Learn To Do More With Less in 2025

Learning to do more with less means focusing on a few tasks at a time and doing them really well. But sometimes doing more with less is the wrong way to go if it’s only about efficiency. Read this article to learn how to tell the difference….  

What Does Do More With Less Mean?

Basically, “do more with less” means being efficient. It means utilizing the resources that you already have and working hard to achieve the greatest results.

By doing more with less reduces waste in terms of time, energy, and even money.

Although it can be quite rewarding for being able to finish a task with limited resources, it can be a problem for other people. 

Not all companies are built the same. Some are able to manage with limited resources but for others, the statement “do more with less” has a negative connotation.

There are some companies that in order to do more with less, they forgo a well-thought-out system and settle for mediocre performance just to finish all tasks.

This shouldn’t be the benchmark for doing more. 

What Does Less With More Focus Mean?

Normally, people often see productivity as accomplishing many tasks as they can in a specific span of time. But sometimes, the negative side of this is that the results are not what they expected.

By doing more, we tend to have one goal in mind and that is to finish them all regardless of how we do them.

This will only lead to subpar results. 

There are times that doing less is actually more productive than doing more.

If we focus on doing only a certain number of tasks per day, we can actually improve the quality of our work which gives better results.

An important factor of doing less while achieving maximum results is the focus we give on each task.

When we focus on one thing at a time, we are more likely to utilize resources wisely.

By allowing yourself to focus on a task, you are able to concentrate on delivering quality work. 

Multitasking cuts your attention and your mind will be all over the place.

As you start one task, you are already thinking of what you will do next.

This is not a productive way of getting things done.

You should know how to set your priorities and determine your short-term or long-term goals.

Identifying which tasks are more urgent to finish is important to prevent getting drowned with work.

This also prevents you from having a burnout. 

Learn To Do More With Less
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Do More With Less Quotes

  • To do more and more with less and less until eventually, you can do everything with nothing.” – R. Buckminster Fuller, American architect
  • It is much more rewarding to do more with less.” – Donald Knuth, American computer scientist
  • Doing more with less, is a crucial principle to learn; especially if you’re going to be in the business in this rapidly changing world.” – Robert T. Kiyosaki, American businessman and author
  • I think one key part of doing more with less is to be more strategic to realize what the objectives you’re truly trying to accomplish are and then to drive with greater focus towards those objectives.” – Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, American medical doctor
  • The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous, and enduring, and thus more intelligent, even competitive.” – Paul Hawken, American environmentalist

Do More With Less In The Workplace?

It has been mentioned before that doing more with less can sometimes have a negative effect on employees.

In order for employees to truly do more with less, companies should provide them with the necessary tools to be more efficient in their work.

Successful businesses are able to finish more tasks with less if they consider the following factors:

  • Goal-setting. When employees have a clear goal, they are more likely to get the job done. Goals should also be paired with a well-planned strategy as these two factors give a sense of purpose to the employees. Accomplishing tasks that are aligned with the company’s strategy and goals is very fulfilling especially when everyone is able to do their part without wasting too many resources. 
  • Employees’ strengths. One mistake of some companies is that they tend to give various tasks to their employees even though it is not their expertise. It may come off as a learning experience, however, this can be counterproductive at times. If companies are able to utilize their employees’ strengths and align them with their goals, the tasks will be completed in no time and they can also assure that the quality of work is exceptional.
  • Communication. Having open communication in the workplace is also key in accomplishing more with less. If there is a seamless communication among the members, there will be less misunderstanding and confusion especially when they encounter problems. 
  • Technology. Technology indeed makes things easier. If a company invests new technology for their business, all tasks can be done in no time, reducing waste in terms of time and effort. 
  • Good management. Employees are more energized and inspired to do their work efficiently when they have good management they can look up to. Leaders encourage and motivate their members so that they would be able to feel that they are an important part of the group. They can make or break a business with their decisions so doing more efficiently with less will only be achieved if the management makes wise decisions.

The success of a company lies in the performance of its employees so it is also important that leaders are able to give them a sense of purpose.

If the environment of the company puts unbearable pressure on its employees, then there is a high chance that employees would lose sight of the company’s mission and vision. 

What Should I Do Less At Work?

At work, employees are praised when they are being productive.

However, productivity can be misleading for some.

There are people who think that being productive equates to the number of tasks they can finish in one day.

This mindset does not only affect the quality of work but it can also cause burnout on the employees.

Being productive means putting your energy into good use so that you can deliver great quality work.

It does not necessarily mean finishing everything but instead, it refers to dedicating time and energy to things that have more urgent needs. 

Busy work means doing things that have no value or do not contribute greatly to your productivity.

In order to do this less at work, you need to know what tasks do you actually need or have great value.

This will increase productivity and also improve your efficiency at work. 

Examples of Doing More With Less

A great example of doing more with less is focusing one task at a time.

This allows you to be more effective and efficient with your work.

Let us say you are working on a new product.

The first thing you have to focus on is developing that product and making sure that it is great in quality.

Once that is done, you now change your focus to marketing that product. 

By focusing on one thing at a time, you are giving your full attention to that task to make sure that it goes according to your plan.

If you divide your focus into different things at a time, there is a tendency that you will give less importance to the quality of your work.   

Do More With Less
Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

What Employees Should Stop Doing?

Here are some things that employees should stop doing at work to be more effective and productive:

  • Stop busy work and prioritize tasks from most urgent to least urgent
  • Stop saying “yes” often and start saying “no” to requests that are not worth your time
  • Don’t keep things to yourself and ask for help from others when needed
  • Stop working harder and start working smarter
  • Stop getting distracted by trivial things
  • Stop doing everything at once and set a limit on the number of tasks each day
  • Stop being a perfectionist
  • Stop working overtime 

If employees are able to put much-needed value into their work, the results will be very rewarding for them.

Not only does this prevent them from disliking their job, but it will also give them the motivation to become better in their passion. 

How Can I Improve My Memory And Focus?

Being bombarded with different things especially at work can make you lose focus and even forget important things as well.

Memory and focus are two significant factors to your performance.

These two also contribute to doing more with less at work as they will dictate your efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. 

Below are some tips that you can follow to improve your memory and focus:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Pay attention and avoid distractions
  • Structure and organize information to avoid cramming
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet
  • Meditate
  • Learn new skills to strengthen your mind
  • Manage stress
  • Talk to other people

To improve your memory and focus, you need to be at your best physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It does not have to happen overnight, but instead, start small and work gradually until you are comfortable. 

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
