17 Ways How A Cancer Man Tests You And How To React (2025)

You finally met the perfect guy.

A cancer man!

He’s loving, caring, in touch with his feelings, and an excellent communicator.

However, there’s one problem!

He always seems as if he’s testing you. You’ve previously heard that cancer men will test you before they can let you into their heart and are unsure if what he does is a test or not.

Well, today’s article is here to help. In this post, you’ll learn 17 ways on how a cancer man tests you as well as how to respond to each test.

But before we get into the ways a cancer man tests you, let’s first understand the personality of a cancer man.

What is the Personality of a Cancer Man?

People born between June 22 and July 21 are usually under the cancer sign.

Also known as the water sign, cancers are highly influenced by the moon. And just like the moon, one of the first characteristics of cancers, whether male or female, is that their mood quickly changes.

They can be the life of the party and then turn into someone who just wants to be alone in a matter of minutes.

Cancers are also one of the zodiac’s most sensitive and emotional signs. They take everything to heart, good or bad, and often wear their emotions on their sleeves.

This emotional side also makes cancers quite good at picking up a person’s emotions.

They’re also loyal and devoted partners who crave the security and comfort of a relationship.

However, a cancer man is likely to test you before getting into a relationship.

But why?

Keep reading to learn more!

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Why A Cancer Man is Likely to Test You

One of the first things you need to understand about cancer men is that they’re highly protective of their hearts.

For a cancer man to let you into his heart, he’ll test you to see how compatible you are with him. He wants to ensure that he’s not letting just anyone into his life and that you’re someone he can trust.

Cancer men also tend to be quite cautious when picking a partner. They want to make sure that you’re not just some fly-by-night person who is only interested in one thing and will quickly disappear after getting what they want.

Cancer men are also quite sensitive and can often read people like a book. So, if you’re not being truthful with him or if you’re hiding something from him, he’ll likely pick up on it.

Lastly, cancer men are the type who wants to make sure that their relationship is on solid ground before committing fully.

So, how does cancer man test you?

How a cancer man tests you

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How A Cancer Man Tests You and How to React

#1. He Shows His Emotional Side Early On

As mentioned above, cancer men are emotional and highly sensitive.

Unlike other men, cancer men won’t be afraid to show and express their emotions early in the relationship.

But how is this a test?

By not suppressing their emotions, a cancer man wants to see how you’d react to his emotional side. Can they trust you with their feelings, or will you consider them weak just because they expressed emotions?

So how do you react?

Simply by accepting and embracing his emotions. By doing this, you’re telling him that it’s okay for him to be emotional around you. This will help build trust between the two of you.

On the other hand, if you react negatively or dismiss his emotions, he’ll likely pull away from you and may even consider ending the relationship.

Related: How Does A Pisces Man Test You

#2. He Opens up to You Early On

Let’s be honest!

Most men will keep their darkest and deepest sides away from you. Cancer men are different.

They’re the type who will open up to you early in the relationship.


Again, it’s because they want to test how compatible you are with them. They want to see if you can be someone they can trust and share their innermost selves with.

To react to this test, you need to do two things.

First, you need to be accepting and understanding of the fact that he’s opened up to you. He’s trusting you with some of his most personal information, and you need to respect that.

Second, don’t push him for more information than he’s willing to share. If he wants to open up more, he will. Pushing him for information before he’s ready will only drive him away from you.

#3. He May Leave His Phone Unlocked

Before a cancer man can fully commit to you, he must be sure that he can trust you and that you trust him.

And what better test of your trust in him than leaving his phone unlocked?

Are you going to get tempted and go through his phone? Will you resist the temptation?

If you’re the type of person who can’t resist going through someone’s phone, then he’ll likely not be too trusting of you. On the other hand, if you resist the temptation and don’t go through his phone, that shows him that you trust him and that you’re not the type of person who will violate his privacy.

Both which are essential qualities for a relationship with a cancer man.

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#4. He Wants to Know Your Opinion and Views on Different Issue

Cancer men are highly analytical and like to know all the different sides of an issue before deciding.

So, he’ll likely ask for your opinion on different issues – both big and small.

He wants to see how you think and how you process information. He also wants to see if your views align with his or if you have a different perspective.

This is another test to see how compatible you are with him. If you can’t agree on small things, how will you decide on big things?

But how do you react?

By giving him your candid opinion. Don’t try to sway his views or change his mind. Just give him your honest opinion and let him process it how he wants to.

If you do this, he’ll likely respect you more for it.

On the other hand, if you try to sway his views or change his mind, he may not trust your opinions as much.

#5. He Insists on Meeting Your Friends

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

A cancer guy will insist on meeting your friends to know who has the most influence on you.


Because he wants to better understand who you are as a person. He wants to see how your friends behave and act. This way, he’ll get a better understanding of your persona.

But how do you react?

If you believe your friends are a positive influence, you should introduce him to them.

By introducing him to your closest and most trusted friends, he’ll see that you value your friendships. He’ll also be able to get a better understanding of your character.

But if you have toxic friends, don’t bother introducing them. Even if they try to put a facade, cancer men are highly intuitive and pick up on negative vibes. If this happens, you can kiss your relations goodbye.

How A Cancer Man Tests You
Photo by ELEVATE from Pexels

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#6. He Introduces You to His Closest Friends

Cancer men value friendships.

This is why other than wanting to meet your friends, a cancer man will also want you to meet his closest friends.

He does this to see how you interact with his friends. How do you treat his friends? How do they treat you?

And that’s not all!

After introducing you to his friends, a cancer man will most likely ask their opinion of you.

Although he won’t only rely on this opinion to decide on whether to commit or not, what his friends think of you will play a role in influencing his decision.

How do you react?

Be respectful of his friends and don’t try to dominate the conversation. Let them talk and share their thoughts. Be yourself and enjoy the company of good people. If you do this, his friends will likely like you and see that you’re a good fit for him.

But if you act entitled or disrespectful, they’ll likely not like you and may even warn the cancer man about dating you.

#7. He Watches to See How You Treat Other People

A cancer man is an empathetic and compassionate person.

This is why he’ll watch how you treat other people, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized.

He wants to see how you react when someone is rude to you, how you speak to service workers, how patient you are with others, etc.

He’s looking for any signs of negativity or cruelty.


Because a cancer guy doesn’t want to date someone who is mean-spirited and unkind.

How do you react?

Be kind and understanding to everyone you encounter. Be patient with people, even if they’re being rude to you. Remember, you don’t know what that person is going through and how they’re feeling.

If you react this way, the cancer man will see that you have a kind heart and that you’re someone worth committing to.

But if you’re rude to others or act entitled, he’ll likely not want to date you.

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#8. He May Withhold Intimacy from You

You’ve probably done this!

Withheld intimacy from a guy, just to see if he was serious about you.

Cancer men also do the same. A cancer man will withhold intimacy from you just to see if you’re just there for physical pleasure.

He wants to see if you’re there for him emotionally and mentally as well.


Because a cancer guy is looking for a long-term relationship, not just a one-night stand.

How do you react?

If you’re only interested in physical pleasure, then you’ll probably move on.

But if you’re interested in him emotionally and mentally, you’ll stick around. Be patient and understanding. A cancer man takes a long time to open up, so be prepared for a long-term relationship. If you can’t handle that, it’s best to move on.

How A Cancer Man Tests You
Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

#9. He’ll Check to See If You’re Putting Equal Effort `Into the Relationship

A Cancerian man is a giver.

He’s always looking for ways to please his partner and make them happy. However, you have to meet him halfway.

Which is why he’ll consistently check to see if you’re putting equal effort into the relationship.


Because he doesn’t want to feel like he’s doing all the work while his partner just sits back and enjoys. He wants a reciprocal relationship where both partners work together to make things work.

He may do this by not calling you or texting you for a day to see if you’ll take the initiative.

How do you react?

If you miss him and want to talk, text, or call him. Let him know that you’re missing him and would like to talk.

But if you don’t care enough to reach out to him, he’ll take that as a sign that you’re not interested in continuing the relationship.

It’s essential to put equal effort into any relationship, or it won’t last.

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#10. He May Try to Push You Away

A Cancerian man may try to push you away just to see how you’ll react.

He may do this by being distant, not answering your texts or calls, or just generally making it difficult for you to reach out to him.


Because he wants to see how much you want the relationship. He wants to know if you’re there for him no matter what or if you’ll give up easily.

How do you react?

If you’re there for him no matter what, then you’ll stick around and fight for the relationship. But if you give up easily, he’ll take that as a sign that you’re not worth his time.

It’s essential to be supportive of your partner during tough times. If the cancer man sees that you’re there for him no matter what, he’ll be more likely to commit to you.

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#11. He Might Try to Make You Jealous

A Cancerian man might try to make you jealous just to see how you’ll react.

He may do this by talking about his exes, hanging out with other girls, or just generally making it clear that he’s not single.


Because a cancer man wants to see how much you care about him. He wants to know if you’re the type of girl who gets jealous easily or if you’re secure in your relationship.

How do you react?

If you’re the type of girl who gets jealous quickly, then you’ll probably react negatively.

But if you’re secure in your relationship, then you’ll be okay with him talking to other girls. You’ll know that he’s not interested in them and that he’s only talking to them because he’s friends with them.

It’s essential to be secure in your relationship and not get jealous quickly. If you can’t handle that, it’s best to move on.

#12. He Asks Questions He Already Has Answers To

This is something you’ve also done.

Asked a guy a question you knew the answer to just to see if he’d lie or tell the truth.

A cancer man is likely to do something similar. He’ll ask you questions he already has answers to, just to see how you’ll react.


Because he’s trying to see if he can trust you. Will you lie straight to his face, or will you tell the truth?

If you lie to him, it’s a clear sign that he can’t trust you. High chances are he’ll grow cold after the lie. But if you tell the truth, it shows that you’re honest and trustworthy.

It’s essential to be truthful with a Cancerian so they can trust you. If they can’t trust you, the relationship won’t last.

#13. He’ll Test You with His Moodiness

A Cancerian man is moody, and he’ll test you with his moodiness.

He may be happy one minute and angry the next.


Because he’s trying to see how much you can handle. He wants to know if you’re going to stick around no matter what or if your feelings for him will change with his moods.

How do you react?

If you can handle his mood swings and you’re still there for him, then he’ll know that your feelings are real. But if his mood swings get to be too much for you and you can’t handle it, he’ll take that as a sign that you’re not.

#14. He’ll Test You with His Jealousy

A Cancerian man will test you with his jealousy.

He may do this by getting jealous over little things.


Because he wants to see how much you can handle. Are you able to handle him at his worst, or will you leave him when he’s jealous?

How do you react?

If you can handle his jealousy and you’re still there for him, then it shows that your feelings are real. But if his jealousy gets to be too much for you and you can’t handle it, he’ll take that as a sign that your relationship is not worth it.

It’s essential to be understanding of your partner’s jealousy and be there for them when they need you. If you can’t handle their jealousy, it’s best to move on.

#15. He’ll Test to See How You Value Your Family and Relationships

A Cancerian man will test how you value your family and relationships.

He may do this by asking how close you are to your family or simply asking questions about your childhood.


Because family and friends are important to a Cancerian man. He wants to make sure that you value your relationships with family just as much as he does.

How do you react?

If you have a close relationship with your family and friends, be sure to tell him about them. Show him how much you care for them. But if you don’t have a close relationship with your family and friends, be sure to tell him why.

It’s vital that you’re honest with your partner about your relationships. If you’re not, it will only lead to problems in the future.

#16. He’ll Test Your Commitment

A Cancerian man will test your commitment.

He’ll do this by seeing how much you’re willing to put up with.


Because he is loyal and wants to make sure you’re also trustworthy. He doesn’t want to be with someone who isn’t committed to him.

How do you react?

If you’re loyal to him and you stick by his side, no matter what, then he’ll know that your commitment is real. But if you’re not loyal to him and you leave him when things get tough, he’ll take that as a sign that you’re not worth it.

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#17. He’ll Test Your Patience

A Cancerian man will test your patience.

He may do this by taking his time to commit or simply by keeping you waiting during a date. Rude, right?

However, he does this to ensure you can be patient with him. Since he knows he gets emotional and maybe moody, he’ll want to see if you can be patient with him.

How do you react?

If you can be patient with him and you’re still there waiting for him, then it shows that your patience is real. But if you get frustrated and leave him, he’ll take that as a sign that you’re not worth waiting for.

It’s essential to have patience when dating a Cancerian man. If you don’t, you’ll only end up frustrated and angry.

How A Cancer Man Tests You
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

How Does Cancer Man Test You FAQ

Do Cancers Play Mind games?

While they may test you for some time, most Cancerian men hate mind games.

Cancers are usually empathetic, caring, and compassionate. These personality traits prevent them from playing mind games with people.

If a cancer man is playing mind games with you, there are high chances he’s insecure and may feel like the relationship isn’t working out for him.

How Can I Impress a Cancer Man?

One of the easiest ways to impress a cancer man is to be friendly and caring to his friends and family. Cancer men value family and friends. So, if you want to impress him, start by being kind and polite to the people he loves.

Cancer men also love it when you show your vulnerable side to them. So, if you have something personal that you’ve been struggling with, share it with him. He’ll appreciate your honesty, and he’ll want to help you through it.

Do Cancerians Like to Be Chased?

While some Cancerian men may like to be chased, others may not.

It really depends on the individual man and how he feels about being pursued.

If a Cancerian man isn’t interested in you, chasing him will only push him away. However, if he is interested but just taking his time, pursuit may work. Those who like to be chased, also appreciate it when you take the time to get to know them.

So, don’t go chasing after him right away.

Instead, take your time and get to know him. Spend time with his friends and family. Let him see how friendly and caring you are.

Any Further Questions?

A cancer man is a complex individual who tests his partner in many ways.

And now that you understand how a cancer man tests you and how to react, you’ll be able to have a successful relationship with one.

Which of these tests has your Cancerian man given you? How did you react? Do you know of any other tests cancer men give you?

Tell us in the comment section below.

And if you have any questions regarding how cancer men test you, ask them in the comment section. I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
