Inner Matrix Systems Reset Program: 12 Insights (2025)

Want to learn more about the Inner Matrix Systems Reset Program? The guide below reveals what it is, plus 12 key insights I learned from studying this training system for high-achievers.

I am often sharing these insights about de-stressing with clients in my life coaching sessions.

That’s why I’m keen to share this article with you. 

So, let’s dive in. 

Inner Matrix Definition

Inner Matrix Systems is a personal development company sharing in-person and online training programs to help people cleanse their “inner matrix”. 

Its training system for high achievers has been used by thousands of clients across the world. 

But what is the inner matrix?

According to the company, the inner matrix consists of four aspects of the inner self; the mind, emotions, nervous system and intuition. These are the parts which can begin to become spoiled if we don’t focus on taking care of our mental health

The Inner Matrix Systems Reset Program is an inner training system for high-achievers which aims to help them cleanse a spoiled inner matrix. This inner training system includes a proprietary methodology delivered via in-person classes and exercises. It’s based on the findings of several Harvard-trained neurologists. 

Inner Matrix Key Insights

Below, you’ll discover some of the key insights I learned from studying the training on these weekend programs. 

1. Emotional Leverage Is Key To Personal Mastery

Joey Klein, the founder of Inner Matrix Systems, is regularly asked what type of people would benefit from his programs.

The answer is: anyone who wants to improve their mental health or get a better understanding of their nervous system, emotions and thought strategies.

However, Klein says there is one quality that everyone shares when they take the leap to sign up for his inner training system program.

Emotional leverage.  

Most students have either discovered a pain point in their life that has become too painful to ignore, or they have developed an unstoppable burning desire to achieve something great. They’re either incredibly unhappy or incredibly ambitious.

It’s in the middle of this emotional spectrum where people don’t take action to improve their lives. These comfortable individuals aren’t ready for the effort that personal mastery requires. They’d rather remain comfortable in the area of life they’re in.

Here’s a great exercise to gain the emotional leverage needed to push forward with personal mastery; explore what your life might look like in 5, 10 or 15 years if you remain on your current course of life. Once you realize that the pain of remaining the same will outweigh the pain of changing, you’ll have the emotional leverage needed to seek help.

This is a key theme in Joey Klein’s book titled: The Inner Matrix: Leveraging the Art & Science of Personal Mastery to Create Real Life Results 

Inner Matrix Systems Reset Program
Photo By gpointstudio On freepik

2. Personal Mastery Requires A Sense Of Urgency 

Another insight that Klein makes of his personal mastery training system students; they realize they have no time to waste.

Those who are comfortable in their mediocre life will always find a reason to create real-life results later. 

Indeed, there will always be a reason why now isn’t the perfect time to commit to personal mastery, if you look hard enough.

However, those with the emotional leverage will always find a way to change now, no matter what obstacles might appear in their daily life. 

3. Destressing = Moving From Fear To Love 

The Inner Matrix programs describe two opposing states of the human brain; fear-based and love-based. 

When you’re in a fear-based state, you’ll be experiencing emotions such as anger, hatred, shame, guilt, sadness or anxiety. Your brain is being mostly controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Your amygdala takes over your thought processes. Your fight-or-flight system turns on. You release cortisol. Your muscles tense up. 

Meanwhile, your pre-frontal cortex – mostly responsible for self-control, planning and problem-solving – shuts down. This is important to remember.  

When you’re in a love-based state, you’ll experience emotions like joy, peace, passion and serenity. Here, your brain is mostly controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. There’s now nothing blocking your pre-frontal cortex. Now, you can access your creativity, problem-solving skills, willpower, love, empathy etc. 

According to Inner Matrix Systems, the process of de-stressing is as simple as moving from a fear-based state to a loved-based one. A big part of their inner training system teaches people how to do that quickly, efficiently and consistently. 

4. Our “Always On” Lifestyle Harms Our Inner Matrix 

Nowadays, most of us are always available. We carry around smartphones, tablets and laptops that allow anyone to reach us at any time. We can (and most of us do) engage with these devices at all hours of the day. 

It’s a common habit for people to start checking their emails within minutes of waking up. We might only stop checking our smartphones for information minutes before going to bed.   

We are always plugged in. We don’t give our brains time to rest. That’s a huge reason why our brains are constantly in a stressed state, according to the Inner Matrix Systems curriculum. 

That’s why a key part of the company’s in-person training involves disconnecting from technology and observing stillness. 

Related Content: Ways To Practice The Pause

5. Most People Aren’t Aware Enough Of Their Bodies

A key part of moving from a fear-based state to a love-based state is being aware when you’re in the former. This isn’t as easy as it sounds.

When you’re struck down by anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, these emotions can often take over.

We act irrationally, without even realising. It’s almost as if we lose the ability to think or act logically in these moments.

That’s because, in this fear-based state, our pre-frontal cortex shuts down and our fight-or-flight mode takes over. Perhaps it’s just for a few moments, or maybe even longer.

Either way, the key to avoiding these pain body attacks is to have a better awareness of our body.

Inner Matrix Systems teaches several exercises for this. However, a simple one I’d recommend to anyone is meditation.

There are several ways to meditate. The simplest is to sit and concentrate on your breathing for 10-20 minutes. Inevitably, a thought will pop up to take your focus away. When that happens, calmly bring your focus back to your breath. If you can do that every day for 10-20 minutes, your awareness of your body will vastly improve. So will your ability to control your emotions. 

Related Content: Proven Ways Of Emptying Your Mind Effectively

6. Some People Never Leave A Fear-Based Mindset

Some live every day in a mild yet chronic state of fear and anxiety. More people than you’d expect, most likely.

A lack of knowledge about mental health and de-stressing certainly doesn’t help. The “always on” lifestyle of the smartphone era plays a role. 

However, even before this digital era, some people simply lived stressful lifestyles. 

Perhaps they wake up and have to take their unruly children to school. Then, they head to work for a boss who is always pressuring them to do better. Then, they go home to a partner who doesn’t appreciate them. 

It’s not an uncommon story. These people are so locked into a fear-based mindset that they have nothing to contrast it with. It’s almost as if they’ve forgotten how to experience love, peace, joy, serenity or compassion. Stress has become such a normal part of their lives that they don’t realize how stressed they are.

7. A Fear-Based Mindset Affects Performance In Every Area Of Your Life

Let’s explore some examples.

John is a successful entrepreneur in the field of science. He’s asked to deliver a speech on the outcome of his latest experiment to a huge audience of clients all over the world. His knowledge of the topic is second-to-none, as he’s been studying it for more than twenty years, but public speaking makes him nervous.

His fear of messing up brings him great anxiety and moves him into a fear-based state of mind. As we’ve explored, this activates his fight-or-flight mode and shuts down parts of the brain responsible for planning, memory or problem-solving. 

In such situations, it’s not uncommon for speakers to freeze up and forget everything they planned to say. They certainly would struggle to speak in a charismatic and engaging manner. 

Roberto is one of the most talented and sought-after soccer players in the world. He scores penalty shot after penalty shot in training and in Serie A league games. In the final of the 1994 World Cup, it’s on him to take the decisive penalty for his native Italy. 

The anxiety of such a high-stakes shot (surely) takes over and he skies the ball over the crossbar by a comical distance. That’s a true story, by the way. Joey Klein had similar problems competing at high-profile martial arts events, despite being a well-practiced fighter. 

Janet is a mum of two. She drives her children to school, but they’re being particularly rowdy today. One child drops his cup of juice and this sends Janet into a rage of curse words.  

In all these scenarios, an unwanted outcome could all have been avoided if they knew how to spot the symptoms of a fear-based mindset and how to shift out of it to create more productive thought strategies. 

8. Your Body Language Affects Your Brain

A big part of shifting from fear to love is how you handle your body. You can trigger to your brain that everything is fine with certain body movements.

If you can keep your body in a natural position, without crossing your arms or fiddling with your fingers, this will happen. A power stance with your arms raised and your legs has been proven to change your mood and mindset in a positive way. That’s why it’s used by so many high-achievers in the business world.

9. How To Become More Aware Of Your Body

When you’re more aware of your body, you become more aware of when you’re in a fear-based state and you can act quickly to stop it taking over your decision-making.

Meditation will help you become more aware of your body. Matrix Systems recommend a quick breathing exercise that will help you do this too.

The idea is to place the tongue at the pallet of your mouth, just behind the front teeth and breathe lightly through your nose. Imagine there’s a feather directly below your nose and try not to disturb it. That’s how lightly you should be breathing.

This exercise forces your conscious brain to be aware of the body, and it will help to calm you down. At first, you can try it with your eyes closed, as this will increase awareness of the body even more. This isn’t always practical though. With your eyes open, you can do it as you go about your daily life.

10. Breathe Through Your Abdomen, Not Your Chest

Remember how I said your physical actions can send signals of fear of calm to your body? The way you breathe does the same.

When we’re afraid, we take fast shallow breaths through the chest. If you do this naturally, it sends a signal to the body to be anxious. 

It’s better to take deep breaths through the abdomen to calm down and improve your mood. 

11. The Simple Act Of Smiling Can Turn Your Life Around 

Smiling sends signals to the body that everything is fine and to be happy.

So many people think they have to feel happy first, then smile. Try it the other way around and take note of the outcome.    

12. The More You Practice, The Easier It Gets

It’s not easy to gain full control of your nervous system, emotions and thought strategies. It’s a science, just like learning to control a soccer ball or a paintbrush. The more you practice, the easier it gets.

Eventually, you’ll reach an unconscious level of personal mastery to create real-life results. The important thing is that you begin practicing and don’t stop. 

More You Practice
Photo By diana.grytsku on freepik

Inner Matrix Groups

As well as online training programs, Inner Matrix Systems offer in-person training around the world in the form of weekend seminars.

The opening level of progams are called The Power Series Weekend Intensives. These are four seperate types of program: The Power Of Focus, The Focus Of Emotions, The Focus Of Intuition, The Focus Of Vision. 

The Inner Matrix Systems Reset Program is only for those who have attended a Power Series event.

The proprietary methodology will focus on exploring the four parts of the Inner Matrix, spotting where it has become spoiled and resetting it to bring clients a sense of greater well-being. 

Inner Matrix Systems Reviews

Inner Matrix Systems has been running its inner training programs and helping to support people on the path to personal mastery for more than twenty years.

You can find positive reviews of the Inner Matrix Systems traininonline. Many people have praised this life-changing training for changing the way they see the world.

Indeed, the company boasts several well-known B2B clients including Coca-Cola, Panda Express  and The World Health Organization.

Here’s a glowing review: 

“Joey Klein has created a guide that I can hand to a client that offers a path to greater inner peace, serving in medical terms to lower anxiety, increase focus, improve hormone optimization, among other medical improvements. If all my clients practiced similar guidelines laid out in this book, I’d easily have 80% fewer client visits.” – Yoshi Rahm, Family Physician

However, it’s easy to find negative reviews too.  

Many reviews compare the company to a cult or a multi-level marketing scheme that just wants to steal your money. 

It’s worth doing your own research before signing up.

If you want to learn more about the teachings of Inner Matrix Systems at a more favorable price point, consider buying the book: The Inner Matrix: Leveraging the Art & Science of Personal Mastery to Create Real Life Results by Joey Klein. 

Any Questions

Thanks for reading my guide.

I hope my insights from this personal mastery training system will help you gain a better understanding of your nervous system, emotions and thought strategies, so you can create more real-life results in whatever you’re trying to achieve.

If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to write them in the comments. If you’ve been part of this personal mastery training system, I’d love to hear about the outcome of that inner training and what thought strategies you’ve developed since taking it.  

It would be great to hear from you. 

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
