22 Best Ways: How To Tell A Guy I Like Him (2025)

It’s frustrating.

You like a guy, have been throwing hints at him, but he can’t pick up the fact that you’re into him. He’s unsure whether you’re flirting with him or just being friendly.

You need a better way to let him know that you like him.

This article is here to help. In this article, we will discuss 22 best ways to tell a guy that you like him. We’ll give you tips on how to approach the situation, how to make your feelings clear, and how to deal with rejection.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

But before we get into how to tell a guy you like him, let’s first look at how you know if you really like him or are simply infatuated by him.

How Do You Know You Really Like Him?

Are you Always Thinking About Him?

If he’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning and the last thing on your mind before you go to bed, then it’s a good sign you’re really into him.

You Constantly Check His Social Media Accounts

If you constantly check his social media accounts to see what he’s up to or who he’s with, then it’s a sign you’re into him.

You Get Jealous Easily

If you get jealous easily when he talks to other girls or can’t stand the thought of him being with someone else, these are both signs that you’re really into him.

Your Day Isn’t Complete Without Talking to Him

If you feel like your day isn’t complete until you’ve talked to him, it’s a sign you’re really into him.

You Can’t Stop Thinking of Ways to Spend Time with Him

If you can’t stop thinking of ways to spend time with him, then it’s a sign you’re into him.

Now that you’re sure you like him, let’s learn how to tell him about your feelings.

How to tell a guy I like him

How to Tell a Guy I Like Him

#1. Use Physical Contact

Physical touch is one of the best ways to let a guy know you like him.

Make sure to give him a long hug or kiss hello when you meet him. When saying goodbye, give him a kiss to leave him thinking about you.

Another way to increase physical contact is to touch his arm while talking to him. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and want to be close to him.

While talking to him, make sure you’re leaning forward a bit to help reduce the physical space

You can also try sitting on his lap or giving him a massage if he’s comfortable.

#2. Make Him Feel Good About Himself

Men love compliments.

And because they are rarely complimented, a man is more likely to appreciate a compliment from you. This is why another way to let a guy know you like him is by making him feel good about himself.

Give him compliments often. Let him know how much you appreciate him, and make sure he knows how lucky you feel to be with him.

Compliment him on his physical appearance, sense of humor, accomplishments, and anything else you can think of. The more you make him feel good about himself, the more he’ll realize how great you are and how much you like him.

Make sure your compliments are genuine and don’t overdo them. A few sincere compliments will go further than a hundred fake ones.

Related: Clear Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings For You

#3. Show Interest In Things He Likes

If you want a guy to like you, it’s essential to express interest in things he likes.

This doesn’t mean you have to like everything he likes. But if there are things that he’s passionate about, try to understand why he feels that way and show genuine interest in it.

For example, if he loves basketball, ask him about his favorite teams and players. If he’s into video games, ask him what his favorite ones are and why he enjoys playing them.

Showing interest in the things he likes will let him know that you care and want to understand him better. It will also give you something to bond over and have more in-depth conversations about.

And it’s not only the things he likes!

You should also ask him about things he has expertise in. Asking about his wheelhouse will make him feel good about himself and appreciated.

Not only that, but it will also give you a chance to learn more about him. So, the next time he brings up an interesting topic, don’t be afraid to ask him more about it.

#4. Use Eye Contact

Eye contact is another way to tell a guy you like him without outright saying it.  

Hold eye contact when talking to him and listen to what he’s saying. This will let him know that you’re interested in him, are paying attention and want to  hear what he has to say.

You can also use eye contact from a distance to let him know you like him. If you see him across the room, hold eye contact for a few seconds and then look away. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and want to talk to him.

You can also use your body language to hint to a guy that you like him. If you’re standing near him, face him with an open body language. This will let him know you’re approachable and interested in talking to him.

You can also touch his arm or shoulder when talking to him. This will increase the physical contact and let him know that you like him.

#5. Buy Him a Drink

If you’re at a bar or club, one way to let a guy know you like him is to buy him a drink.

This is a great way to start a conversation and get to know each other. It’s also an excellent way to increase the physical contact between both of you.

When buying him a drink, make sure to be flirty and smile at him. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and want to talk to him.

You can always start with a compliment if you’re unsure what to say. For example, you can tell him how good he looks or how funny he is.  

You can also ask him about his day or how he’s enjoying the party. This will show him that you’re interested and want to get to know him better.

Whatever you do, make sure you don’t come across as desperate or needy. Just be confident and have fun!

#6. Dance With Him

Dancing with a guy is a subtle way to tell him you like him without saying it directly.

It’s a fun and physical way to get close to him and let him know that you’re interested in him.

When you’re dancing with him, touch him and get into it. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and want to get close to him.

You can also use this opportunity to talk to him. 

However, you don’t want to come across as desperate or clingy. So, if he’s not interested in talking, just enjoy the dance and have fun!

how to tell a guy you like him
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

#7. When Out in Public, Groom Him

Is his shirt collar a bit off? Is his shirt untucked? Is his hair a bit messy?

If you’re out in public with him and you see that he needs a bit of grooming, take the opportunity to do it for him.  

For example, you can fix his collar or tuck in his shirt. You can also brush his hair out of his eyes or fix his tie.

This is a great way to show him that you care about him and want to ensure he looks his best. It’s also a great way to increase the physical contact between both of you.

#8. Dress a Little Nicer When Meeting Him

If you want to let a guy know you like him, try dressing a little nicer when you meet him.

This doesn’t mean you need to wear a dress or anything extraordinary. Just make sure you look your best and are well-groomed.

This will show him that you’re interested in making a good impression on him. It will also let him know you care about how you look around him.

In addition, dressing nicer will give you more confidence.

So, if you want to let a guy know you like him, try dressing a little nicer.

Related: 65 Signs He Wants You Badly Sexually & How To React

#9. Send Him Cute Videos And Photos

A great way to let a guy know you like him is to send him cute videos and photos. Sending videos and pictures is a great way to show your personality and make him laugh.

Plus, it’s a great way to keep in touch with him if you’re not able to see each other very often.

To do this, you can send him videos of you doing something funny or cute. You can also send him photos of you in different outfits or with different hairstyles.

And it doesn’t have to be photos of only you

You can even send him photos of you with your friends or pets. This will show him that you’re a fun and exciting person.

And it’s not only photos and videos of you!

You can also send him cute TikTok videos and Instagram reels to make him smile.

#10. Buy Him a Gift

Buying a guy a gift is a great way to let him know you like him. It shows that you think and care about him.

Plus, it’s a great way to start a conversation with him. For example, you can ask him how he likes the gift or why he chose it.

However, you don’t want to come across as desperate or needy. So only buy him a gift if you genuinely think he’ll like it.

And make sure not to spend too much money on the gift. A small gesture is often more appreciated than a grand gesture.

how to let a guy know you like him
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

#11. Show Some Jealousy

Another way to let a guy know you like him is to show some jealousy. This is a great way to get his attention and make him see how much you care about him.

For example, if he’s talking to another girl, you can come up and interrupt them. Or if he’s talking about other women, you can act jealous and ask him who she is.

You can even playfully tease him about other girls since this is a great way to show him that you’re interested in him and want his attention.

However, you don’t want to come across as too jealous. This will only make him think you’re needy and clingy.

So only show a little jealousy. Just enough to let him know you care. 

#12. Let His Friends Know You Like Him

If you want to let a guy know you like him, try letting his good friends know. This is a great way to get his attention and make him see how much you care about him.

For example, you can talk to his friends about him. You can ask them how he is or what he’s been up to.

You can even tell them that you like him. This is a great way to get his attention and make him see how much you care about him.

However, you don’t want to come across as too desperate or needy. So, only let his friends know you like him if you’re confident they’ll tell him.

And make sure not to overdo it. Just let them know you’re interested in him and want to get to know him better.

#13. Get Your Friend To Do The Honors For You

If you’re too shy to tell a guy you like him one on one, try getting your good friend to do the honors for you.

Letting your friend do the honors for you can be a great way to take the pressure off yourself and ensure that you get your point across clearly.

Friends can often act as impartial third parties, helping to gauge a guy’s reaction and giving you an honest appraisal of whether he returns your feelings. 

Additionally, speaking to a guy through a friend can help remove some of the awkwardness of face-to-face interaction, making it easier to express yourself.

If you decide to go this route, choose a friend who knows how to handle delicate situations tactfully and won’t say anything that could make things uncomfortable for either of you.

With careful planning, letting your friend do the honors can be an effective way to tell a guy you like him.

#14. Be A Little Sensual When Talking to Him

Sometimes it’s best to go the indirect route. This means being a little flirtatious and sensual when talking to him. 

Make eye contact, smile, and touch his arm or shoulder when you laugh. These small gestures will let him know that you’re interested in him. 

You can even compliment him on how handsome he is or how great he smells. This will get his attention and let him know you’re interested in him.

And that’s not all!

You can also try dropping hints about what you’re looking for in a relationship. For example, you can tell him that you’re looking for something more than just a casual fling.

Or you can ask him how he feels about relationships. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and want to know how he feels about you.

#15. Ask Him If He’s Single

Another way to hint to a guy you like him is by asking him if he’s single. This is a great way to let him know that you’re interested in him and want to know more about him.

You can do this in person or over text.

If you’re worried about his reaction, just keep it casual and friendly. If he’s not interested, then no harm done.

But if he is, you’ll be glad you took the initiative! Plus, it’ll save you a lot of time and awkwardness in the long run.

So go for it!

Worst case scenario is he says no, and you move on. But who knows? He might just say yes, and your whole world could change. 

#16. Flirt With Him Over Text

If you want to let a guy know you like him, but are unsure how to do it, try flirting with him over text.

This can be a fun and low-stress way to start building a connection with him. 

But how do you flirt over text? Here are some tips:

  • Keep your messages playful and lighthearted. Tease him, make jokes, and playfully make fun him about things like his taste in music or fashion sense. 
  • Be flirty and forward. Let him know you’re interested in him by being direct in your texts.
  • Compliment his looks or personality, and let him know you’re thinking about him. 
  • Send texts that will keep the conversation going.
  • Ask him questions about himself, and share things about yourself as well. 
  • Make sure you keep up the flirting even when you’re not texting by smiling at him, sending him a cute note, making eye contact, and laughing at his jokes. 

#17. Ask Him on a Date

If you’re feeling bold, you can always ask him on a date.

This shows that you’re interested in getting to know him better and gives you a chance to gauge his interest level.

If he says yes, then you can be sure the guy likes you too! If he says no, then at least you’ll know where you stand. 

Either way, it’s a win-win.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and ask him out! You might be surprised that he feels the same way as you. 

Worst case scenario, you’ll have a fun story to tell your friends. But best-case scenario, you’ll end up on a date with the guy of your dreams.

So, it’s worth a shot!

How do you tell him you like him
Photo by BM Capture from Pexels

#18. Laugh at His Jokes

It’s no secret that a sense of humor is a major turn-on for most guys.

If you want to let a guy know you like him, one of the best ways to do it is by laughing at his jokes.

Of course, you don’t want to fake it. Make sure your laughter is genuine. But if you can laugh at his jokes, he’s sure to take notice.

In addition to being a fun way to show you’re interested in him, laughing at his jokes is also a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.

So go ahead and laugh away! He’s sure to appreciate it. 

#19. Be Playful With Him

Another great way to let a guy know you like him is by being playful with him. This can be a fun and flirtatious way to interact with him, and it’s sure to get his attention.

There are lots of ways to be playful with a guy. You can tease, make jokes, playfully punch, or even tickle him.

But how you play will depend on your relationship and how well you know each other. Just use your best judgment and go with what feels natural.

The important thing is to have fun and let your true personality shine through. If you do that, he’s sure to take notice.

So go ahead and let your playful side out! He’s sure to appreciate it.

#20. Talk Closely and Privately.

When you’re talking to him, stand or sit close to him so he can feel your warmth and see how beautiful you are. But don’t stay too long, or he might think you’re trying to monopolize his time.

Make sure the conversation is balanced by allowing him to talk about himself. And when you do talk, be friendly, flirty, and inviting. This will let him know that you’re interested in him and make it more likely that he’ll be interested in you too.

So go ahead and take the plunge!

#21. Be Happy To See Him

When you see him, make sure you’re happy to see him. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential.

You want him to know that you’re glad he’s there and happy to see him. So put away your phone, stop what you’re doing, and give him your full attention.

Make sure you smile, make eye contact, and hug him if it feels natural. This will let him know he’s important to you and that you’re glad he’s there.

And who knows? He might just be happy to see you too!

#22. Straight Up Tell Him

If all else fails, straight up tell him. This might seem like a daunting task, but it’s simple. Just look him in the eye and say, “I like you.”

It’s short, sweet, and to the point. And it takes the guesswork out of it for him. He’ll definitely know how you feel after that!

Of course, this method isn’t for everyone. But if you’re feeling bold, it’s definitely worth a shot.You never know, he may feel the same way as you. 

If you feel too scared to say it to his face, you can send him a text or DM telling him that you like him.

How to tell a man I like him
Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay

But what do you do when he rejects you after you tell him you like him?

What To Do If He Rejects You After You Tell Him You Like Him

Don’t Take It Personally

The first thing you need to do is not take it personally. It can be tough to hear that someone doesn’t like you back, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a reflection on you. Accept rejection and don’t take it personally. 

There are many reasons why someone might reject you, and none of them have anything to do with you. So, try to remember that if you do get rejected.

Give Yourself Time To Heal

Giving yourself time to heal after you’ve been rejected is also essential. This is a harrowing experience, and it’s important to give yourself time to process your emotions and come to terms with what happened.

Try not to dwell on it too much, and give yourself time to move on.

Focus On The Positive

it’s also essential to focus on the positive. Just because one human being doesn’t like you doesn’t mean everyone feels that way.

There are plenty of people out there who would love to be in a relationship with you. So, try to remember that when you’re feeling down.

Don’t Retract Your Words

If you’ve told someone you like them, don’t try to take it back. This will only make things worse and make you look bad.

Standing by your words and owning up to how you feel is important. If you’ve told someone you like them, that’s how you feel.

Don’t Let It Discourage You

Finally, don’t let this experience discourage you from telling someone how you feel in the future. Just because one person doesn’t like you back doesn’t mean it will always be that way.

There are plenty of people out there who would love to be in a relationship with you. So don’t give up hope!

Related: 31 BIG Signs He Is Fighting His Feelings For You 

Any Further Questions

There you go.

Twenty-two ways to tell a guy that you like him. We hope this article was helpful and that you found at least one method you’re comfortable with.

Do you know of other subtle ways to tell a guy that you like him? Please share them in the comment section below.

And if you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below. We’ll be happy to answer them!

And if you want more relationship advice, check out our other articles on the subject. We’ve got plenty of great tips and advice! 

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
