11 Brain Hacks How to Focus on The Good In (2025)

If I had a dollar for every time I’d told a client, friend or family member to “focus on the good,” I’d be a millionaire by now.

However, this statement is easier said than done.

Most people hear this statement and start wondering how they should focus on the good when nothing seems to work out.

If you’re among these people, this article is for you. In today’s post, we’ll discuss 11 brain hacks you can use to focus on the good.

Here’s what you’ll learn

Let’s get right into it.

What Does Focusing on the Good Mean

Life has its ups and downs. The phrase focus on the good is mainly used as an encouragement to people undergoing challenging situations.

Rather than focusing on the negative, this phrase urges people to look for the silver lining in the dark cloud. In short, this quote reminds people to always focus on the positive.

And according to Abraham Hicks, “When you focus on the good, the good gets better.”

But how exactly do you focus on the good things in life? Keep reading to find out.

Focus on the good

How do you Focus on the Good?

#1. Practice Gratitude

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to focus on the good things is by practicing gratitude. Practicing gratitude allows you to appreciate the goodness in your life, which drives you to focus more on life’s positive aspects.

And don’t take my word for it.

A 2016 study on college students with different mental health issues found that gratitude writing resulted in better treatment outcomes. According to the study, gratitude results in greater benefits than counselling.

And here’s the best part!

Practicing gratitude isn’t hard.

The best way to introduce gratitude in your life is by having a gratitude journal where you consistently write about the things you’re thankful for. You can choose to use gratitude journaling every day or weekly.

#2. Meditate

If you want to focus on the good things in life, you first need to be aware of your thought patterns. One way of doing this is through meditation.,

With meditation, you’re able to observe your thoughts and bring attention to how your mind works. With meditation, you’re able to pay attention to how often negative thoughts come up. By observing your negative thoughts, it becomes easier to deal with them and switch to more positive thinking.

#3. Be Selective with the People you Hang out With

Jim Rohn said that “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If you spend most of your time with negative people, you’re more likely to become negative. The same goes for spending time with positive people.

If either some of your family members, friends, or workmates are complainers, gossipers, or overall negative, limit the time you spend with them. Instead, look for more positive people.

It’s not only people who are likely to push you to negativity. The books you read, the music you listen to and the movies you watch also influence you.

So, if you want to focus more on the good things, look for books that motivate and drive you, listen to music that builds you up, and only watch films with positive themes.   

#4. Be Content

One of the most significant causes of negativity in the world is discontent.

We’ve always been wired to want more. This constant pursuit of more is what drives people into negativity and feelings of inadequacy. Rather than focusing on the good in our lives, we focus more on what we don’t have.

And here’s an even sadder bit.

Once we get what we desired, we become happy for a while, then start focusing on more things that we don’t have.

The result. Increased anxiety, stress and other negative feelings.

Rather than focusing more on what you don’t have, appreciate what you currently have. No matter how little it is, being content with what you have, will result in more happiness.

Wondering how to achieve happiness without the material possessions? Check out our article on extreme minimalism here.

However, by being content, I don’t mean being complacent. Just don’t let the pursuit of more money, property, or that perfect appearance keep you from being happy.

#5. Avoid the News

It’s a well-known fact that News coverage is predominantly negative. If you were to spend the day only watching the News, you’d come out thinking that the world is ending.

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t made things any better. Every day, you’re bombarded with stories of suffering, illness, and crime all over the world. These negative News lead you to focus on things that are going wrong and not the positive.

However, many positive things are happening in the world but are never reported.

So, if you’re looking for ways to focus more on the good things in life, switch off the News. And if that’s impossible, curate your News to only issues that affect you directly.

#6. Eat more Happy Food

Did you know that the food you eat has an impact on your mood?

If you didn’t, now you know. The food you eat could be what’s driving you to either focus on good or bad.

Two different studies found that eating fruits and vegetables is more likely to result in feelings of happiness. On the other hand, a diet filled with fast foods and other unhealthy foods is likely to result in unhappy feelings.

Part of this is due to the guilt that comes with eating unhealthy foods. With healthier foods, you feel better and are likely to envision a healthy life in the future.

So, if you’re looking for a way to increase your focus on good, change your diet to healthier foods that uplift your mood.

foods helps you focus on the good
Source; pexels.com (Nathan Cowley)

#7. Exercise

I’ll be honest.

Exercising sucks. However, the feeling you get after you’re done with a workout trumps all the negative feelings you had when exercising.

And it’s not just my opinion.

Numerous studies have revealed that exercise results in an overall better mood. Just like healthy food, exercising is likely to result in thoughts of good health, better physical appearance and overall well being.

If you don’t exercise and are looking to deal with negativity, sign up for a gym. You’ll have taken the first step towards more positivity.

#8. Help Others

Another way to infuse positivity into your life is by serving others.

Like Mark Twain once wrote, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.”

By helping others, you end up feeling good about yourself, resulting in an overall positive feeling.

And that’s not all!

By being part of a charity, you meet more positive people. It also instils a mindset that the world isn’t such a dark place, which pushes you to focus more on the good.

If you can, take the step and help someone out. It could be as simple as buying a homeless person a meal or offering your jacket to a homeless person. You’ll go home feeling better than you left.

#9. Spend Time in Nature

Did you know that a hike, stroll on a beach, or just a walk through the neighborhood park could have an impact on your happiness?

If you didn’t, now you know.

Why do you think balcony rooms are always the first to be booked?

Numerous studies have revealed that nature has a positive impact on your happiness level.

So, if you’re looking for an easy brain hack to focus on the good things in life, consider scheduling a daily walk in your neighborhood park. After such a walk, you’ll feel happier than when you left home.

And if you’re looking to spend more time in nature, schedule a monthly hike. Not only is it good for your physical health, but a hike will also help you develop positivity.

#10. Have a Proper Sleep Schedule

How many hours of sleep do you get every night?

If you have erratic sleep patterns, you’re probably always grumpy and never on you’re A-game. However, having a regular sleep schedule helps with physical and mental health.

But what does a regular sleep schedule mean?

This all depends on you. However, to be on the safe side, aim to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Quality sleep helps you perform better at work, gives you better pain management, and helps with your sex life. All these are prerequisites to more positivity and a happier life.

If you’re wondering how to set up a sleep schedule, check out our article on building a perfect night routine

#11. Practice Mindfulness

I want you to take a moment and think about the last few thoughts you’ve had.

If you’re like most, including me, you were either reliving a memory or thinking about a conversation you’re going to have in the next few minutes. You may have even been planning about your future.

However, being constantly in your thoughts robs you of the present moment. You may be missing a lot of good stuff simply because you’re unaware.

However, being mindful allows you to enjoy every moment.

By making a conscious effort to be aware of your surroundings, you feel relaxed and are less affected by stress.

So, when taking your walks through nature, try to notice something new on the trail every day. By looking for either a new flower, new bird, or new rock every day, you’re more inclined to focus on your surroundings; therefore, enjoy the positive effects of mindfulness.  

And that’s not all!

By practicing mindfulness, you’re likely to be more present in your relationships, which translates to better, happier relationships.

Any Further Questions?

There you go.

Eleven hacks you can use to focus on the good things in life. Which of these brain hacks will you introduce into your life?

Do you know of any other hacks to help our audience focus on the good things? Do you have any questions regarding the hacks highlighted in this piece?

Please leave a comment below. I’ll be happy to respond to any comment or question posted.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
