagine a day without you by my side.

I love you from the bottom of my heart and will always cherish your love in return.

You are everything to me!

Happy anniversary sweetie!

#29. My Love for You is Like a Sunrise in the East

My love for you is like a sunrise in the east.

Every day, I find myself looking forward to seeing your smile again and making every moment count as if it were our first anniversary!

When thinking back on how special this year has been together, I can’t help but say, “I want more.” Everything feels so perfect when I’m with you.

I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love your unending support and affection towards me. It’s more than enough for me!

Happy anniversary sweetheart!

#30. A Flame That Will Never Die

My love for you is like a flame that will never die.

It’s been there since we first met. Our anniversary means so much more every year because of this special bond between us.

I want to say so many things, but I can’t find words that express how much love is inside my heart. I’m truly blessed to have such a person in my life, and I promise to always be there for you.

No matter what life throws at us, our love will never die.

Happy anniversary my love! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I will always cherish your love and support! You mean everything to me!

Thank you for making this journey called love so amazing!

#31. Thank you for Being an Endless Source of Inspiration

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

When I look back on my life, the person who’s been by my side through everything is what makes me most proud.

The best moments of our relationship have been when we can push each other to do even better than before!

You have always been there for me. You’ve taught and inspired others with your goodness of character. It’s such an honor having someone so selfless in my life! 

Thank you for being an endless source of inspiration in all aspects; both as a husband but also just someone whose company I enjoy spending time with every day.

#32. You’ve Grown into This Amazing Person

You are such a remarkable man, and in the last year, I’ve watched you grow into this amazing person.

You’ve become more responsible with every passing day. Your care for others has grown, as have all your other attributes.

You are my guiding light!

You have been there for me in a time of darkness when all hope seemed lost, and it was just us against the world. You were still fighting to keep your candle burning bright!

Our anniversary is about celebrating every day spent together these past 12 months and making amends from those fights along.

Happy anniversary darling!

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels

Cute Love Letters for Him That Will Make Him Cry

Here are examples of cute love letters that you can send your boyfriend or husband to make him cry. 

#33. Every Day is Full of Gratitude


You ask me all the time, “why do I love so much?” Well, here’s why!

Every day is full of gratitude for your endless supply of optimism and good humor. It has been one reason why this relationship works! You make everything better just by being yourself.

I hope I always remember to be grateful like that when life gets complicated.

Apart from making me laugh everywhere, your sunny disposition also helps my mood rise whenever I’m feeling down

You truly are amazing, and I thank you for being in my life. It’s a true honor!

I love you now and always!

#34. I Know This is Corny, But It Won’t Stop Me

I wanted to write you a love letter. Sure, it’s corny, but that doesn’t stop me from trying!

I know what our relationship means and how much it helped make up who I’m becoming daily.

I just want you to feel the same way because without being able to see into each other’s eyes anymore, or hear your laugh ringing throughout my ears every day, it would feel like something worth missing about myself

It may not seem possible right now with all those miles between us. But one day when these walls come down and distance no longer matters at all

I’ll be able to hold you again and tell you everything that I have been dying to say for the longest time

Until then, know that my love is with you always and forever. Distance may separate us, but it can never break our bond!

#35. The Perfect Day Starts with You


The perfect day starts with you. You in a tuxedo and me in a white dress.

It’s like something out of the fairytales! Then kids laughing as we chase each other through fields or fly kites on the beach.

I think about these things every single morning when life gets tough. Then again, at night, before I go to sleep dreaming up ways that just might be possible one day.

We might be apart right now, but that doesn’t mean our love isn’t still as strong as ever. It just grows stronger with time!

I can’t wait to see you again and finally be able to hold you in my arms. Till then, know that my thoughts and heart are always with you.


#36. Words Can’t Express My Love

My Love!

Words cannot express the depth of my love for you. Just thinking about your laugh or seeing one small gesture from afar gives me such a feeling in return.

Knowing that no matter what happens between us, as long as we’re together, there will always be something to make both our lives worthwhile, surpassing anything else out on this Earth!

You are everything, and every day feels better because when I’m with you, I’ve got somebody who understands where I’m coming from!

Our love is more than just words. It’s the feeling you get when your stomach does flips over butterflies, and it’s never gone away since we first met!

I can’t wait until our anniversary again because I will tell you all this once more but in a little more detail.

#37. I Will Always Love You

Hey handsome

I will always love you, and nothing could ever change that.

When we’re together, it feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. When I’m with you, all the pain disappears.

I know I’m not superficial when I say this, but holding on to you while feeling your warmth radiating through our embrace gives me more happiness than anything else in life.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#38. I’d Be Lost Without Your Gentle Hands


I love the way you look. You’re so handsome! When other people see us together, they envy me for being with such a kind man like yourself 

I’d be lost without your gentle but strong hands that make me feel safe and cared for every time.

And that generous soul!

Whenever someone needs help or advice on something, whether big or small, you’re always there first with open arms and willing ears, listening carefully until you find a solution.

That is why I love you. You are the most amazing man on this planet, and no one can ever change that!

I’m so grateful to have you in my life and will always be there for you, no matter what happens.

My love for you only grows stronger with time!


#39. All My Dreams Came True When I Met You

All my dreams came true when I met and fell in love with you.

Even more impressive is that we are now building our future together while working on the present day to make it better!

My life changed completely because of one person, yourself.

You have helped teach me what family should be about by being honest and ambitious. Everything else just falls into place after having someone like this around for so long already.

I never knew what it was like to be complete until I met you!

You are my world and always will be.

#40. All My Dreams Came True

Hey Sweetie!

When I met you, all my dreams came true.

You are so handsome and funny! And your personality makes me feel so happy. Being with you is so easy. It’s like having an awesome friend who understands exactly where I’m coming from.

It feels great being able to share everything about myself without any judgment.

I never knew I could be so comfortable with someone until you came into my life.

It’s just amazing being able to cuddle up next to you in bed at night and not have any worries about anything else in the world because it feels like everything is perfect when we are together!

Love you always and forever.

Short Love Letters for Him That Make Him Cry

While long love letters are great, short love letter are equally as sweet. In this section, we go through short sweet love letters that you can send your man to make him cry. 

#41. You’re The Luckiest Thing to Happen in My Life

Having you in my life has been the luckiest thing that happened to me. You are a carefree spirit who brings joy and happiness into every single one of our days together.

I will always make sure we’re safe from any harm with all love surrounding us like an endless storm cloud above ground level where it’s warm forever!

#42. I Will Love You with Every Beat

For the rest of my life, I will love you with every beat. Until death does us part and until our final day together on Earth, know that your heart is safe in mine.

As long as there’s still breath in me, nothing else matters more than making sure this Us arrangement works out just right!

#43. You’re The Air That Keeps Me Alive

I don’t know how I was able to live a single day without you by my side.

You are the air that keeps me alive, and when we’re together, there’s not even space for anything else in this world

#44. Your Presence Salaries a Lifetime of Joy

I will never stop loving you. Your presence salaries a lifetime of joy in me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you because we belong together 

#45. Loving you is like Breathing

Loving you is like breathing to me. Every day, I wake up feeling blessed because God designed us so perfectly together. It’s difficult for anything else in life to matter when all my happiness comes from being around you!

I want nothing more than this moment with you here by my side

#46. It’s How You Make Me Feel

I am in love with you because of your kindness and compassion, but most importantly, it’s how you make me feel.

When I’m around the person who makes my heart beat so fast, it reminds me that there is still good out here on this cold planet.

#47. All My Dreams Came True

Just looking at you makes me feel so lucky to have found someone as special and unique. When we’re together, all my dreams come true because I know that there’s nothing else in this world like our love.

#48. A World of Possibilities

Seeing you every day reminds me that true love exists because I have loved nobody this hard. Loving you has opened a world of possibilities for us and much imagination about our future together.

#49. The World Melts Around Me

When I look into your eyes, it’s like the whole world melts around me. Your smile can make any bad day better, and you have shown time after again that no matter what happens in life, we will always be together because our love is unbreakable.

#50. The Sky Is the Limit

I can’t help but feel like the sky is my limit when we’re together. You are everything to me, and that’s why I want nothing more than for us both to be happy.

#51. Only Infinity

When I am with you, it feels like the world is mine. You are all that matters to me, and my love will never run out because its depth knows no bounds or limits; only infinity can contain such vastness!

#52. Our Perfect Story

When I saw you, the first thing that came to mind was how perfect our love story would be. And now that we are in each other’s lives, I don’t want anything or anyone else but this moment with my best friend and future husband.

#53. Like The Wind

When I saw you, a feeling washed over me like the wind. You’re my one true love. There is no other person in this world who can make me feel quite as much happiness and contentment as you.

#54. You’re The Light of My Life


You are the light of my life. Even in those dark moments where I feel lost and alone, you make me want to be around for more than just myself.

Because being with someone who cares makes all things better!

Thank You

#55. Your Smile Erased All My Bad Days

When I met you, your smile erased all my bad days. Loving and being loved by someone so unconditionally is a true gift that few people get to experience every day.

I’m thankful for this feeling because it makes life worth living!

#56. The Whole World Seems Lighter and More Colorful

When you are near, the whole world seems lighter and more colorful.

It’s as if nothing can stop us from spinning around faster or pulling each other closer with every passing second. I know without a doubt that this feeling will never go away because it is our destiny to be together forever!

#57. The World Moves Faster

The world seems to move much faster when I am with you, and my heart speeds up too. It’s as if nothing can stop us from being happy together because your love gives me everything needed in life.

#58. The One Who Fills the Empty Spaces

Can I be the woman of your dreams, the one who fills up all those empty spaces in your heart?  You are everything to me, and I want nothing more than a life full of laughter with you. 

#59. Fish Out of Water

We’re both working on ourselves to be the best for each other. Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water, but that’s okay because you make me happy when everything else seems dark and hopeless.

#60. I Will Never Let Go of Your Hand

Even when I was still blind to the world, you were always by my side. Now that I’ve seen what love is and how great it can be if we’re together. I will never let go of your hand.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#61. You Opened Your Heart

You showed me the love I wished for all along. Despite my flaws, you opened your heart and gave yourself to me completely. With you, it’s not just about today or tomorrow but forever!

#62. A Thousand Songs and Poems Don’t Compare

I may not be the best at expressing my love for you, but that doesn’t change how deeply in love I am with you. A thousand songs and poems cannot compare to what I feel when we’re together.

Nothing comes close to filling up this empty space inside me like your presence does every day or night.

#63. Beautiful Inside and Out

I’m not sure what it is about you, but I just can’t help myself. You’re a beautiful person on the inside and out.

Your gentle heart speaks to me in ways no one else ever has or will be able to do so again! I’m thankful every day for our time together.

#64. Love Cannot Express How Much I Care for You

The word “love” cannot express how much I care for you. It’s impossible to think of life without your intense affection and compassion, which are what make our relationship worth fighting through all the tough times together!

#65. Thinking About You Makes Me Smile

Every day, I wish to be with you. You are my world and the best part of it all for me. Even when we aren’t together or in each other’s presence, just thinking about being near you is enough to bring a smile to my face!

#66. Your Arms Feel Like a Security Blanket

The feeling of your arms around me is like a security blanket. I feel safe and protected when you hold me.

It’s so comforting to know that you’ll always be there for me no matter what life throws at us or how far apart we are.

#67. As Long as There Are Stars

I want to be wrapped in your arms and feel the warmth of your touch. Your love makes me smile every day. Even when we’re not together, I know that our relationship will never end as long as there are stars up above us.

#68. It Took My Breath Away

When I fell in love with you, it took my breath away and left me feeling like a new person. You are everything to me. There is no way for us not to be together because of how perfect our partnership has become since we first met ten years ago!

#69. I Knew You Were Special

When we met, I knew that you were special. It wasn’t until our relationship shifted into a deeper place did it become clear to me how much love there is in being able to share every part of your life with someone else, from good times and bad ones alike. 

I am grateful for this gift because without having someone by my side through thick or thin, life would be completely unbearable!

#70. I’ve Never Known Such a Feeling

Your presence in my life has caused me to fall deeply and madly in love with you. I’ve never known such a feeling before, nor do I ever wish for it to end because when we are together, everything seems perfect.

#71. The Perfect Companion

You’re everything to me. The light of my life, the perfect companion and best friend. With you, there’s nothing else but happiness in this world or any other one for that matter!

When we share our days, it feels as though all those years were just an empty dream because every single moment spent by your side makes them worth living through again…and again…and AGAIN!!

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#72. Not Even the Flow of Life Itself

When I’m with you, it feels like nothing can stop us. Not even the flow of time itself. Your love has made me feel comfortable in my own skin and able to be myself without fear or regret.

#73. The Stars are Jealous

The stars are jealous of how much I love you. Your presence in my life is the light that warms all these dark nights, giving them meaning and beauty like no one else can ever do for me again.

#74. You Made Every Day Better

You are my reason for happiness and love. You have made every day a little bit better because of your voice, which is so soft that it makes me feel like everything in life will be okay.

The stars may seem brighter than anything else, but nothing could compare to how perfect you make this world look.

#75. Why Do I Always Feel Your Presence?

Why is it that I can always feel your presence?

It’s as if you’re here with me and in all those beautiful stars up above. You make my heart so happy, causing every day to be better than the last one! Every time we are together, life feels like a dream come true. 

#76. Losing You Makes my Heart Crumble

Though I know it’s impossible, the thought of losing you makes my heart crumble. The way that your love has filled up every ounce of pain in my past is enough to make any woman fall for you all over again! 

I will always be grateful and lucky beyond words that destiny brought us together. You’re stuck with me now and forever.

#77. My Light When Everything Seems Dark

You are my light when everything else seems dark. You make me feel loved and wanted, which is something I never thought would happen again after what happened with that other guy years ago 

You’ve brought fresh hope in the world of romance for this brokenhearted girl who’s been through too much pain. Thanks to you, she can finally see a future filled with happiness.

#78. I Would Be Lost Without Your Tenderness

I love the way you make me feel. You are my everything, and I would be lost without your tenderness or care.

#79. Your Sweet Devotion Means More Than Words Can Describe

Your love is the only thing that gives meaning to my life, and I would be lost without it in every way possible! 

Your sweet devotion means more than words can describe. When everything else falls apart, I know someone is waiting on our whimsical adventures.

#80. You’re All Daggered Up Inside My Heart

I’m speechless. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t want anyone else but you all daggered up inside my heart.

No one understands exactly how much your love means or feels like yours truly. We’re made for each other in more ways than just physically.

#81. Not Even Precious Stones Can Comprehend Your Worth

When I first met you, it was love at first sight. You have brought a lot of joy and peace into my life. Your worth cannot even be comprehended with all the precious stones together! With every breath inside me, I’ll continue loving & adoring everything about you.

#82. Elixir From the Heavens

I can hardly live a moment without you because your love is like an elixir from the heavens. It’s almost as if we were meant for each other. 

It feels fantastic waking up every single morning knowing heaven approved me!

#83. I’ll Take You for My Entire Life

Some say life is short, but I’ll take you for my whole life. When we first met, your love was like a butter-honey from the teacup. It spread across every inch of me, leaving behind nothing but sweetness in its wake.

You have made this world feel so much more alive because everything just feels perfect when I’m with you. I can hardly live without loving someone as divinely sweet.

#84. Nothing Could Change How Much I Love You

You are my world, and I will forever remain by your side. When we part ways for whatever length of time it may be, even if only temporarily, know that nothing could ever change how much love there is between us two.

#85. Your Love Makes Me Stronger

The way I feel about you is so strong that nothing can break us apart. Your love has made me stronger. Even if it’s the last thing on Earth I do; you’ll never be able to stop me from loving or caring for you.

#86. I Will Never Grow Old and Die

With you by my side, I will never grow old and die. We are two parts of one whole. The way we fit together is perfect in every sense of the word.

There’s no other person on this Earth who understands me quite like you.

#87. Nothing Will Make Me Let Go

I know we may not have had the best start to our relationship, but I want you to understand that no matter what happens in life and how things change between us over time. 

My love for you will never die!

You are a part of me now. My everything. And nothing can ever make me let go of this feeling or take away from all those memories. 

#88. You Bring a Softer Side in Me

You are my soulmate, the one who completes me. You bring out a softer side in me that no other person has been able to! My love for you is so sure and raw with desire.

#89. Always By Your Side

I know life can sometimes throw us curve balls when least expected; however, I want nothing more than being by your side, constantly cheering each step forward.

#90. Your Warm Smile and Sense of Humor Made Life Better

When I first met you, your warm smile and sense of humor made my life better. Now that we’re dating, it’s even more amazing how much happier I am with the way things have turned out!

#91. Light At the End of the Tunnel

You are the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am so grateful to call you mine.

#92. Nothing Can Bring Us Down

When I met you, your smile healed all my brokenhearted promises. When we are together, it’s as if time stands still and nothing can bring us down.

#93. I Cry Less

Since the first time we met, I have been able to cry less and laugh harder. Even when life is tough, you make me smile more because of how much joy your presence brings into my world.

#94. The Person Who Makes Your Day Brighter

I want to be the person who makes your day brighter, shines a little light into those dark moments, and brings out all that laughter in you.

#95. The Best Part of My Day

The best part of my day is waking up next to you and going to sleep with your arms around me. The way I feel when we’re together makes it worth every ounce of time spent apart from each other

#96. Sound of Your Voice

The sound of your voice is like music to me, and I can’t wait until we’re together again.

#97. A Story Worth Telling

I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. Every day seems like a blessing because of all that we’ve shared, and no matter what happens or where life takes us, I’ll always remember our love story as one worth telling!

#98. Still Think of Our First Date

I can’t stop thinking about you. It’s been six months, and I still think of our first date constantly. You were so charming that I couldn’t imagine not being with you.

There’s no one else out there like you, and I’m thankful for every moment we’ve shared!

#98. The Best Is Yet to Come

I know that we have had a lot of fun so far, and every moment has been incredible. But I promise you, just wait! The best is yet to come!

#99. Everything Will Be Perfect

I love being with you. Every second feels more memorable than the last, and our time together is always excellent! But I know that soon enough, everything will be perfect for us both because it must.

#100. A Place to Call My Own

I’ve been looking for a place to call my own, and you’re it.

You show me peace when everything else is chaos. You’re my perfect escape from reality in an uncertain world.

I love that feeling of safety with every inch of myself because no matter what happens tomorrow, promises are made today. 

#101. Every Day Feels Like a New Adventure

When I am with you, each day feels like a new adventure, and the love that grows within me knows no bounds.

Best Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

#102. My life won’t be complete without you

My life won’t be complete without you in it. I knew I was in paradise when I slept and woke up with you by my side. My love for you is thick because I have not felt this way for anyone. I will always love you because my feelings for you will stay till eternity.

#103. I can’t wait to have kids with you

I can’t wait for the future where we will have our kids and do all the awesome things we have always dreamed of in life. I don’t know what I did precisely to deserve your never-ending love, but I am grateful that you came my way. You are my inspiration every day.

#104. You send butterflies down my stomach

Your laughter and your smile send butterflies down my stomach. I love you like the fish loves water, and I can’t start a day without hearing your voice. I’m going nuts because of the thought of you. I want to be with you on this life journey because I can’t find a better partner than you.

#105. I’ll do anything for you

I’ll do anything for you, baby, because you deserve my love. I can let go of my comfort zone to be there for you when you call on me. You always tell me how beautiful I am, and you may not understand how much that means to me. I love you with all of me, my sunshine.

#106. Wherever you go, you carry my heart with you

Wherever you go, you carry my heart with you. I don’t need it back. I just need you to take care of it. And I know if I were ever to be parted from you, I would be heartbroken for the rest of my life. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for you. I’d move heaven and earth and cross the universe just to be with you.

#107. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met

You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. Your love drives me to fight the hardships of life. I wake up happy, knowing that you’re mine and mine only. Each day we spend together reminds me how truly blessed I am to have you in my life. You’re the most difficult person to leave but the easiest person to reach. I love you, my sweetheart.

#108. You’re the man of my dreams

The things you do, the way you call my name, convince me that you’re the man of my dreams. Even when you are right in front of me, I still miss you. Life is precious, but you’re exceptional to me, and I love you.

#109. You are the champion of my heart

Even with your flaws, you are the champion of my heart. You have won my heart without engaging in the game, and I know that you can handle my heart with so much care. I love you with all of me.

#110. Falling in love with you happened so naturally

When we became friends, I never imagined we could be more than that. Falling in love with you happened so naturally that I took it the way things were supposed to be. Every moment I have with you brings out the best in me, so I enjoy them and make sure I never pass them up.

#111. I’ll never get tired of hearing you say you love me

I’ll never get tired of hearing you say you love me. It makes me feel so special. We depend on each other, which makes me love you even more. I can’t wait to see you every morning and every night. I’m grateful to be able to love a man like you that is honest and faithful. I will love you until my last breath.

Now You Know How To Make Him Cry Using Words

There you go.

Over a hundred love letters for him that make him cry. Pick any, add your personal touch, and wait to see your man crying.

And if you have any questions on the topic of love letters for him that make him cry, please ask them in the comment section below.

I’ll be happy to answer any question asked.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
