13 Insights – How Does A Pisces man Test You (2024)

Pisceans are known as the most sensitive sun sign. He will test you though at the beginning of the relationship. He just wants to realize whether you’re his soulmate or not.

So read on for 13 insights on how a Pisces man tests you, so he can be sure whether you’re his soulmate or not.

Let’s dive right into it.

Key Takeaways

  • A male Pisces will often pull away and give you the silent treatment as a means of testing you.
  • He’s also the type to play hot and cold; perhaps he seems enamoured with you one day, only to cancel plans with you soon afterwards.
  • A Pisces guy will open with time. He just wants to make sure you’re the right partner for him first.
How Does A Pisces Man Test You
Photo by rayul on Unsplash

1. He Pulls Away

How does a Pisces man test you? At the beginning of a relationship you may notice he’s pulling away. Most women might have an immediate reaction to ask him a lot of questions or send him tons of texts, thinking he’s lost interest.

Doing this will only suffocate him, and that will make him pull even further away. Remember he’s testing you to see how you’ll respond in different situations. 

Show understanding when you notice that he’s pulling away. Send him a text saying you’re there for him and that you’ll wait until he feels ready to talk.

2. Ignoring Your Calls And Texts

In the early stages, he’ll probably ignore that text message, along with all the others you decide to send him. He wants to see how you’ll react in a situation like this.

He wants to see if you’re an understanding, patient, and considerate partner or if you’ll be stubborn and persistent – an emotionally immature woman.

Tell him you’ll be there when he decides to talk and leave him alone for some time. He’ll see that you’re compassionate and full of understanding and he’ll want to reach out faster.

3. Shuts Down

Many Pisces males have a problem with opening up to the woman they’re dating. Two zodiac signs understand this – Virgo woman or an Aquarius lady – you also have a hard time opening up.

If your guy shuts down to the point that it becomes impossible to communicate with him, it probably isn’t because you did something wrong. It’s again, because he wants to see how you’ll react at that moment.

Still, don’t be pushy. Smothering him definitely won’t make him open up to you any faster.

4. The Silent Treatment

Pisces guys like and appreciate personal space in a romantic relationship. That’s why they want young ladies as considerate partners who won’t intrude on their personal space and will understand their needs. The silent treatment is a test for this.

With this distant behavior he just wants to know if you will give him some alone time in moments like those or if you’ll pressure him to talk with you. So, go silent and leave him to reach out when he feels ready to do so.

5. Spending More Time With His Buddies

We all know how important good friends are, but we also know our priorities.

If your guy suddenly starts spending way too much time with his friends than with you in the early stages, it’s because he wants to see if it’ll bother you and how you’ll react to it in a romantic relationship.

Hanging out with friends occasionally is normal and fine, but prioritizing them over you every time isn’t. Be direct about this and tell him how much it bothers you.

Related: How To Know When A Virgo Man Is Done With You

6. He Pushes Your Buttons

He could try to get you in some very uncomfortable situations just to provoke a reaction from you. Don’t give him that pleasure.

Stay calm and prove to him that you don’t get angry so easily. Although it can be very annoying sometimes, especially for an Aries woman, try to show empathy and solve things in a calm manner. 

Surround yourself with positive vibes and positive thinking in those situations. Don’t allow him to get into your head.

7. Playing Hot And Cold

The most frustrating test could be mixed signals to make you feel confused and question your own sanity.

One day, he’ll act like the perfect boyfriend, showering you with affection and attention. Next day, he’ll be so cold and distant and you’ll think he has a split personality.

Even with this emotional rollercoaster, don’t allow his hot and cold ‘mood swings’ to discourage you or make you give up on your Piscean guy.

Keep in mind this is only temporary, and soon, he’ll be sure of your feelings for him and he’ll stop playing these games.

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8. Cancelling Plans

He may even cancel them at the last minute just as you’re about to leave and meet him. Again, it’s all about your reaction.

He’ll stop doing it when he realizes that he doesn’t get any reaction from you. These awkward circumstances take patience and many nights calming yourself down.

9. Testing Your Boundaries

Set clear boundaries at the beginning of your relationship with a Pisces male, so he’ll know what you are and aren’t okay with.

He’ll test your boundaries though, to see how much you can tolerate and if there are things he can get away with in your relationship.

He wants to know whether you’ll stick to your words or if you’ll allow him to disrespect you by violating your boundaries.

Once you’ve set them, stick by them no matter what, and you also must respect your partner’s boundaries. It’s necessary for a healthy relationship.

10. Questions Your Loyalty

We all question our partner’s loyalty at the beginning of a relationship. We still don’t know each other well and it’s perfectly normal to question each other. 

However, this problem shouldn’t continue throughout the relationship. Once trust is built between you and your partner, these kinds of tests and questioning are over. 

11. He Won’t Reach Out First

Pisces men are fully aware of his overly emotional nature, and that’s why he won’t reach out after a quarrel. He’ll leave that part to you. He wants to know if you’ll put as much effort into fixing the relationship as him.

This can be another kind of Pisces test because he wants to check whether you’re emotionally stable and whether you’ll be able to solve the conflict without making unnecessary drama about it. Remember #1, 2 and 3 in this case.

The bottom line is these aren’t some awful mind games because Pisces women and men hate those the most. This is just how he wants to realize whether you’re his soulmate or not.

12. He Wants To Know If You’re Emotionally Mature

A lot of the aforementioned tests are a Pisces man’s way of understanding your emotional maturity. The way you respond to his tests will give him a lot of clues about whether the mature woman he wants to date.

13. He Opens Up With Time

When a Pisces man begins to trust you, he’ll begin to show you his true vulnerable side. However, he’ll be evaluating your response to this as well. He wants to make sure that you’re the type of partner who responds well to his vulnerability.

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How Do You Know If A Pisces Man Is Serious About You?

This sensitive sun sign who is drawn to you or is in love with you would display many clear signals, some of which are listed below.

1. Hard To Hide His Feelings

Pisces men are not great at hiding their feelings, especially when it’s the intense feeling of love. He will try to spend more time around you and drop hints now and then, letting you know he is into you.

2. Showcasing His Artistic Side

Pisces keep their creative side to themselves and only show it to people who they trust and feel comfortable around.

If he shows you his painting or maybe his skills at the piano, you can consider it as a good sign he welcomes you into his private world.

Does A Pisces Man Test You
Photo by melissa mjoen on Unsplash

3. He Listens

Pisces are good communicators and listeners. If you notice him listening even to your mundane ramblings with the utmost attention and patience, it indicates that he has a thing for you.

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4. He Values Your Opinions

He often seeks your advice and opinions on important decisions. Even though he’s pretty sure about his choices, approval from you gives him further reinforcement and happiness.

5. A Spiritual Bond

This zodiac sign takes relationships very seriously and craves to connect with their partners at a deeper, spiritual level. He’s interested to know about your beliefs and thoughts and lets you know his belief system as well.

6. Share His Dreams

When a Pisces is into you, he considers you someone close to his heart, someone he can confide in. The creative Pisces often have many plans or goals, which they usually don’t reveal to many. If he lets you know of these, it is a clear sign he trusts you.

7. A More Intimate Setting

These men generally look for intimacy and closeness from their partner. So instead of a night of clubbing or partying with others, he’d prefer a cozy night, watching a movie with you or visiting a nice restaurant for dinner.

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What Does A Pisces Man Want To Hear?

He’ll read your whole being — body language, eyes, utterances – and see what you’re about and these are he wants to hear from you:

1. Meet In A Secret Place

A Pisces male has a subtle and complex nature that can be drowned out in loud places. This is why he’ll want to hear you suggest a mellow, “undiscovered” place to get to know him.

Places with a watery atmosphere or whimsical themes or with an Eastern flair – like a Tibetan restaurant – are up his alley.

2. You “Get” Him

He’ll want to hear you understand he’s often pulled in many directions. Water signs are self-protective, and his defense could be to hide for a while since solitude restores his balance.

He wants to be with someone who won’t take advantage of his emotional sensitivity. He struggles to believe in his capabilities, and shines when he’s got someone solidly in his corner.

3. Sharing Dreams

The Piscean has an active imagination. He wants to know you are someone to share his dreams and imaginings with.

He’s his best with someone that encourages him to find expression for all he holds within.

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What Do Pisces Do When They Like Someone?

Understanding a Pisces most times could be a challenge because they live in two different worlds. The imaginary world where they just fantasize about you only in their head, and in the real world where they can’t summon up the courage to express their love for you. 

Knowing these signs will help when a Pisces likes you.

1. Your Opinion

If he is honestly interested in your opinion and what you think, it’s a sign that he likes you. When he pays rapt attention to issues concerning you, then you’re not just anyone to him. 

2. Comfortable 

A Pisces can be inquisitive and also funny when comfortable with you, and it shows in how much feedback they are eager to receive.

3. Trust

When he tells you things about himself he doesn’t tell other people, he definitely feels something for you.

A Pisces is quite intuitive, but he can also get carried away because of his need to be loved and accepted. So, try not to betray his trust in any way, it would really hurt him.

4. He Stares At You

This man will spend most of his waking hours thinking about you. You will always be in his mind and he’ll imagine what it will be like when he finally has you to himself.

So, he won’t stop staring at you every time he gets the chance to, he’s probably trying to memorize every detail. 

5. Shows Interest In You

When he knows every little detail about you; your schedule, your work, your passion, your birthday, and even your best days, then it’s one of the signs that he’s interested in you.

He’ll understand your body language and gestures. He can stay in a conversation for hours and he’ll pay attention to you when you speak. He’ll also offer a sincere shoulder to cry on.

How Do You Know When A Pisces Man Is Lying?

You may want to look at his actions to find out if he’s lying. This would be his grins and smirks or facial expressions in general.

Never assume that he ‘just wouldn’t’ cheat because of what he has said in the past or even what he says now.

This man can be very thrilled by playing games with a childish chase and the dance of you trying to catch him and keep him, so don’t give him too much pleasure in this area if you do suspect him of being a cheat – just move on!

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What To Do When Your Pisces Man Backs Off

If this guy ignores you, there may be a reason or problem going on that you don’t yet know about. 

Here are some things you can consider before approaching him about it.

1. Examine Yourself

Have you forgotten to return phone calls or emails? Did you miss a message on social media?

Maybe the problems don’t stem from your man, but rather, you have been ignoring him. This may not have been intentional, yet if it’s happened, it’s time to fix that issue.

2. Determine If He’s Been Busy

Maybe what you perceived to be “acting distant” was really him just “being busy.” Has his career or education been hectic lately? Did he just enroll in a new semester?

Maybe he hasn’t had a chance to tell you how crazy his schedule is now that things have changed in his life. Perhaps, the two of you just need to talk things out.

3. Find Out If You’ve Offended Him

Since most Pisces men can be extremely emotional, they may have been hurt by something you did or said. It’s important you try to figure out what went wrong and apologize to your man if it’s warranted.

Think hard before you apologize so that you are being sincere with your words. You don’t need to fake it with him. Be honest!

4. Find Your Spiritual Soulful Side

Get in touch with your softer side that shows him you have things in common. He may not feel connected to you right now.

Listen closely when he talks about what he enjoys doing and how he likes to spend his time. Approach him from that perspective.

5. Give Him Space

He’ll enjoy having his own space and if he requires that so he can clear his mind and sort through his feelings, then let him have that.

Just reassure him you’ll be there when he comes out of hiding.

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What Does A Pisces Man Look For In A Woman?

This man looks for someone who values empathy and compassion and his own creative ways.

His Sun’s planetary ruler is Neptune, the orb of fantasy, high romance, and escapism. In love, he gravitates to the otherworldly. He wants love to save him from the crass, materialistic world. 

This guy tunes into waves, thoughts, and physical moves. He will read you, body and soul.

He’s intrigued by someone with a special way of seeing the world: an artist and dreamer like him. He’s looking for a friend who will respect his ever-changing rhythms and need for solitude. 

Signs A Pisces Man Is Serious About You

A Pisces man is easy to read. Their emotional demeanor and straightforwardness make it easy to plan a long and honest relationship with them.

1. Delighted To Help

Pisceans take pride in being helpful to others. If they get a chance to assist the one they have feelings for, they will jump at the opportunity without a second thought.

They also love it when you involve them in even mundane activities with you.

2. Friends And Family

This man would want you to be a part of his life. If he introduces you to people from his close circle, it’s a clear sign that he is considering you for a long-term relationship.

3. Gifts And Surprises

These men take joy in your happiness. When your face lights up to a present he gives you, it brings him more joy and satisfaction than what he shows on the exterior.

4. Witty And Original

Spending time with a Pisces man is a joyous experience as they are creative and original. Once he gets comfortable with you, he will bowl you over with his conversations, and you don’t have to worry about getting bored on a date.

5. Favourite Books Or Music

Piscean men keep abreast of good music, books, arts, etc. He’ll share these discoveries with you with childlike excitement. If you, too, show interest, your happiness will know no bounds.

6. Wants To Spend More Time With You

Making things easy for you, the Pisces man himself would suggest ways to spend more time together. You would also find him very approachable in this regard.

7. Always There For You

As a partner or a friend, he will always have your back and support you in your tough times. He wouldn’t make a plan only to pull a disappearing act later to meet others. He values you and gives you the utmost respect.

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What Happens When You Ignore A Pisces Man?

Ignoring a Pisces man can be an effective strategy if you want him to pay you more attention.

You’ll often find that he chases your affection or apologizes for potentially upsetting you. It can tear him up when a love interest ignores him, and he’ll do whatever it takes to rectify the situation.

Let A Pisces Man Chase You

The best way to capture a Pisces man’s this man’s interest is to let him chase you. The key to keeping him interested is not to be fully caught in his net until you’re sure he’s ready to commit.

Signs A Pisces Man Is Playing You

When a Pisces man commits, he really comits. This man isn’t your obvious, go-to player type. He believes in true love and finding his soulmate, and he wants to find her badly.

A Pisces man may ‘test’ you to see if you’re girlfriend material, but he’s rarely the type to play silly mind games or cheat behind your back.

How Does A Pisces Man Apologize?

A Pisces man apologizes in a number of ways. Even when he stumbles on his words, he’ll be quick to apologize when he’s wronged you.

He’s the type of guy to say sorry in a creative way, perhaps with a gift as the cherry on top. More importantly, he’ll take the time to make you happy moving forward, so you know he’s truly remorseful.

Sleeping With A Pisces Man Too Soon

Sleeping with this sign too early rarely results in regret. Of all the zodiac signs these guys are not demanding. If he knows you don’t share his interests, he’ll happily respond to your needs and fantasies.

He might even surprise you if you show him that you have an open mind and aren’t going to embarrass or criticize him. He’ll reveal his most private fantasies, some of which might be rather unusual.

He loves to test the limits and being intimate is one thing that he tries to push past all limitations. Intimacy and spirituality are frequently linked for this guy. He needs to feel free to communicate his innermost desires without fear of being judged.

Wishing you all the luck in your relationship 💜 with a Pisces. Now that you know how does a Pisces man test you, share this ✅ with 3 other friends so they’ll know too.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
