How Do Narcissists Feel When You Move On? 21 Key Insights (2025)

Narcissists often have trouble dealing with rejection.

When you move on from a narcissistic relationship, the narcissist may feel a range of emotions. Most of these emotions will be negative, and some may even be destructive.

This article will discuss how narcissists feel when you move on, as well as 21 key insights that can help you better understand this type of personality.  

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Let’s get right into it.

How narcissists feel when you move on

How Do Narcissists Feel When You Move On?

#1. The Narcissist Gets Angry

The first and most common emotion a narcissist feels when you move on is anger. This makes perfect sense, considering how narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) works.

NPD is characterized by a lack of empathy, an inflated sense of self-importance, and a need for constant admiration from others.

When someone with NPD is rejected, they often feel angry because their ego has been bruised.

In addition, narcissists may also become angry when you move on because they feel like you’re rejecting them. This can trigger all sorts of insecurities and make them feel like they are not good enough.

The best way to deal with a narcissist’s anger is to walk away and let them calm down on their own.

Related: Expert Tips – How To Talk To A Narcissist

#2. They Will Want You Back

Another common emotion that narcissists feel when you move on is a desire to get you back.

This is because, to a narcissist, moving on from the relationship means losing something they see as valuable. Narcissists often view their partners as possessions, and when you try to leave them, they will do whatever it takes to get you back.

This can include promising to change, making empty promises, or even threatening you.

Narcissists will often go to great lengths to try and get you to take them back, and it is essential to be aware of this if you’re trying to leave a narcissistic relationship.

The best way to deal with a narcissist’s attempts to get you back is to be firm and resolute in your decision to leave. 

Related: Are Narcissists Born Or Made? 13 Science Insights

#3. They Become More Manipulative

When a narcissist sees that you’ve moved on, they may become more manipulative.

This is because narcissists rely on manipulation to get what they want, and when you try to leave them, they will often use even more manipulative tactics to try and keep you in the relationship.

Some of the most common manipulative tactics that your narcissistic ex may use include gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and playing the victim.

To avoid falling for them, one must be aware of these tactics.

The best way to deal with a narcissist’s manipulation is to walk away and refuse to engage with them. 

How a narcissist feels when you move on
Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

#4. They’ll Get Jealous

Narcissists tend to experience jealousy when you move on.

This is because narcissists often see their partners as an extension of themselves, and when you try to leave them, they feel like you’re rejecting them, resulting in self-doubt.

In addition, narcissists may also become jealous because they feel like you’re moving on to something better without them. This can trigger all sorts of insecurities and make them feel like they are not good enough.

The best way to deal with a narcissist’s jealousy is to simply ignore it. Narcissists often use jealousy to control and manipulate their partners, so it’s essential not to give into their demands. 

Related: Best Ways To Emotionally Detach From A Narcissist

#5. They May Try To Love Bomb You

Another common reaction that narcissists have when you move on is to try and love bomb you.

This is because, to a narcissist, moving on from the relationship means losing something they see as valuable. When you move on you cut the narcissistic supply they had been getting from you and will do whatever it takes to get you back.

Love bombing is a common tactic that narcissists use to try and get their partners to take them back. This involves showering their partners with affection, gifts, and attention to make them feel guilty for leaving.

The best way to deal with a narcissist’s love bombing is to ignore it. Narcissists often use love bombing to control and manipulate their partners, so it’s important not to give into their demands.

Related: Do Narcissists Feel Guilt? Key Insights

#6. They’ll Try to Sabotage Your New Relationship

If you manage to move on from a narcissist, they may try sabotaging your new relationship.

They may do this by trying to contact you or your new partner or spreading rumors about you or your partner.

#7. They May Try To Turn Your Family and Friends Against You

Narcissists are known for their manipulative behavior, which is often displayed when you move on from the relationship.

The narcissist may try to turn your family and friends against you to make you look bad. They might tell your family and friends that they are the victim in the situation or that you’re the one who wronged them.

The narcissist may also try to convince your family and friends that you’re unstable or crazy. This is often done in an attempt to make you look bad and make it seem like they’re the better option.

#8. They Become Revengeful

Narcissists are vengeful people and often go out of their way to hurt someone who has wronged them. If you move on from a narcissist, they may feel the need to take revenge on you.

There are many ways that a narcissist can take revenge. They may try to sabotage your new relationship, spread rumors about you, or even lash out at you physically.

It is essential to be aware of this potential for revenge to protect yourself and your new relationship.

Related: What Makes A Narcissist Panic? – 15 Proven Strategies

#9. Narcissists Feel Empty When You Move On

Another common emotion that narcissists feel when they move on is emptiness. Narcissists often use their partners for emotional support even though they act like they don’t care. The loss of this person results in a reduced boost in their self-esteem. 

Narcissists can feel lost without their former partner’s constant admiration and attention. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.

#10. A Narcissist May Also Get Possessive After You Move On

Even after you move on from a narcissist, they may still try to control your life. This is because narcissists often have difficulty letting go of things (and people) they feel are theirs.

A narcissist may try to control how you spend your time, who you talk to, and what you do. They may also try to control how you feel about them.

For example, a narcissist may try to convince you that they are the only person who understands you or that they are the only ones who can make you happy.

It’s important to remember that you have a right to your own life and your happiness. You shouldn’t let a narcissist control you or your life.

If a narcissist tries to control you after you move on, the best thing to do is set boundaries. Let them know what you will and will not tolerate. If they continue to try and control you, it may be necessary to cut off all contact with them.

How a narcissist ex feels when you move on
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

#11. They Promise to Change

A narcissist may promise to change after you move on. They may say they will get help for their selfish behavior or change their ways.

However, it’s essential to remember that promises like these are often empty. Narcissists rarely change, even if they say they will.

If a narcissist promises to change, it is best to take their promise with a grain of salt.

It is also important to remember that you deserve someone who will love and respect you without having to change who you’re.

Don’t let a narcissist convince you to give them another chance.

Related: 17 Reactions To Expect When A Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Him Out

#12. They May Feel Cheated From The Opportunity To Have The Last Laugh

Narcissists often feel like they need to have the last word or the last laugh. Narcissists believe they are the most important person in the world and need to feel like they are in control of the situation.

When you move on from a narcissist, they may feel like you have cheated them out of the opportunity to have the last laugh.

They may try to make you feel guilty or get you to return to them. A narcissist may also make you feel guilty for moving on and trying to be happy.

Do not let a narcissist manipulate you into giving them what they want. You have the right to move on with your life and be happy without them.

#13. A Narcissist May Insist That You Made A Mistake By Moving On

Sometimes, a narcissist may try to convince you that moving on was a mistake. They may say things like “you’ll never find anyone better than me” or “you’re making a huge mistake.”

Narcissists often use manipulation to control those around them, which is no different when it comes to moving on.

A narcissist may also try to make you feel guilty for moving on. They may say that they did everything for you and that you should be grateful.

Do not let a narcissist make you feel guilty for moving on. You have the right to be happy without them.

Remember that a narcissist is only interested in themselves and their own needs. They are not interested in your happiness or your well-being.

If a narcissist tries to convince you that moving on was a mistake, it’s important to ignore them and continue your life. It’s not worth getting drawn back into a toxic relationship with someone who isn’t good for you.

What does a narcissist feel when you move on
Photo by Timur Weber from Pexels

#14. A Narcissist May Blame You For Leaving Them

When a narcissist is left, they may blame you for everything that went wrong in the relationship.

Narcissists often have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions and will instead try to place the blame on someone else.

In this case, the narcissist will try to convince you that it was your fault that they cheated or that you were the one who was always causing problems.

Don’t let a narcissist blame you for their actions. It is important to remember that you’re not responsible for how someone else chooses to behave.

Related: Typical Examples Of Narcissist Text Messages & How To Respond

#15. They May React Violently After Seeing You And Your New Partner

Another common reaction that narcissists have when you move on is to react violently after seeing you and your new partner together.

This is usually a result of the envy that they are feeling. Remember, narcissists subconsciously compare themselves to others and feel like they are not good enough.

Seeing you with someone else may even trigger intense feelings of rage that they may not be able to control.

The best way to deal with this situation is to avoid contact with the narcissist altogether.

However, if you’re in a situation where a narcissist is reacting violently, removing yourself from the situation and getting to a safe place is vital.

You should also contact authorities if you feel like you or your new partner are in danger.  

#16. They May Not Believe You Moved On

Sometimes, a narcissist ex may not believe you have moved on.

They may think that you’re still secretly in love with them or that you’re just trying to make them jealous.

A narcissist may also think that you’re moving on as a way to get their attention.

Do not let a narcissist convince you that you’re still in love with them or that your new relationship is just a way to get their attention.

You have the right to move on from a narcissist and be happy without them.

#17. They’ll Pretend It Doesn’t Bother Them

Narcissists are good at hiding their emotions. They create a false self image where they act like they don’t care that you’ve moved on, even if it’s clear that they’re bothered by it.

This is often done to manipulate you into thinking that they don’t care about you or the relationship. 

Narcissists may also pretend that they’ve moved on themselves. They may start dating someone new or make it seem like they’re doing better without you.

Do not be fooled by a narcissist’s attempts to appear unaffected by your moving on. It is important to remember that they can hide their true emotions and that they may be feeling pain, jealousy, and rage underneath their fake exterior.

#18. They’ll Stalk You on Every Social Media Platform

One of the most common ways narcissists react to you moving on is by stalking you on social media.

Narcissists are obsessed with control and often go to great lengths to keep tabs on your life.

They may stalk you on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platform you use. Narcissists may also try to friend or follow your new partner on social media to keep tabs on you and your new relationship.

It is important to remember that you have the right to privacy and that you do not have to share your life with a narcissist.

If you feel like you’re being stalked or harassed on social media, it is crucial to block your ex narcissist and report their behavior to the platform.

#19. They May Try To Provoke Your New Partner Against You

Another common tactic that narcissists use is to try to provoke your new partner against you.

They may do this by spreading rumors about you or trying to turn your new partner against you.

Narcissists may also try to get your new partner to break up with you. This is often done as a way to get revenge on you or to make you feel pain.

Do not let a narcissist come between you and your new partner.

If you feel like the narcissist is trying to provoke your new partner against you, it is essential to talk to your partner about it. 

Related: Can A Narcissist Be Faithful? 21 Key Insights

#20. They May Try To Win You Back

Sometimes, a narcissist may try to win you back after you’ve moved on.

They may send you flowers or gifts, apologize for their past behavior, or promise to change.

A narcissist may also try to get you to feel sorry for or pity them.

Do not let a narcissist convince you to take them back.

It is important to remember that they are capable of manipulation and that they will likely continue to mistreat you if you take them back.

If a narcissist tries to win you back, staying firm in your decision to move on is essential.

Related: The Root Cause Of Narcissism

#21. They May Threaten To Harm Themselves

In some cases, a narcissist may threaten to harm themselves if you move on.

They may say things like “I can’t live without you” or “You’re the only one who understands me.”

A narcissist may also threaten to hurt themselves physically or even commit suicide. This is often done as a way to manipulate you into staying with them or to get attention.

If a narcissist threatens to harm themselves, it is important to seek help from a professional.

Threatening self-harm is a serious red flag, and getting help is important if you’re in this situation.

How Narcissists feel when you move on
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Final Thoughts

Moving on from a narcissist is not an easy task, but it’s possible. Remember to take care of yourself and to surround yourself with supportive people. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or if a narcissist is harassing you, it is important to seek help from a professional.

And if you have any questions regarding how a narcissist feels when you move on or are looking for advice on how to move on from a narcissist, please ask them in the comment section below.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
