How To Manifest On Paper: 11 Easy Steps (2025)

Want to know how to manifest on paper? Wondering if this is better than other manifestation methods? If so, keep reading.

This guide will teach all the key facts about how to manifest on paper.

I am often discussing the power of manifestation and other spiritual psychological techniques in my role as a life coach.

That’s why I’m excited to share this guide with you.

So, let’s dive in.    

How Do You Manifest Something To Happen On Paper?

Writing is a manifestation method considered one of the most powerful. Below, you’ll discover 11 steps to help ensure your written manifestations are as efficient as possible.

Related article: Manifestation Coach

1. Use A Pen And Paper

It’s possible to type your manifest on your phone or your laptop. However, because writing things by hand requires more attention and focus, it is believed to be a more effective manifestation practice.

2. Scripting

Scripting is the process of writing about what your life will look like after your goals have been manifested. It’s regarded as one of the most powerful manifestation exercises for the following reasons:

  • Scripting encourages you to explore your desires in detail, creating clearer manifestations.
  • Scripting allows you to explore deeper into why your desire is so important to you. A key understanding of the intention behind your desire should give you more motivation to chase it.   
  • Scripting encourages you to visualize your dream life with more clarity. It’s a good exercise for those who struggle with visualisation on its own.
  • Scripting encourages you to explore the emotions associated with your goals in more depth.  
  • Detailed scripting helps you to trust and believe in gaining trust and belief in the manifestation process. 

There’s an example of this manifestation effort written towards the bottom of this article.

Related: How To Manifest Someone: 13 Easy Steps

3. Focus

Written manifestations are regarded as one of the most powerful manifestation techniques because they encourage added focus. With that said, it’s still up to you to consciously focus on your own words as you journal them. It’s not always an easy task, but it’s important. 

It’s no use to simply write down your desires on your manifestation paper while your mind is elsewhere. If you’re not paying attention, this negates the process, so stay focused. 

4. Write In The Present Tense

Writing in the present tense is crucial to manifesting success.

While it’s true you want to achieve your desires in the future, write them down as if they have manifested already.

It’s a great technique for manifesting the glorious emotions that will arise once you reach your goals. This sends a powerful message to the universe.

Related: 21 Facts About The Law Of Assumption & How To Use It

5. Be Clear And Detailed  

The more details you add in your written manifestation, the better you connect with it. Be clear as possible about what you want. Don’t hold back when you’re writing.

The more clarity you include, the easier it’ll be for the universe to give you what you’re manifesting.

One of the clear advantages of written manifestation is that it’s easier to add exceptional detail and clarity, especially if you have some writing talent. 

To encourage extra detail, consider setting a timer before you start writing and not stopping until your alarm goes off. Start with 15 minutes, Then, if you have more to write, give yourself another 15 minutes. There’s no such thing as writing too much. 

How To Manifest On Paper
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6. Describe Your Emotions

When you release the positive emotions that surround your desires, it sends an even more powerful message to the universe. That’s why it’s recommended to write down all emotions that pop up as you’re scripting. 

Related: How To Manifest Something By Writing It Down – 8 Easy Steps

7. Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to raise your vibration and connect with the universe on a deeper level. So, include your feelings of gratitude as part of your efforts to manifest on paper. Express your feelings of gratitude to the universe for making your desires come true.  Feel the power of gratitude running through your body as you do so.

As part of your efforts to manifest a dream life, you may also want to consider writing in a gratitude journal. In this, you’ll write all the things you’re grateful for in your present life. This article about the 30 Day Gratitude Challange will help you learn more about the power of doing that.

8. Mention Any Signs From The Universe You Notice

If you’re manifesting effectively, you’ll begin to see Signs Your Manifestation Is Close. Whenever you spot these, write them down on your manifestation paper as well. This should keep you encouraged that the things you want to manifest are on their way.

9. Add Affirmations

Writing down your desires is a super-powerful manifestation method, but there’s no harm in experimenting with affirmations as well. An affirmation of your written manifestation can bring all your hopes and dreams to you even faster. This guide on affirmations will help you learn more about how to perform effective affirmations to turn your dreams into reality. 

10. Make It Realistic

Faith and self-belief are so important when you’re manifesting. If you don’t truly believe that your goals can become reality, you’re not going to put all of your mental energy into manifesting them. This is going to dull the power of the Law Of Attraction and make it tougher for you to experience success with your manifestation.

Without rock-solid intentions to chase the lifestyle you’re trying to manifest, the universe can’t do too much to help make it reality. So, it’s important that you believe what you want to manifest is possible for you to achieve. This doesn’t necessarily mean your need to lower your standards. After all, anything is possible, especially if some other person has achieved it before.

More likely, you’ll need to work on addressing your limiting beliefs and why you don’t think you can have the things you want in life. A certified life coach will be very good at helping you address this. Check out this list of 11 reasons why you’re stronger than you think too.  

11. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Repeating your manifestation multiple times is a key step to manifesting your desires effectively. There are several recommended techniques as far as how often you should repeat this writing exercise.

These include:

  • 555 method. Repeating an affirmation 55 times a day for five days.
  • 777 method. Writing an affirmation seven times in the morning and seven times in the evening for seven days.
  • 333 method. Write down what you want to manifest 33 times for three days in a row.
  • 369 method. Manifesting three times in the morning, six times in the day and nine times in the evening. 

There are explanations surrounding why these numbers produce the prompt manifestation of your desire. But the main idea to remember is: the more focus you put into your manifestations, the more powerfully the Law Of Attraction works for you. 

So, once you start manifesting, keep going and don’t stop until your dreams become reality.   

Related: Clear Signs Someone Is Manifesting You

How To Manifest On Paper Example

Here’s an example of a detailed passage to write as part of your written manifestation efforts. Of course, you’d replace it with whatever you want to manifest.  

“I am the most successful and well-recognised self-development author for young men of my generation. I have the freedom to travel the world with my beautiful and loving girlfriend. We can do what we want each day, thanks to the passive income from my book sales. We’re currently living in a beachside apartment in Costa Rica, and planning a trip to see Jamaica, Cuba, The Dominican Republic and the Bahamas.

“Wherever we go, young men stop me to thank me because my writing has helped them to create a better life. It’s such a fulfilling feeling, whether they write a good review or talk to me in person. I’m so grateful to all of my readers for helping me to create this life for us. I’m grateful to the universe for encouraging me to act on my dreams. 

Although I don’t have to write another word again, I am always searching for my next book idea. It’s such an exciting feeling knowing my words can create a better future for others. I have so much gratitude to be living this life, writing about my passion while having the freedom to see the world with people I truly love.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s round off this article with the answers to some frequently asked questions about how to manifest on paper.

What Can I Manifest? 

There are so many people who cite manifestation and the Law Of Attraction as a reason for the amazing things in their life. Whether you’re trying manifest love, a new job or something else, there really is no limit on what a manifestation journey can bring to you. 

What Is The Best Way To Manifest? 

The best way to manifest depends on whatever allows you to clearly visualize what you want to manifest. For one person, that will be written manifestation. For someone else, it will be spoken affirmations. For others, it could be a different manifestation method.

Can You Manifest Using Notes?

The type of paper you use to manifest isn’t particularly important. You can use notes of scrap paper or a proper manifestation journal. The most important thing is the feelings that your manifestation efforts generate, plus the impact this has on the universe and your subconscious mind. This is what sparks the Law Of Attraction into life, not the written word itself.

With that said, it’s recommended you journal on paper, not the ‘Notes’ app or any other digital word processor, because writing on paper requires more attention and focus.  

How To Manifest With Paper And Pencil

Our 11-step guide for how to manifest on paper above will prove incredibly effective, whether you’re writing with pen, pencil, paint, mud or anything else. Once again, it’s the mental energy created that is the most important factor when it comes to effective manifestation.

Related: How To Manifest Good Grades

Can I Manifest If I Have Poor Writing Skills?

You don’t need to be an incredible writer to manifest your desire on paper. The idea isn’t to create compelling prose that others enjoy reading. Your intention should be to use writing as a medium to gain clarity and unlock visualizations of what you want to manifest in life, and the feeling of already having those things.

To do this, it’s key to write in the present tense with great detail and no filters. If you can write in such a way, there’s no reason why this manifestation method won’t work for you.   

Can I Manifest More Than One Thing? 

Yes, but it will require extra mental effort. You can learn more about the act of manifesting several things in my guide titled: Can You Manifest Multiple Things At Once?

Can I Throw Away My Manifestion Paper?

It’s not necessary to keep the paper you write your manifestation on. It’s the mental energy produced during your writing that is most key when it comes to manifesting your desires. 

With that said, some people like to keep hold of their previous paper to read again, almost like a vision board. Others keep their writing under their pillow so they can be near their manifestation paper overnight. It’s called The Pillow Method.

Any More Questions?

Thanks for reading my guide. I hope you understand more about how to manifest on paper to spark the Law Of Attraction into life.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to leave it in the comments section below. 

It would be great to hear from you. 

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
