21 Tips On How To Be The Energy You Want To Attract (2025)

To be the energy you want to attract is to change your beliefs, thoughts, and actions to form habits you desire in your life.

Be The Energy You Want To Attract
Photo by Jill Wellington

And that needs practice.

So come with me to get coaching strategies you can apply in your life to become the energy you want to attract.

Let’s go!

Tactics For Becoming The Energy You Want To Attract

1. Truly Believe

If you don’t believe you can become the energy you wish to attract, then the rest of the strategies won’t work.

Being the energy you want to attract is a concept of the law of attraction that has been proven by scientific models such as the Placebo Effect, mirror neurons, and quantum physics among others. 

You have to believe that for this process to work.

So if you believe you can be the energy (love, joy, peace, satisfaction, confidence) you want to attract, you can work towards getting that energy. 

2. Do Things To Others That You Want To Be Done To You

Treat others how you want to be treated is one of the most powerful concepts for personal growth. And also the only way to become the energy you want to attract.

If you treat others with respect, you’d likely get honor in return. If you lift others up, you’d often get others who return the favor. If you emit positive energy, you’d likely get it back to you.

Note that the words I use here are “likely” and “often”. Meaning, that the world doesn’t promise you roses for your good behavior. But you’ll get positive rewards for positive energy for the most part.

3. Put Gratitude On The Forefront

Whether you’ll thank God, the universe, people, or your circumstances, gratitude is one powerful way to be the energy you want to attract. Lots of research reveals gratitude as the source of more abundance in positive outcomes.

Keep in mind that gratitude isn’t about waiting for great things to be grateful for but finding the simplest things to be grateful for no matter what we’re going through.

4. Practice Accurate Thinking

Accurate thinking is a model of positive thinking that embraces reality in positivity. Instead of thinking, “I’ll get the job,” you can think “I’m positive about getting the job but even if I don’t, I can get feedback and apply for other jobs.”

While the former seems positive, it isn’t accurate, and therefore can easily end up in negative thinking and negative energy.

However, the latter – that is accurate thinking not only brings confidence that you’ll get the job but also prepares for more positive thoughts in case you don’t. This way, you can continually become confident and positive which attracts more of the same energy. Your negative emotions won’t control you anymore and you’ll have less and less self-doubt.

5. Talk Of Your Desires Positively

To be the energy you want to attract, you need to stop phrasing what you want in terms of what you don’t want. Instead of saying, “I want to stop being such a spender” say, “I want to become more of a saver.”

You see? Since the subconscious only understands things in terms of negatives and positives, you can only emit positive energy when you constantly wire your thoughts to speak in the positive.

You can stop being what you don’t want to be by speaking about what exactly you want to be.

6. Crush Limiting Beliefs

You can’t become the energy you wish to attract by working around the same energy you’ve been operating on. For instance, you can’t start exuding confidence if all you keep believing is, “I’m naturally not confident enough”

Therefore, seek to discover the negative beliefs you’ve been reinforcing in your daily life and start reinforcing positive beliefs you want to live on.

7. Spend Time With People Having The Energy You Want To Attract

As Jim Rohn expertly summed it up, You are the average of five people you spend your time with.

Energy You Want To Attract
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Meaning if you need to be kinder, connect with kind people. If you want to exude more confidence, spend more time with confident people. If you want to be a more profound thinker, go where deep thinkers hang out. 

You get the point.

Related: Clear Signs Of Magnetic Attraction Between Two People

8. Get Away From Negative Influences

Spending less time with people having the energy you don’t want is as important as spending more time with people having the energy you want.

If you fail to cut off negative influences and negative feelings, you’d not only drag behind in gaining progress but also make the growth process more painful than it needs to be.

You can set boundaries for yourself and others during this transition so you can be sure to keep away from any negative influences.

9. Cultivate Healthy Habits

One healthy habit feeds on another always. That’s why you need to get back on track with acquiring the habits in line with the energy you want to be.

If you want more self-confidence, work with confidence-building exercises for at least 21 days. If you want to become more physically healthy, check out the fitness exercises you can do or simply start by minding your cravings.

10. Shift Your Self-Talk In The Positive

Listen to how you talk to yourself. Is negative self-talk part of the habitual chatter in your mind? Do you find it almost impossible to be kind to yourself?

That needs to change. But don’t be frustrated since we all start from somewhere.

  • Start viewing yourself with compassion and speak to yourself with positive truths instead of discouraging lies.
  • Challenge the self-critic.
  • Compliment yourself when you do great and gently correct yourself when you fall short

No amount of negative self-talk can get you the energy you wish to attract. Remember point #5.

11. Face Your Struggles Head On

You probably want to be resilient – a consistent problem solver. You want great things.

That’s why you need to stop escaping your challenges and face them head-on. Sitting through tough emotions and dealing with problems is what helps you give out positive energy in the long run.

The way to be the energy you want to attract is through overcoming struggles.

Related: Signs You Are A Deep Thinker – Pros & Cons

12. Seek Lessons Instead Of Flaws

No one likes being around complainers or constant critics. So you probably don’t want to give off such negative energy.

To be the energy you want to attract, you must choose to not only practice gratitude but also seek to draw out lessons on everything about life. This way you not only become emotionally intelligent but also gain other skills that others would find to be of great value.

13. Do One Thing Towards Your Main Goal Every Day

Being the energy you want to attract is not about reaching a destination of perfection since no such destination exists in this imperfect world. It’s about reaching for your main goal every day.

Whatever your goal is, focus on doing at least one thing to reach there – even if you fail at doing everything else. Do this long enough and you’d see how all this adds up to a successful life.

14. Practice Who You Want To Become

There’s no other way of becoming who you want to be except to choose to be that person now. What does it mean?

Many people lie to themselves that they can be the energy they desire tomorrow, next year, when they have enough money, during holidays, e.t.c. But it’s all a lie. It’s simply an excuse for procrastination. That’s not how successful people think.

And that won’t get you the energy you wish to attract.

  • If you want to be a saver, the time to start saving is now
  • If you want to gain physical health, you have to start eating healthy and exercising today
  • If you want to connect with successful people, you have to practice success habits henceforth
  • If you want healthy relationships, you have to begin with having a healthy relationship with yourself today

Once you realize what you need to become, start with small steps.

Related: Best Shifting Affirmations For Lasting Change

15. Focus On What You Want Instead Of What You Don’t Want

The law of attraction works with the subconscious mind to bring the energy you want to attract in automation. The issue is, that the subconscious mind doesn’t know how to differentiate outcomes with “not.”

That’s why when you repeat “I don’t want X” you’ll likely get X. Because negative thoughts and stress rarely birth positive effects.

So you need to stop putting so much focus on what you don’t want (which brings negative thinking and negative emotions) and start focusing on what you want (which helps you think in the positive).

16. Leverage Affirmations You Can Believe

Affirmations only work when you believe them. And this is how you can believe it:

  1. Use affirmations that you believe, not unrealistic, unbelievable ones
  2. Repeat the affirmations to program your mind through them
  3. Act on the affirmations to reinforce the positive belief
  4. Remind yourself of the belief whenever a challenging thought comes to mind

Using affirmations you can believe can mean saying:

  • “I’m working on making a lot of money” instead of “I have lots of money”
  • “I’m getting better at networking as I practice it” rather than “I’m a networking pro”
  • “I am becoming more confident as I embrace my authentic self every day” instead of “I am self-confident!”

17. Be Your Authentic Self

Being the energy you wish to attract is about trying your best to be who you want to become and acting according to the step you’ve reached thus far. 

This inspires others to exude that same energy hence creating an environment of authenticity and acceptance you’d want to fill your life.

18. Practice Visualization

Visualizing is intentionally creating the things you want in your mind first. After all, everything you see around you is a product of visualization.

To wire your mind in the energy you wish to attract, you need to take your time and sit to visualize the things you want and how you want them. This mental picture is what God/universe brings to your life.

19. Create A Vision Board

Similar to visualization, a vision board is a tool the law of attraction works well with.

Vision Board
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Physical or digital pictures of your dreams serve as a reminder and help you press towards the things you wish to attract.

Related: How To Manifest Someone: Easy Steps

20. Make It Fun

It’s tough to stick with anything for long if it’s boring. That’s why you need to find ways to enjoy the strategies for making you the energy you desire to attract.

You can celebrate progress, involve others to tag along for the journey, or even incorporate games through this process to make it more fun.

21. Take One Small Goal At A Time

Last but not least, to make the law of attraction work for you, you need to avoid the “dreamer trap” that makes every personal growth attempt hard to follow through.

Instead of creating big goals for your personal development that you’ll likely never achieve, you need to create tiny goals tracing to your end goal so you can actually follow through with it.

For instance, someone I know said he wanted to lose one kilogram per month whilst a friend of his laughed at his small goal saying she’s targeting shedding 10 kilograms in only one month.

The ambitious goal-setter of 10 kilograms per month never shed the weight and also gave up the whole weight-loss process while the other one made it in two years.

So remember to take one small goal at a time. It brings tremendous results.

What Does It Mean To Be The Energy You Want To Attract?

Being the energy you want to attract means using your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to get what you want. This is a concept of the law of attraction that works to bring to you the things you send out to the world. For instance, when you send out love and kindness, you receive these energies back in other ways.

Who Said Be The Energy You Want To Attract?

Many people have said become the energy you want to attract in many ways, but Ralph Smart, for the most part, coined the phrase. Mahatma Gandhi put it in another way in his quote “be the change you want to see in the world.”

How Do You Be The Energy You Want To Attract?

Let’s recap the ways for being the energy you want to attract:

  1. Really Believe
  2. Do Things To Others That You Want To Be Done To You
  3. Put Gratitude On The Forefront
  4. Practice Accurate Thinking
  5. Talk Of Your Desires Positively
  6. Crush Limiting Beliefs
  7. Spend Time With People Having The Energy You Want To Attract
  8. Get Away From Negative Influences
  9. Cultivate Healthy Habits
  10. Shift Your Self Talk In The Positive
  11. Face Your Struggles Head On
  12. Seek Lessons Instead Of Flaws
  13. Do One Thing Towards Your Main Goal Every Day
  14. Practice Who You Want To Become
  15. Focus On What You Want Instead Of What You Don’t Want
  16. Leverage Affirmations You Can Believe
  17. Be Your Authentic Self
  18. Practice Visualization
  19. Create A Vision Board
  20. Make It Fun
  21. Take One Small Goal At A Time

Do You Attract The Energy You Give Off?

You indeed attract the energy you give off as we can see that like-minded people attract each other while the things you put out to the world through your decisions come back to you. While there are exceptions, it’s common for toxic people to attract toxicity and generous people to attract love and generosity their way.

Final Reflection

Being the energy you want to attract is as simple as focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want and treating others the way you want to be treated. If you follow these two rules using the above personal development strategies, you’re good to go.

Remember to take one goal at a time – things progress better that way.

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
