13 Tips on How To Make An Aries Man Miss You (2025)

Wondering how to make an Aries man miss you? In this guide, we’ll explore the moves that this star sign consistently responds to.

In my role as a life coach, I’m often helping clients connect better with the important people in their life. That’s why I’m excited to share this guide with you. 

So, let’s dive in.

How Do You Make An Aries Man Miss You Like Crazy?

Here is a list of things to do to make an Aries man want to see you when you’re not around.

1. Don’t Be A Pushover

An Aries man enjoys the thrill of the chase. So, if you want to make him miss you, it’s a good idea to not be a pushover.

If he wants to see you, but you want to do something else, stand up for yourself. An Aries man loves to be in relationships with strong independent women, especially those who have lots of outside interests.

So, show him that side of your personality. It will make him more excited to get to know you, and thus it will make him miss you when you’re not around.   

2. Follow Your Purpose

It’s important that you have a life mission outside of your relationship. This is the greatest way to show you’re that strong independent woman that Aries men love. If you can’t see this guy because you want to work on another personal project, don’t worry about it. It’s what an Aries man wants to hear deep down. 

This is one of the most effective ways to make him excited about getting to know you.

How To Make An Aries Man Miss You
Photo By Dylan Ferreira On Unsplash

3. Be Yourself Unashamedly

This is great advice no matter what sign of the zodiac you are trying to date, but it’s a particularly effective way to impress an Aries guy and make him miss you. An Aries man loves the idea of being in a relationship with a unique and confident woman.

So don’t be afraid to let him know about your strange quirks. Own them! If you can’t spend time with him because you feel like doing some strange or unique hobby, don’t be embarrassed. Tell him!

This ability to be unashamedly yourself is the key to an Aries man’s heart. If you want an Aries man to miss you, you’ll probably want to show off as much of your unique personality as possible.  

4. Support His Goals

An Aries guy loves to date women who are pursuing an important goal. On top of that, he will usually also want a woman who supports his wider goals. If you show him you want to know more about whatever he’s doing in his alone time, he’s going to feel like you really are about him.

That’s going to make this man love you even more, and he’ll begin to get those cravings to spend more time with you. 

5. Make Plans Without Him

In a relationship, it’s common to want to invite your romantic partner to every event you’re invited to. However, in the interest of making an Aries man miss you, it’s sometimes better to make plans without him. An Aries guy isn’t the type to get jealous in this scenario. More likely, he’ll respect your independence. Deep down, he likes being given the space to miss you. 

6. Be A Bit Of A Mystery 

While it’s rarely a positive move to hide things from someone in a romantic relationship, it must be said that an Aries guy will usually love to keep learning new things about you. So, if you can be a bit mysterious in your relationship, it’ll often leave him wondering about you more when you’re gone. When you talk, if you can leave out things without lying to him, it’ll often serve to make an Aries guy more interested in you.

7. Show Him Your Sense Of Humor

Every zodiac sign would like to be in a relationship with someone funny. Who doesn’t like to laugh, right? But if you get an Aries man laughing, he’ll love it the most. An Aries guy is particularly enamored with a fun sense of humor and will look forward to the next time he gets to play with you.

Related: Aries Man Confused In Love: Signs And What To Do

8. Be Patient In Your Relationship

When you get into a relationship with an Aries man, he’ll often be keen to progress it quickly. It’s part of an Aries man’s nature. If you’re strong enough to be patient with him, it’s going to make him miss you even more. In this case, his desire to see you is related to his desire to push the relationship forward.

9. Be Honest

An Aries man wants no part of his relationship ‘mind games’. He detests them. He’s far more interested in dating an honest woman. It’s better to always be truthful about why you’re giving him space. 

It’s no use trying to make him jealous with lies. If you want to get an Aries man to miss you, it’s better to make him trust you. Don’t break that trust either. The first sign of dishonesty is going to make him want to find someone else, rather than sit at home missing you. 

10. Keep A Good Attitude

No matter how much you love each other, sometimes your relationship will have a challenge. Occasionally, there will be disagreements and hurt feelings. Maybe you’ll sometimes be missing him!

Whatever the problem is, it’s in your best interest to keep a positive attitude. If you’re easily losing your cool during disagreements, that’s one of the key signs that you’re the wrong woman with an Aries man. 

If you want to make your relationship more difficult and inspire him to break up with you, go ahead and show immaturity during arguments. If you want him to love you and miss you when you’re not around, do your best to keep your cool in these moments.    

11. Appreciate Him When You’re Together

This is another tip which probably applies to every zodiac sign. However, it’s worth repeating that Aries men have no time for dishonest or mind games in their relationship. It’s no fun for him if you play hard to get when you’re together.

Instead, he will want to know how much you were missing him, and how much you love spending time together. For him, that’s one of the clearest signs he’s with the right woman.

If you’re texting him or leaving social media messages when you’re gone, that’s also something an Aries man will love to see.

12. Trigger His Hero Instinct

The Hero Instinct is something that makes men feel important and valued in their relationship, no matter what their zodiac sign is. It’s part of a man’s nature. When you activate the Hero Instinct of an Aries man, he will love being around you and miss you when you’re gone. If you’re interested in learning how to do that, check out this article on unveiling a man’s Hero Instinct.  

13. Don’t Ghost Him Or Threaten To Break Up   

With Aries men, their ability to miss you is born from security, not uncertainty. If you want to make an Aries man miss you, it’s better to allow him to know how you feel. It’s when he feels safe and confident in his relationship that he’s most likely to miss you when you’re gone.

If you’re being too much of a challenge, not texting him so often or always threatening a breakup, this isn’t going to help. More likely, he’ll think you don’t want him or that you’re playing silly immature mind games. For him, that’s one of the biggest signs a woman has low self-esteem.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Man An Aries Man Miss You?

Let’s round off this article with the answers to some frequently asked questions about how to make an Aries man miss you.

How Do You Know If An Aries Man Misses You?

If an Aries man misses you, he’ll often spoil you with gifts and fun dates to show you how he felt when you were gone. You can expect him to call, pop up in your text messages or on your social media. He might also call or text your friends. Essentially, he’s not one to be shy about missing you.

For more information, see these articles on signs from the universe that someone is missing you and why men keep coming back

What Is An Aries Man Like When Ignored?

An Aries guy isn’t always the type to chase a girl who’s ignoring him. He’s more likely to consider it disrespectful. Aries men hate mind games in relationships and would much prefer you to be honest about why you can’t see him.

Related: Signs An Aries Man Is Using You & How To React

What Is An Aries Man Weakness?

Aries men are big fans of strong independent women. That’s why when you ditch him to follow your other passions, it can make them miss you like crazy.

How To Make An Aries Man Think Of You

Don’t be shy about what you’re doing when he’s not around. In most cases, he’ll be really interested and want to know more about it. So, let him know. This is the best way to make him think of you while you’re gone. You can bet he’ll want to talk about it the next time this passion of yours the next time you get together.

When An Aries Man Is Done With You

An Aries man is rarely one to lie about his feelings, whether they’re good or bad. If he wants a breakup, he’s going to be honest about it, rather than trying to let you down slowly.’

If you’re stuck in this situation, I’m sorry to hear that. Perhaps these articles on how to get an Aries man back after a breakup and how long to give a man space for will help. 

Any More Questions 

Thanks for reading my guide. I hope you understand more about how to make an Aries man miss you.

If you want to know something more about this topic or share your own tips, you could always  leave a comment below. 

It would be great to hear from you.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
