21 Free Google Docs Journal Templates (2025) To Improve Your Life

Contrary to what people think, journaling isn’t just about opening a page and writing thoughts. Depending on your purpose, you’ll need various journal templates to journal effectively.

Since free journal templates are scarce, we carefully created Google Docs journal templates for you to choose from. And they can be edited online or printed. 

How to use our free google docs journal templates:

  1. Click the link of the template you want to use.
  2. Click “File” in the upper left corner of the toolbar.
  3. Scroll down the menu and click “Make a Copy.”
  4. Begin using the Google Docs journal template!

But before you start searching for a Google Docs journal template that suits your needs, check out this video:

Let’s dive right into it.

1. The Five Minute Journal

Via Amazon

The Five Minute Journal Google Docs Template utilizes the science of positive psychology to help you start your day with motivation and end it with reassuring reflection. It contains 5 sections — three for the morning routine and two for evening journaling. Holding fresh daily quotes, affirmation prompts, and space for rethinking the day’s turnout, the Five Minute Journal makes up a magnificent daily journal. 

2. The Self-Discovery Journal

Via Amazon

With self-discovery questions to lead you through your identity path, this Self Discovery Journal template gives you space to meditate and express what you think about yourself. It has evoking questions easily accessible from the table of contents. Using the Google Docs H2 headings, you can add even more questions to discover more answers hidden within you.

3. The Growth Mindset Guided Journal

Adapted from the 41 Growth Mindset Journal Prompts To Thrive, this simple Growth Mindset Guided Journal is a great resource for anyone who wants to challenge the fixed mindset and develop a growth mindset. It also uses the easy Google Docs headings layout easy to customize according to your style.

4. The Quarterly Progress Journal

When we set yearly goals, one of the biggest barriers to their accomplishment is a lack of tracking. However, with the Quarterly Progress Journal, you can follow up on your goals every quarter hence increasing motivation.

5. My Daily Design & Reflect Journal

Tony Robbins once said, “Lead a life of your own design, on your own terms — not one that others or the environment have

scripted for you” A life of your own design starts with your days. That’s why we created a simple Daily Design & Reflect Journal through Google Docs so that you can live the life you want one day at a time. Having no complicated details, you’ll find it easy to use and also customize.

6.  Retro Journal

Via Template.net

Interested in an exquisite retro look? Look no further than the Retro Journal with a minimalistic retro style to bring that vintage feel into your journaling practice. With a section to remind you of your weekly goals, you can effortlessly put down your daily schedule in alignment.

7. Inspirational Journal

Via Template.net

Apart from a prayer journal, this Google Docs Inspirational Journal has space for writing down blessings and scriptures which come in handy when seeking spiritual growth. You can use it to inspire confidence every morning before you face the day.

8. Funny Journal

Via Template.net

If anything with a comedy touch gets you in the right mood for your day, the Funny Journal might be the best option for you. This Google Docs journal template is a playful version of the Retro Journal.

9. Gratitude Journal

Via Template.net

One of the simplest ways to cultivate a positive mindset is by practicing gratitude. With this Google Docs Gratitude Journal template, moments and things that made you feel happy and fulfilled create a positive mindset to brace you for the next day.

10. Wellness Journal

Via Template.net

To live an all-around fulfilling life, you need to take care of your physical and mental wellness when not working. Yet all the attempts of planning and tracking these aspects of your life might feel extremely overwhelming. Well, before you give up, make a copy of your Wellness Journal and stay organized in your busy schedule.

Related: 33 Most Effective Self-Improvement Journal Prompts

11. Book Journal

Via Template.net

Reading books boosts your intelligence. But do you have a record of your reading goals, favorite ideas, authors, and even those you lent your books to? While a commonplace book is useful, you can use this Book Journal to do all this, and more!

12. Picture Personal Journal

Do you love to express yourself with pictures? How about you grab a copy of our Picture Personal Journal to fill in your words between pictures that describe your day. You can use personal photos and also find some online.

13. Month At A Glance

Via Etsy

Looking for a simple journal layout to summarize your month and bring some sanity? Look no further than Month At A Glance. It helps you summarize your monthly activities from financials to to-do lists on a simple page.

14. Moms Life Daily Planner

Via perfectlyscattered.com

Moms have so much diversity in their day that many normal journals can’t express adequately. That’s why we discovered the best Moms Life Daily Planner to include virtually anything in a mom’s life.

15. Doodled Floral Daily Planner

Via Vintage Glam

If you want anything from your daily inspiration to your brain dumps to be in a doodly journal layout, the Doodled Floral Daily Planner got you covered. Your errands, appointments, and even meals and snacks are all nicely arranged in one place to provide a nice record of your daily workings plus tracking of all life aspects.

16. Comprehensive Today’s Planner

Via BirchTree Organizing

Although this one is mostly a planner, it has space to scribble your thoughts in summary. While you plan the next day’s schedule, you’re free to contemplate the already-ended day and dump your thoughts and feelings.

17. 10-Min Reflective Journal

Image by Christie Zimmer

Whether you want to reflect on your day, friendships, the future, or any other topic, you can use the numerous pages of the 10-Min Reflective Journal to give yourself time to free your mind with contemplation but also avoid overthinking using the 10-minute timeframe.

18. Wins And Challenges Decompressing Journal

Via The Kitchen Table Classroom

Journaling doesn’t have to be time-consuming. You can reflect on your day by only stating your wins and challenges with this journal. With your wins, you get to cultivate gratitude and the challenges give you a glimpse of how you might approach tomorrow. 

19. Bible-oriented Daily Journal

Via My Life Well Loved

If you believe in the Bible, having a journal guided by the scriptures would be a great help to all-rounded growth. Get a Google Doc template like the one shown above with a Bible verse to give you confidence.

20. Body Mind & Soul Self-Care Journal

via Slideshare

Instead of getting trapped in one aspect of your life like career or family, experience your entire life with the Body, Mind, & Soul Self Care Journal which lets you reflect on your diet, exercise, feelings, and also things you’re grateful for. It’s especially ideal for those following a holistic lifestyle.

21. Daily Self-Esteem Journal

Via TherapistAid.com

If you’ve been looking for practices to boost your self-esteem, journaling is one of the best options. This journal contains self-esteem journal prompts to help you learn to accept and love yourself more.

Related: Low Self-Esteem Treatment Plan – 11 Helpful Techniques

Your Journal Templates Questions Answered

So if you’ve been wondering…

How do you make a journal on Google Docs?

There are many ways of making a journal on Google Docs depending on the type of journal you need. When you explore our Google Docs templates, you can DIY your own based on the style you prefer. The easiest way to make a journal in Google Docs journals makes use of headings to make easily accessible journal entries. Matt Bergman explains this in the following video:

Does Google Docs have a journal template (journal docs)?

Currently, Google Docs doesn’t have any journal template. But you can use their features like “outline,” “table of contents,” and “headings” to make your own simple journal while adding pictures and other effects to make it more personal.

Can you journal on Google Docs?

As long as you have internet, you can journal on Google Docs for free. Apart from its simplicity of use, the web app features several customization features you can use to create a free journal template you love. 

Is there a free online journal template?

We provide free online journal templates you can edit straight from Google Docs or download to use offline. From self-esteem journals to daily reflective journals, we provide a range of templates you can use to carry out your journaling practice conveniently.


Free online journal templates are hard to come by. That’s why we created the above Google Docs templates for you. We hope to help you stay more productive and organized through your journaling practice.

What’s the best journal template for you?

Just what would happen if you pursue fascinating ideas with your online journal? For example:

  • create your special travel journal template,
  • upload your own free journal template for others,
  • everyday tasks
  • current emotions
  • action plan
  • food journal
  • bullet journal
  • creating google apps
  • etc.

As mentioned earlier, you can make a copy to edit in Google Docs, download it to use offline, or even derive inspiration from our template ideas to create your own.

These ideas should give you enough space to experiment. You can even think about hiring professional designers to create a high-quality design or add advanced options for you.

Just start typing and make your life better. 🙂

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
