21 Clear Signs You Are A Heyoka Empath (2025) Powerful & Rare

If you’re wondering what a Heyoka empath is, whether you’re one or maybe one of your friends, you’re in the right place.

This guide lists 21 clear signs you’re a Heyoka empath. It also includes several interesting facts about this type of empathic person.  

In my role as a life coach, I am often helping people better understand themselves and the people closest to them. 

That’s why I’m excited to share this guide with you. 

Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • A Heyoka empath is a type of empath who can reflect the hidden emotions of others in a provocative manner, often disrupting societal norms.
  • The most common signs of a heyoka empath include being highly intuitive, having an unconventional sense of humor, and challenging societal norms.
  • Heyoka empaths can experience challenges in relationships due to their unconventional and often unpredictable behavior, but can also facilitate growth for their partners.

What Is A Heyoka Empath?

I have an extensive guide on what an empath is, but a Heyoka empath is one of the rarer subsets. 

A Heyoka feels the emotions and energy of others inside their body but also has the natural ability to help them heal from bad moods, often using humor. 

The term Heyoka is a Native American word. It originates from the Native American Sioux Culture, meaning “sacred clown” (sacred jester).

What Does A Heyoka Do?

This sacred clown not only has the incredible ability to sense a person’s energy, but they also act as emotional mirrors to assist people in healing from the negative energy engulfing them. When people interact with a Heyoka empath, they often see just a reflection of their true selves. They then understand what they need to heal. 

What Are The Signs Of A Heyoka Empath?

Heyoka Empath
Photo by cookie_studio on freepik

So, what are the characteristics of the Heyoka? Below is a list of the most common telltale signs you’re a Heyoka. The more of these signs that you resonate with, the more likely it is that you are one of these empathic individuals.

1. They’re Exceptionally Open-Minded

One of the signs you may be a Heyoka is open-mindedness. All empaths have to be somewhat open-minded in order to feel others’ emotions so strongly. It’s this open-mindedness that allows them to understand the emotions of others in tough situations rather than condemn, label, and stereotype them.

A Heyoka tends to have exceptional levels of open-mindedness. They see the world differently, and that’s what allows them to consistently and consciously heal others, in spite of their background and personal situation. 

A Heyoka isn’t the type to judge someone negatively until they have plenty of information about their situation.

Related: How To Spot An Empath

2. They Have A Powerful Energy Radar

A defining trait of an empath is the ability to feel others’ energies within them. This is no different with a Heyoka.

Heyokas will not only feel the energy of others within them, they’ll also use this skill to determine what energy other people need.

They’re givers of positive energy as well as receivers.  

3. They’re Fantastic Healers 

This is the unique gift of the Heyoka and a sign you may be a Heyoka. They’re a pain eater – and it often comes naturally to them.  

Heyokas often find most conversations end up with them giving advice to people or helping them to feel better in some other way.

People commonly say that they feel their personal life has improved after talking with a Heyoka, or at the very least, they feel better about their future.

As mentioned earlier, this is because Heyokas genuinely care about the people they interact with.  

Related: Reasons The Gift Of Empathy Is A Blessing And Not A Curse

4. People Are Strongly Affected By Heyoka Empaths

You could have just met a Heyoka. You may have encountered them for the first time. Either way, they’ll tend to have a lasting impact. 

Their words leave an impression because these empaths feel your state of energy. Through their words, you can feel that they feel it! They could’ve influenced and set a positive example for thousands of people. 

This feeling, combined with their tremendous empathy, unique personality, and wild sense of humor, means you won’t forget your interactions with them for a while. 

If people you’ve just met feel strangely close to you and comfortable in your presence, that’s a sign you’re a Heyoka empath yourself. 

5. In A Group Tragedy, A Heyoka Empath Thinks To Help Others First

In a situation where the whole group suffers disappointment or finds themselves in danger, a Heyoka empath will put the emotions of others before their own needs. 

This comes naturally, as they don’t even think to serve their own needs first. Indeed, it’s common for a Heyoka to treat such situations in a light-hearted way and highlight the bright side, even if they are suffering themselves if only to lift others’ feelings.   

Related: Super Empath Vs. Narcissist & What We Can Learn From Both

6. They Respond To Tragedy With Humor

It’s an uncommon and potentially disrespectful social strategy to respond to bad news by making light of the situation. However, Heyokas tend to have the skill of knowing how and when to execute this in a successful way. 

They’re great at diffusing tension and hostility with humor and raising spirits when a group has been hit with disappointing news. 

Heyokas use their energy-reading ability to sense when it’s better to respond to the tragedy in a more conventional way too. 

7. They Can Sense What People Are Thinking, Even If They Don’t Say It

Not everyone is bold enough to wear their heart on their sleeve and share their emotions with the world. Unless we’re surrounded by those we trust, the human default is arguably to keep our emotions to ourselves. 

Heyokas, however, are great readers of social situations. They have the ability to read body language and sense others’ emotions and can use this to tell how others around them are feeling. 

In fact, they feel others’ emotions so strongly that they often experience it within their own bodies.    

Related: 71+ Empath Quotes To Empower Your Sensitive Side

8. They Have A Strong Sense Of Intuition

Heyokas are highly intuitive. Sometimes, a Heyoka will know the best step to take in a social situation but won’t know why it’s the best.  

Smart and confident Heyokas with good self-knowledge will learn it’s best to follow their intuition and those subtle cues, and this will normally lead to a positive outcome.

If you’re someone who is confident in following their intuition, even when you don’t understand the logic behind your decisions, that’s a good sign you’re a Heyoka empath. 

9. They Stand Out From The Crowd

Even if they don’t understand what a Heyoka Empath is or why this person stands out from others, most people will recognize there’s something unique about them.  

Heyokas often make deep connections quickly – and others in their environment unconsciously feel that. They make an impression on other lives that some can’t. There’s something different about the way they make others feel, and others will often make a point of bringing this up. 

Related: 21 Reasons Why Intuitive Empaths Have A Gift

10. An Undeniably Great Sense Of Humor

The ability to make people laugh is another defining trait of a Heyoka. It’s one of the most surprising signs. It’s rare that their humor is polarizing. More likely, it’s universally agreed that this person is funny and a good time is to be had around them. 

11. They Value Honesty 

It’s rare that you’ll find Heyokas beating around the bush or telling white lies. They’re brutally honest and don’t have a problem telling the hard truth. Honesty is an important quality to them, even in difficult social situations. 

Their honesty is always intense but rarely seen as brutal, such is their uncanny ability to feel people’s energy and understand what they need to hear. They don’t hide their true feelings even if it’s out of their comfort zones.

12. They’re Happy To Go Against The Masses 

We, humans, are tribal creatures. Most of us find it very difficult to make decisions that go against the wishes of our social group or of mainstream society. 

Heyokas don’t tend to have that problem. They’re confident in their decisions, even if they are somewhat different from what ‘most people’ would do or say in a similar scenario.

They’re not rebellious. More likely, they’re strong and inspirational independent thinkers. You’d often describe them as ‘free spirits.’ 

Related: 21 Real Problems Empaths Have In Romantic Relationships

13. Heyoka Empaths Tend To Be Highly Creative People

You’ll often find that Heyokas like to put their unique personality and energy-reading abilities to good use via creative pursuits. Many are dancers, artists, or content creators. As they are so keen to help others, you’ll naturally find a lot of them in creative coaching jobs. They’re also drawn to spiritual roles or jobs that are outside of the box. 

14. They Have An Uncanny Ability To Always Know The Right Thing To Say  

Ever get the impression that someone is reading your thought patterns because they always know the right way to respond to you? Well, there’s a chance this person always gives the best advice because they’re reading your energy and responding based on what they feel. That’s what makes them gifted advisors.

It’s a defining trait of a Heyoka to be able to heal someone who is feeling down with their words and actions, even when they’re in a precarious emotional situation. 

15. They Like To ‘Go With The Flow’

Some people like to be meticulous planners, but Heyoka empaths like to plan a little and see what happens. Most likely, they have developed a spontaneous nature based on their history of seemingly always knowing what others need to feel better and have a good time. 

16. They Think Outside The Box 

Instead of following societal norms, a Heyoka empath is often suggesting unique and alternative solutions to a problem. They like to challenge norms. They’re not trapped in the box of obvious answers and mainstream ideas. They’re happy to think outside the status quo and solve problems in unconventional ways instead of doing what society expects. This can extend to using and recommending spiritual guidance or alternative medicines. 

17. People Are Sometimes Unsure How To React To Heyoka Empaths 

It’s natural to be unsure how to react when you feel someone is different, but you don’t understand why. Heyokas can often have a near-instant impact on someone else’s feelings, and this can cause emotional reactions. Although it’s common that some people to react emotionally, it also leads to some people being wary or cagey around them.

Regardless of how other individuals act around them, most empaths manage to create a strong connection regardless.  

Related: 25 Empaths Protection Tools – How To Deal With Being An Empath

18. They’re Great At Spotting Liars 

An advantage of being able to ‘feel’ other people’s energy is the ability to easily detect authenticity. If someone is lying, they will usually give away tells in their body language. 

Heyoka empaths can ‘feel’ tells of a discrepancy between other people’s intentions and their words, which works as a reliable tell of their honesty.  

19. They Often Suffer From Emotional Overload 

Heyokas tend to be highly emotional themselves. They’re not afraid to express the joy of the highs and the pain of the lows in life and have the whole world witness it. 

Now, add the fact that they’re also prone to experience other people’s highs and lows on a deeply personal level.

When you consider both of these facts, it’s perhaps no surprise that Heyoka empaths can often become emotionally overwhelmed and end up feeling tired, particularly in group situations. 

Like everyone, Heyokas feel peer pressure from time to time, but their unique perspective may make them less susceptible to it. A true empath often has a strong sense of individuality and doesn’t conform to social norms or expectations in the same way that others do.

Related: Reasons Why Intuitive Empaths Have A Gift

20. They Crave Solitude And Peace 

Heyokas do feel a great sense of joy and meaning from healing others, but it can be exhausting too. Empaths suffer from emotional exhaustion. It can cause physical health and mental health issues, for sure. That’s why you’ll often find they often need to be spending time to recover and heal themselves. 

Heyokas prefer solitude. The only real way they can heal is in solitude, where they’re not picking up on other people’s emotions all the time. They can no longer serve others until this recharging has been completed.

If you or a friend of yours often wants some alone time to recharge away from other people, it might not be that they’re an introvert.

It might actually be that they’re highly empathic. The desire to recharge in solitude is definitely a sign of a Heyoka, anyway.   

Related: 12 Types Of Empaths And How To Identify Yours

21. They Go Against The Grain In Other Strange Ways 

Some researchers of Heyoka empaths suggest that a lot of them are left-handed, in proportion to the rest of the global population anyway. Other reports say that many Heyokas were born feet-first. It’s supposedly unproportionally common for them to have dyslexia too. It’s also said that they look younger than their actual age. 

While these stats don’t appear to be backed up with proper scientific evidence, it’s worth noting that Heyoka empaths do tend to be linked with other physical symptoms that make them ‘go against the grain’ of society.    

Important Facts About Heyoka Empaths

Now you know how to spot whether you or someone you know is a Heyoka empath, let’s learn a bit more about them. 

Heyoka Empath Purpose

The Heyoka has a clear purpose; to make the world a better place through the healing of others. 

Heyoka Empath Personality

Heyoka has a powerful empathetic personality. This type of personality feels the emotions of others. They feel other people’s energies. They have a natural sense of reflecting the emotions and behaviors of those around them, often using humor and satire in the process. Because of their unique empathic abilities, they have the power to heal other people’s emotions and point out inconsistencies in a situation.

Heyoka Empath Awakening

Heyokas awaken others through reading other people’s behavior by acting as mirrors to their pain. Through interacting with a Heyoka, many people can often see the journey they need to heal themselves. It’s a key part of Heyoka’s healing work. 

First, though, Heyoka empath needs to awaken themselves to their own strengths. This self-discovery process supposedly happens subconsciously by encountering the Great Thunder Spirit in a dream or a vision. 

Heyoka Empath Symbol

Heyoka Empath Symbol

The Heyoka empath symbol is a “Thunderbird.” This represents the Great Thunder Spirit involved in their awakening. Some may choose to do this symbol to illustrate their soul’s path in life.

Heyoka Empath Abilities

The defining ability of the Heyoka is being able to heal the emotions of others when they’re in a low state. This is the quality that separates them from other types of narcissists. 

Heyoka Empath Twin Flame

A Heyoka is such a highly developed type of empath and leaves such a lasting impression on people that they are often of *** of being a twin flame with a lot of people. It’s incredibly rare to feel that twin flame connection with someone, but the energy-reading abilities of a Heyoka empath allow people to feel it with them far more often than they would with another type of person. 

Heyoka Empath In Love

Heyoka empaths can be complex in relationships or when they’re in love. Because they struggle to express their feelings openly, they tend to come across as distant and closed. But this couldn’t be far from the truth. When they care about someone, they care deeply. When they’re in love, they’re deeply in love. Once they fall in love, they are loyal, passionate, and devoted. They may be sensitive to their partner’s emotions, reflecting them back and helping the partner feel understood.

Heyoka Empath And Narcissist

Heyokas and narcissists are essentially polar opposites. One naturally moves to heal others. One naturally only ever cares about themselves. These differences naturally cause tension and a lack of understanding of one another. If there was one type of person that a Heyoka empath would struggle to connect with, it’s a narcissist. 

Heyoka Empath Depression

This type of individual is highly sensitive to the world around them and life’s ups and downs. They feel the weight of the world sometimes, so are prone to depression. Heyoka empaths may get exhausted by the negative energy and bad human emotions that surround them, leading to depression and burnout. They may feel lonely at times, even though they like to spend time alone. Also, their unconventional behavior may make them feel excluded from society, thus leading to feelings of isolation and depression.

The most apparent reason for their depression is their high sensitivity. That’s why their need to learn to create healthy boundaries. Heyokas need to put their self-care first to prevent exhaustion and burnout. They also need to seek professional help when needed or talk to their loved ones about their mental state.

What Is The Strongest Type Of Empath?

There are many empaths, each with their own unique qualities, and it’s difficult to suggest which is the most powerful type. However, with their natural healing powers, it would be hard to argue against anyone who suggests a Heyoka is the most powerful empath.

Heyoka Empath Test

If you want to learn more about whether you’re a Heyoka empath, I’d recommend this online test.  

Final Thoughts

People misunderstand empaths, but hopefully, you have better knowledge of the true character of these sacred clowns now. 

Thanks for stopping by and reading my guide. I hope it makes sense to you. Share this piece with a friend to help them too!

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
